Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Toronto Man pissed mall is closed for G20 Summit

I know this is 4 videos in a row, but this is really funny. The kid that comes running into the scene at the 45 second mark is a comedian. And I love the interaction at the end between the guy and the cameraman. His mock laughter and shot at the cops is quality work.


  1. Spurs, if you're gonna keep posting videos can we at least get one that features MYQT's cameltoe?

  2. *MTQT*. Fuck, I can't even type sober.

  3. Jen, if you read this, i prefer the from behind cameltoe.

  4. What's up CBT? Yeah, sorry about the videos, but I thought this one was really good. And as far as *Miss Texas* making a video? That would be cool. You should try to get her to make one.

  5. hahahahaha! Doesn't anybody care? Is this just some spectacle?

  6. What's up DG? I like when the guy says, "You don't give a shit do you?", and the cameraman responds, "Not really."


  7. Spurs, CBT doesn't really care about this video we all know he only cares about the real Housewives porno video you posted. he is just trying to make us think he doesn't.

  8. True, great point. Even though he ripped on her, if that chewed up nut even talked to CBT he'd jizz in his Wranglers.

  9. he's ripped on every fat chick he has ever been with but he still goes back to the pig farm for more.

  10. Did you ever see that waitress he was banging?

  11. I don't think so, the last one of his girls I seen was the one that looked like she was from Ethiopia.

    Truckstop waitress I bet, was it bad ?

  12. http://www.spursfansays.com/2010/04/flo-makes-her-appearance.html

    She's not bad.

  13. Her name is not Flo. It's Mandi with an i. But it really isn't.

  14. if you look at his hand on her shoulder you can see how tight he is holding her so she cant run away. she must be one of his abductees

  15. And that dog really is cool looking DG.

  16. He's hooking up with that girl you said looks like she's from Ethiopia again tomorrow Giggity Giggity.

  17. <------She can be yours for $2500.

  18. No thanks. Maybe $250. Take that offer back to your brother.

  19. I'm confused, $2500 for DG or the dog or the Ethiopian ?

  20. Funny. DG's rate is $25. The $2500 that is $2250 too much is for the dog.

  21. You should have seen her tits. Let me see if I can find the pics, I'll show them to you.

  22. Ethopian rate is $50... pretty sure I already said this.

    I like this guy, he is passionate! I want to shop with him.

  23. What's up Skeets? Yeah, he really is gung ho about the mall.

  24. Hey Giggity, you stopped sucking cock in bus station restrooms yet?

  25. $2500 for a truckstop waitress with stockholm syndrome might be a good price. she is already broken in.

  26. I can't find those naked pics of CBT's black chick. He has like 6 e-mail addresses, I'm trying to find which one he used to send the pics.

  27. CBT you know I never sucked a cocked, the only reason I told you I would let you take over was so you wouldnt be embarrassed.

  28. Giggity I'm pretty sure you've sucked more cock than Cleopatra.

    Now someone's gonna be callin' all the bars in here looking for a waitress named Candi.

  29. 6 email accounts ? sound like a sexual predator to me.
    BTW I don't want to see no Ethiopian boob.

  30. Are those the pics before or after she got her tits fixed?

  31. She got her tits fixed before I ever met her. Those nude shots were after the baby and before tit repair.

  32. SPURS FAN said...
    "Candi? Interesting name."


    "her lips like suga... her candy's got CBT sprung... da-double-de-da-da-double-deeeeee-da"

  33. I have 3 email accounts besides my work one.

  34. You're right CBT, it's 4 total.

  35. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk2jeE1LOn8

    DJ time... sorry. I hate that this song is censored though.

  36. I can't pull that up on my phone for some reason Skeets. I saw some version on youtube, but it was push it to the limit.

  37. No, he didn't buy her the tit job. At least I don't think he did.

  38. glad you cleared that up, besides the only tit job a hillbilly can afford is with a bicycle pump and football needle.

  39. How's the refinery construction business, Gig? Still imaginary?

  40. Too many details cbt. That's how I know you are lying.

  41. I don't think he's lying about that black chick DG.

  42. DG, sometimes you're as fucking stupid as Giggity. I'll give details, I'll lie about names, but I'll give details.

  43. CBT you're nothing but a drunk !

  44. I wanna see who that teacher banged in the other video. And did they get an A in her class?

  45. You have to remember, I view most of y'all as harmless retards who have to live vicariously through me, Elfie and Drew.

  46. Well, if it isn't kinkyb!tch. How have you been? And yeah, how old were those students. If they were 15 or 16, she should get a pass.

  47. Ceebs has told us that before about fried egg tittays. Not all at once though, so does it still count as too many details? He has kept them straight, I'll give him that much.

  48. I live vicariously through kinkyb!tch CBT.

  49. WTF?? How did I become a retard?
    Did that sausage and gravy eatin mofo get my birthday wish? The comments were all effed up that day.

  50. "CBT you're nothing but a drunk !"

    Your point?

  51. Ceebs, you're nothing but a corn cob smokin' pothead!

  52. kbeezy, you do not have retard status.

  53. Sure CBT. A 51 yr old hillbilly from Arkansas can get all the chicks. How in the hell could I ever doubt you?

    You deleting comments once your stories get out of control, you changing names once you start getting caught up, you being engaged to some girl you never see, etc.

    You are right. How stupid could I be?

  54. I don't build refinery's I build production platforms and its kinda slow ATM .

  55. I'm good Sours, how are you? Did Astrid kill herself over the US losing the other day? Or is she okay? Well, I mean obviously she is not okay, she watches soccer, but I mean, is she as okay as she can be?

  56. However, since you are trapped by the Warden and have no life, they can't live vicariously through you. I expect you're fun on the rare times you get paroled.

  57. DG, all that shit is true, although I don't get all the chicks. I only get the ones I want.

  58. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9ZLQnPFqNc

  59. You probably went to the mall one day and creeped into Abercrombie and saw the inspiration of your fantasy. I don't doubt that.

  60. Sorry to hear that Gig. How far behind is your trailer payment? Career advice: Learn to build windmills. Do that and you can quit workin' part time at On The Run.

  61. DG I haven't been in a mall in 10 years, unless the Dillards store that anchors McCain mall counts.

  62. Tell me, how is it you meet these girls? It's not like you live in a town.

  63. Ceebs, you are indeed a good story teller. Thanks for confirming I am not in the retard category here.

  64. kinkyb!tch:

    I'm doing fine, thanks. Just been smoking weed for quite some time now. As a matter of fact, I just "ran to the store" so I could drive around the block and get baked.

  65. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxvol5HbkM8

  66. And Astrid is okay. She's not really an American, so she didn't take the loss all that hard. So was cheering for Al-Qaeda.

  67. the only thing imaginary CBT is that anyone would ever live vicariously through you or drew.

    A car salesman and a cell phone salesman WOW what an exciting life you must lead. no wonder you're a drunk!

  68. Hey Dufresne, Skeets is having trouble with FMB. She's discovered he's a prick.

  69. I met Erin at Chilis here. I met Rudy online. I met Flo by drinkin' where she works. Tiff was introduced to me by her friend. KJ was my secretary's babysitter. Chaz was sleeping with my secretary, and KJ. Holly was a friend of Tiff's. Alyssa was living in my house when I came off the road one trip, Chaz had moved her in. You know, normal shit.

  70. Giggity, I guarantee my life is more interesting than yours. Rivet something lately. Ooops I forgot it's slow.

  71. They have Chili's in AR? What do they serve, possum burgers?

  72. Hey Dufresne, Skeets is having trouble with FMB. She's discovered he's a prick.

    happened in about exactly the time frame i predicted

  73. CBT~ WHy did I get lumped in with Drew?!!!!!!!!

  74. "kb said...

    Ceebs, you are indeed a good story teller. Thanks for confirming I am not in the retard category here."

    kbeezy, you're my favorite here, flat ass, long toes and all.

  75. Drew put up a nice post about you Skeets. Someone sent it to him. That's not him addressing himself.

  76. Hey wait, yeah...I don't want to be lumped in w/Drew!
    I am a retard, disregard what CBT said above.

  77. "Elfie said...

    CBT~ WHy did I get lumped in with Drew?!!!!!!!!"

    Because we three are the only ones here with real lives, besides Wop maybe.

  78. You still visit his site, Spurs? You really are a gentleman.

  79. "kb said...

    They have Chili's in AR? What do they serve, possum burgers?"

    Same shit they serve in AZ, kb.

  80. I sent that post to Drew Elfie. Sorry.

  81. "Windmills hah what a joke, do you possibly think wind or even solar could ever put an end to Oil ? now thats fucking clueless !"

    Actually I don't think oil is replaceable, especially not by wind or solar. However, oil will eventually come to an end, not in any of our lifetimes, though.

  82. Windmills are the fad now and there's money to made off fads.

  83. CBT,

    Not everyone on here chooses to list every life experience we have had on here. And of course you are going to have more life experience than the rest of us because you are the only one hear that qualifies for a senior discount.

  84. you guarantee ? hahaha you only wish.
    how interesting is getting drunk and passing out in an Ozark porch swing ?
    Thanks but no thanks I will stick to enjoying Jazz fest, French Quarter fest, Mardi Gras.

    oh BTW CBT we have a fest just for you, its called Decadence fest !!

  85. That did seem like your writing DG. Butter Face is a fresh one.

  86. I'm kidding it wasn't me. Amanda sent it to him.

  87. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLjIlMzbshQ&feature=related

    for you Sours... you refer.

  88. Funny DG. That did seem like an Amanda submit. She stalks this site.

  89. Amanda or Pam Anderson sent it in, I always knew those bitches were jealous of me

  90. 40 oz & chronic dice? Thanks Skeets.

  91. Yeah kinkyb!tch, it's nice to see him around again.

  92. Sours, did you celebrate your early release from probation w/family or friends? I only ask cause I know someone that did a few weeks back. They just went to dinner though, lameasses. He should've robbed someone with a deadly weapon again just for old times sake, then went to dinner.

  93. No, I celebrated with some weed kinkyb!tch. And a pat on my own back for my brilliant letter to the judge.

  94. did you guys read that Pam has a new boyfriend again? I know it's been a few days (so months for Pucker), but did anyone else find it ironic that his name was John? 10 bucks says he is lying and has a bet out that she wouldn't catch the irony of it either.

  95. Spurs,

    When are you going to be a true bad ass and move up to more hardcore drugs like heroin?

  96. I saw that post with her asian boyfriend kinkyb!tch. She was on the other night talking about how things are great. How she's getting out of the porn biz. This was Saturday I think.

  97. hahaha!! That's funny kb.

  98. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD-IUyiEAA0&feature=related

    Horribly bad song that makes me laugh.

  99. I just caught that. That was funny kinkyb!tch.

  100. She says she is getting out of porn but didn't she say her video will be released in september?

  101. Spurs you are WEAK.

  102. That song doesn't pull up either Skeets.

  103. Because of the smack? Why don't you do it?

  104. What I don't understand is how someone can make her decide to stop doing porn? I mean if she couldn't do it herself or didn't want to before what changed? Seems to be new day but same story (again)... always the one to be manipulated in some way shape or form... sad.

  105. Because you are just smoking some elementary weed. Boring. You need to start shooting up.

    Then maybe you will finally come up with some real comedy.

  106. Pam's has a video that came out the first of June.

  107. Sours~ Try "macaframa by x-raided"

  108. what about this hot shit!


  109. Did you buy it cbt?

  110. Hey Elfie, if the dude can get Pam to stop stickin' stuff in her vag on webcam and blowin' old porn guys on DVD, let him manipulate away.

  111. DG, CBT only buys gay porn

  112. Skeets:

    Nope. I'll have to wait and listen to it at home.

  113. No DG, I didn't. I don't want to see her do that shit.

  114. That is fun spurs. You should try it.

  115. That too high Pam's with is goofy looking.

  116. It's only temporary CBT... that's my point, once this doesn't work out she will go back. It's like the addict who didn't want to get sober, they always relapse.

  117. "Giggity Giggity said...

    DG, CBT only buys gay porn"

    That's how I found out Gig was suckin' cock in truckstop restrooms to make ends meet.

  118. Well, it's cheaper than the $1000 you offered so you could fuck her.

  119. Thanks DG, I'll stick with the weed.

  120. Elfie, I know you're right.

  121. I dont want to see pam do porn either, but just because she is butt ass ugly

  122. How do you know what Gig looks like cbt? But it's interesting to know you like watching guys give bj's to each other at truckstops.

  123. Well $1000 for real sex or $20 for a video and your hand... the $20 is the better choice, no chance of catching the aids.

    One time Nik made a comment about porn stars being the cleanest people cause they get tested a lot... WRONG! They get tested every 3 months (imagine how many people they could potentially sleep with in 3 months) and not for hep or herp. I evensaw a porn once where the girl obviously had herpes (ok it was a commercial for a sexline prior to the actual porn but still)... gross.

  124. cbt I hate to break it to you I am not in any of your guys gone wild dvds. sorry man

  125. I've got nothing Sours... that's a cruel joke to play, reminding me of how lame my life is that only JCPenny sends me emails :(

  126. The gay porn comment was like Astrid's about having a finger in her ass to the second knuckle, idiots.

  127. Giggity you're just as ineffectual here as you are in real life.

  128. 4:20 comment CBT. You should hit the corn cob pipe.

  129. winner, winner, refer twinnnner!

  130. do i get to hit the corn cob pipe if I get the comment at 6:20?

  131. No DG, it's only 4:20. Or 4/20.

  132. And check your e-mail again Skeets.

  133. Pam quitting porn... it's just a phase.. she'll grow out of it

    and I am not a retard CBT

  134. it's been about 4 weeks since getting my ass kicked by that dog, and it's the first day that I haven't taken pain killers for pulled muscles.. yayyy

    did you miss me spurs?

  135. that is gross elfie.. how bad were that chick's herpes?

    is it possible she didn't know they were there

  136. I did. I was wondering where you were at Astrid.

  137. spurs.. I am an idiot

    I just typed in herpes and did a photo search because I wanted to see how bad it can be... and OMG! I am so messed up now.

    You totally have to do it, so I can relate to somebody else..

  138. You're right. Herpes isn't attractive.

  139. did you look?

    shit.. how do people have herpes on their face?? I am really scared now. I think I have the oral ones because I get cold sores sometimes.. but my mouth has never looked as bad as some of those

  140. No, I've seen pics before. Gross.

  141. I know how genital and oral herpes spread.. but skin herpes? OMG...

  142. if you look at the photo search.. you'll know what I mean

  143. I'm not in the mood to look Astrid, I'll be honest. Those pics don't exactly brighten your day.

  144. I guess I should start studying.. I am writing a story for class and I have an accounting exam in two days

  145. What kind of story are you writing?

  146. 2 guys on a boat, lost in a bad storm, and only one life jacket

  147. it's a short story

  148. my workshop story has a cat lady in it..

  149. Skin herpes (herpes gladiator or some shit like that) is spread by skin-to-skin contact and a lot of wrestlers get it from one another.

  150. I will never date a wrestler now...

  151. so how bad were that porno chick's herpes skeets...

    was it obvious like pepperonis on her cooch?

  152. I have noticed that elfie can usually spot something obscure out in a picture.. and KB does it too

  153. There was a fighter on some reality fighting contest that got it on his forehead and had to be sent home.

    " I knew a guy that bought a used car once! Ten years later...BAM! HERPES!!!

    -Peter Griffin-

  154. There were open sores on her vajay-jay lips...

    looked like this but not on her mouth.


  155. That's hot. And you know I posted that Gosselin photo right?

  156. ....CBT at least I have a real life.
    I haven't been on here in a year and to tell the truth I am not shocked that you are still here posting lies about how great you think you are. you're life is as sad as RQ's and RR's
