Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Montana Fishburne Porn Star

That's right, this is Lawrence Fishburne's daughter. She figured her best chance to make it in Hollywood would be to star in a porn tape (seriously). So here's some pics, when the video comes out, I'll post that. Hopefully it won't make you vomit after a minute of watching it like that Housewives skank's video did.


  1. Here's her quote:

    “I view making this movie as an important first step in my career,” said Montana. “I’ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape by Vivid. I’m hoping the same magic will work for me. I’m impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities and this seemed like a great way to get started on it.”

  2. She's not a bad looking girl. Hair's kinda nappy.

  3. Yep. She kind of looks like Lawrence too.

  4. The fact that he's well known makes it worse. It would be bad enough to find out your daughter is doing porn, but now he's going to have a ton of people asking about it.

  5. She's butt ass ugly, and what a retard thinking this is the way to go about fame. Yeah right, because Jenna Jameson stars right along side of Angelina Jolie in hollywood blockbusters. Idiot.

    The reason "Kim" gained exposure is because A) She was already known PRIOR to the video release, which is why it became so popular B) She (at least acted like) did not want it to come out, again, reasons for it to become more popular, C) Kims was a homemade sex tape of her with her then boyfriend, not a porno, and D) Kim is actually hot, albeit annoying as fuck and a shark

    FAIL!!! you dumb bitch. Good luck in life now, whore

  6. Well written Oz, I agree completely. It's just too bad Kourtney didn't release a sex tape. Now if Khloe does and someone were brave enough to watch it they might go blind.

  7. Kourtney's hot and I bet she's never farted on video.

  8. you two mother fuckers dont talk about my kourtney

  9. I'd beat the shit outta you frogger, even ask cbt

  10. Spurs:


  11. Are we going to go through this again chubs?

  12. shut your mouth frogger

  13. I didn't talk when I wrote that Butterbean.

  14. Spurs, I think Butterbean could take you if he could actually catch you. I'm betting ol' Wop ain't exactly a long distance runner.

  15. I guarantee he's slow. He might be able to get off one punch and if he does he better make sure it connects and connects hard enough to knock me out, because if he doesn't he'll be lying in a pool of his own blood and piss about 14 seconds after that.

  16. Spurs, I don't see you as much of a fighter. Maybe your momma put you in some kinda martial arts classes when you were 12 or so so you could whip up on them bigger kids that called you nerd.

  17. I was considering getting a concealed carry permit, but hell, I've concealed carried without one for 25 years, why go legal now?

  18. You don't really need one around Mountain Home anyway. It doesn't seem like there's a lot of crime going on in that area.

  19. All our jocks were also in FFA, Spurs. And no, there's no crime here beyond the occasional burglary or meth lab. Arkansas and Missouri have a reciprocal carry permit agreement and I've been going to the STL a lot. I carry anyway, but it might be handy to actually do something legal for a change.

  20. You should consider getting the permit then.

  21. Oh and here, if you weren't in FFA, you were a nerd, although we called them doofies since "nerd" and "geek" hadn't been invented yet.

  22. Yeah, that wasn't really the case where I went to school.

  23. Last month I went to Rolla twice and STL three times.

    Spurs, I've got an email draft I need to finish and send to you. It's tips on cooking for one.

  24. Thank you to everyone who voted for me again today! and yes KB whether I win or not we can make out on my couch.

  25. No problem Elfie. I voted here, when I get home I'll vote again. And that was a nice offer to kinkyb!tch.

  26. I think the Hells Angels will get him first. He was talking shit about them on the post below.

  27. Oh and Sours... thanks for the votes and the reminder to everyone else to vote. I appreciate it.

  28. This chick totally looks like her dad BTW and it creeps me out.

  29. No problem Elfie. I'll do a reminder every day.

  30. I don't even know who her dad is

  31. yes.. I just looked him up on IMBD... he was in a lot of movies, but I guess I never paid attention to him

  32. Yeah, he's been in a lot of movies.

  33. Fuck the Matrix, thats Furious from Boyz n da Hood.

    Anyway, spurs I am not as slow as you would like to think. (of course i am no where near as fat as you make me out to be either) and I would knock your buck25 frame out one punch

    CBT - you are correct in your statement about me being a long distance runner. I was, however, in track and cross country in school, a long long time ago. As Elfie, she was probably checking me out in my little shorts from the bleachers

  34. I get paid to think, therefore in my recreation I just speak tha truth

  35. Shoot I was probably lapping your ass Wop... I too was in track and field in school.

  36. You're a bad man Oz. Intimidating.

  37. You could lap him in a wheelchair Skeets as out of shape as he looks.

  38. I was A team Elfie, we didnt pay much attention to you youngins. LOL

    Plus you werent lapping me, me, BJ Moore, Leon Johnson and Ruben Rojo had the 4 x 400 relay record for Tucson for a while, might even still

  39. yes thats me spurs, thank you. What was it you played again? badminton?

  40. Basketball moron. I'm surprised they didn't put you at shot put. That's usually where they park the fat kids.

  41. I was a grade or 2 below you and a girl so we wouldn't have even been in competition. But I was bad ass man... and I also held a record in the 200 meter dash and the 500 meter (in 5th grade WAHAHA) I dont know a single one of those guys you named Wop.

  42. He may as well named Roger Rabbit Skeets. He made up all those names.

  43. wasnt fat.

    Anyway, I guarantee I was better at BBall then you too. what you do play a year of varsity?

  44. That clown would have never been passed a baton Skeets. He was too busy at the concession stands.

  45. Stuffing every snack down his fat face.

  46. well elfie, we were the shit! LOL

    What year you graduate from Jr. High Elfie? 96?

  47. She might have graduated high school in '96.

  48. 2 years? nice. I was varsity sophomore year, and played one in Juco. Yet again something i am way better than you at.

  49. Okay Oz. I was offered a free agent contract to play for Showtime when I was 9.

  50. But I can attest to the fact that Wop wasn't fat as a kid. I have no idea about his sports ability, agility or speed.

  51. I graduated in 99 at the age of 17. I am YOUNGER than you, not older... same age as your sis duh.

  52. oh Jr high? ummm I guess that would be 96 or 95 I dont know? I was a grade above your sister I think.

  53. Oh okay, then you were one year below me. I KNOW you were younger! hahhaaa

    Spurs: I am so awesome i don;t need to lie, I am not CBT

  54. You're the best Oz. I don't know what I was thinking.

  55. Suckas, not one of you made varsity freshman year like me.

  56. Does Ruben have a brother named Amos?

  57. Yeah, let's figure out what Oz's name is.

  58. In soccer. I'm just fucking with you guys, we only had a varsity team in that sport anyway.
    I know his first name, Elfie told us it on accident, remember?
    I knew a guy named Ruben a long time ago from Tucson, he had a brother named Amos, too. And you know there must only be one Ruben in Tucson, so it has to be him.

  59. Remember when Danny joins the track team on Grease to impress Sandy? And he runs all funny and is in those short shorts with socks up to his knees? That is what I am picturing with Wop and his runner stories.

  60. I picture a bunch of EMT's gathering him up off the track after he collapsed in a heap. After running 10 meters.

  61. "SPURS FAN said...

    I picture a bunch of EMT's gathering him up off the track after he collapsed in a heap. After running 10 meters. "

    that was actually really funny. Would have been even better if i was fat

  62. It might've been hot that day, leave him alone, Spurs! It gets to freakin 122 here, that'll knock anyone out after 10 meters.

  63. It could be 80 degrees and he could have an oxygen tank strapped to the fat on his back and he'd still pass out after a few steps.

  64. SPURS FAN said...


    yeah if. I know that you have some warped sense of weight (like a woman) being as how you resemble a methed out weasel, but yeah I am not fat at all. 6'1" - 200 pretty standard for a real man.

  65. Stop ignoring my question, Marathon man.

  66. You just look flabby that's all. I'd say about 40 pounds of you is just pure fat. I never said you weighted a ton, I basically was saying that you look out of shape and useless.

  67. I like how this chick idolizes JJ when she has a successful actor as a Dad.

  68. I accidnently said his name before? I don't remember that. OOPPPPPS! I do know that everytime I mention his sister I ALMOST say her name haha

  69. my dad was an Olympic runner...

  70. I don't remember that either Skeets.

  71. Hola Spurs, que pasa? (I am working on my new native language. We were told to learn Spanish or get out. Federally-sponsored Reconquista and all.)

    I check in on your posts once and a while and noticed KB's sex tape (bad) and Elfie's sexy dress (good), and her shitty couch. (bad) so a mixed bag...but worth stepping in.

    I know its off topic, but Damn, Elfie, its outfits like your dress that make me want to start taking women shopping again as a spectator sport. You look good all classed up- better than the bikini pic icon. Do you go to the kind of places where you can wear that? I love women who wear cocktail dresses.

    Kidding about the Sex tape kb- I knew its not you. You don't have that good of a tan. She might have a better rack- can't make a call on that- no reference point(s). you might want to make that settled science for me. Email me proof and I promise to delete 10 minutes after I get it. heh heh

  72. What's up Not That Anonymous? Como estas? Long time no see man, hope everything is going good for you. I'm glad you still check the site out sometimes.

  73. I hope that you voted for her NTA.

  74. yes spurs.. my dad trained, but he didn't qualify for the Olympic team but he trained like an Olympian

  75. He did the track with jumps.. I don't know what it's called

  76. Still going, spurs. I was going to vote for her, but #14's demon eyes sucked my soul in. No, i did vote for her, of course. She needs a better couch to match her pillows.

  77. No, I haven't even looked at it in months. I just have too much to do not enough time to do it. I had to refocus my energies toward work. I let myself get distracted from time to time. How's San Antone?

  78. haha thanks NTA and I used to go to places that required clothes like that but not so much anymore. I wont be on for a few days guys... my computer at home all of a sudden took a crap and I am off of work tomorrow. See everyone later!

  79. San Antonio is good NTA. How's Phoenix? And have you made it back out to Vegas lately?

  80. Let's hope fmb didn't take them..

  81. FMB did take those, it was his idea for me to enter. haha

  82. We are not back together though

  83. Phoenix is getting weird. The economy stinks still, and this immigration thing isn't helping. Its starting to get...uncomfortable. This is really more of a front line than people realize. This immigration fight could ruin the economy for a long time.

  84. Spurs, I saw your post about the guys who were on the dirty LLC ownership....that is so weird. Hard to believe the connection there, but it seems like there were cross connections that are hard to dispute. If that is true that is a real story.

  85. What do you think of that immigration bill NTA?

  86. And as far as Dirty World? I'm not sure if that was 100% true, but there's some type of connection there.

  87. Hey astrid, how are ya?

  88. I'm in my drunk driving hater mood

  89. Last winter my daughter got hit head on by a drunk. The trial was today. Fucker jumped bail, got caught in Tn I think. Has a long rap sheet and he only got 180 days in a plea bargin.

  90. He blew a .287, 3 1/2 times the limit. Could have killed my daughter and grandbaby. He should be put away for a few years insted of the 45 days he'll actually do.

  91. Damn, that's terrible. Did the loser have insurance?

  92. That's not even enough time to detox.

  93. Its not the way it should have been done, Spurs. I am not an immigrant sympathizer, but I see this coming down on the backs of legal hispanics disproportionately, which they will try to fix by checking everyone. Then they can say they are not profiling. I am not of a fan of being forced to show you are a citizen just walking down to get a coffee and jaywalking. We shouldn't have to give up another right to the state. Its one more golden bar in the gilded cage how they say they are "protecting you" while they are essentially capturing you.

  94. Yea, it was some high risk company. But they paid for her car. I think she is going to sue for some medical.

  95. What did you think of those stories of all the people leaving the state NTA?

  96. She should sue DH. For everything she can get.

  97. the guy was like 45, with his mom who was drunk too. It was a glancing head on, they tore each others wheels off. A few more inches it would have been lots worse.

  98. He's probably been drunk driving for awhile now.

  99. Franklin I think said something like he who gives up freedoms for security is neither

  100. But, I have no problem turning over my ID to a cop if it helps prevent illegals. Did you hear about the nun killed the other day by a drunk illegal?

  101. its not good for the economy in the short run. whether it is in th long run, i dont know. Supposed to save us money, but economies grow by more population. If good economies were built by self-sufficient people who pay their bills and dont abuse federal aid, Sodak would have a great economy, but its not the case. Economies are built on cheap labor who don't ask for much except a chance.

  102. True NTA but we have a 10% unemployment rate. Show me cheap labor that has ever solved that.

  103. I read that story about the nun DH.

  104. It doesn't solve it, but it allows for accumulation of capital by underpaying labor, which eventually causes re-investment into new technology instead of over-paying people. That is what good companies do with excess funds. Our nation was built by cheap labor for the last 200 years, with waves of immigrants who will do more for less money, making business more profitable. China is growing like it is because labor there can live on bean sprouts and cakes of coal. Exploitation of labor is the surest form of profitability. Business isn't interested in hiring people now- they could, they are sitting on record cash. They are afraid of the government.

  105. We had two teens killed last yr by a DUI illegal, they were just sitting at a red light. He ramed em from behind. We've had cops killed by illegals. Illegals killing each other all the damn time. We don't even have half of what az or tx has and they are always in the news.

  106. In theroy it sounds good NTA but you are talking about farmworkers and laborers. While that does save money, they are not factory workers where there is a need for R&D to invent a better widget. The money the construction is saving goes into someones pocket. I've read illegals cost us in the neighborhood of 13 billion a yr in services like ERs and welfare. I bet it's more.

  107. I don't excuse their being here, but in Arizona there are a lot of jobs that you will not find a native to do. There has to be organized flow of labor, but the Feds are unwilling to do what is necessary to regulate this problem. Illegal crimes are a massive problem here. I don't like the illegal immigration, but the bill causes more problems. And having been down to the border several times this year, and been subjected to vehicle searches simply for driving down the road, I would be deeply sympathetic toward people who might be construed as illegal, but not, who would feel that way every time they see a cop in phoenix. I only had to deal with it cuz I was within 25 miles of border. I wouldn't wish it on law-abiding citizens in phoenix. Having been 3rd degreed 4 times, I started to resent those officers, even though they were just doing their job.

  108. They don't even fucking know how many illegals there are - pretty much any statistic drummed up from unknown or estimated variables is false.

  109. i see your point but something must be done, I think the AZ was a wake up call to many even if the administration doesn't get it.

  110. I saw where I think it was Virginia or West Virginia's Attorney General wants to round up illegals as well.

  111. My computer miraculously works!

  112. Hey, you got it working. That's good.

  113. I'm loving wonder boy Arpaio throughout all of this. Latest immigration sweep of 60-something arrests leads to a whopping 6 illegals. It didn't even take the awesome provisions in 1070 for this particular waste of time and money.

  114. I unpluged the stupid magic jack my mom gave me and tried to turn it on again and it worked.

  115. I'm sure he held a press conference after it too EV.

  116. You should be a computer technician Skeets.

  117. I used to work for AOL, in Tech Support... and I don't know ish about computers. True story

  118. Did you get paid well while working there?

  119. YEah i worked in both retention and tech support, either way you make sales and keep customers from canceling and each time you do that you get an incentive. My incentive checks at the end of the month were sometime more than 2x my entire regular monthly income.

  120. I hope they succeed in taking out Arpaio.

  121. Sounds like a good deal Streets.

  122. I don't think they'll take that guy out EV.

  123. Hudat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:12 PM

    If you want new furniture, show your tits. Until then, just suck the system dry. You are a section 8 queen for your kids to emulate. And your pussy is probably as worn out, stretched out as that nasty ass couch of yours.

  124. Hudat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:14 PM

    anyway, I know everyone has been wondering where I've been. I've been writing a new rap song. I've been so engrossed in it, today when i was at paradise bakery, the woman ahead of me told the chick at counter "i really like your new wraps" - I said thanks cuz I was doing my lyrics out loud...thought she was talking to me.

  125. Hudat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:15 PM

    i need to get a grill for my teeth, then I'll be making my video. You want a sample line, spurs?

  126. That's funny. Good luck on your rap song. I hope you make a video for it.

  127. Hudat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:15 PM

    ok, so check it out:

    Get outta my way cuz I'm mean and reckless, all you bling bling fools, I got a POPCORN Necklace!

  128. Nice, so you are going to make a video. I'd love a sample line.

  129. Hudat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:17 PM

    yeah, It used to say something else, but I wanted to appeal to the Disney audience.

  130. Hudat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:18 PM

    anyway, I'll be known as the rapper HNH. Please don't tell anyone my real identity, I'm famous enough.

    bai bai

  131. Later on. Good luck with your career. I'll buy your first single on Itunes.

  132. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:19 PM

    oh what the hell, here's some more lyrics. A little preview:

    When we done wit dinner
    We drive real fast we don't slow down
    They see our Chrome Spinners
    We're blowing up the town
    My bitch likes chrome!

  133. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:20 PM

    ok that's spurs. I knew I could count on your support. c- ya

    oh, btw, you're looking kinda fat?

  134. Hudat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:23 PM

    yes, join Jenny Craig...it's only $2.00 a pound. And if you gain weight, they give you $2.00.

  135. the first girl in photo 1 in gallery 1.. her couch looks the same as Elfie's

  136. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:25 PM

    Hudat Noodle House is in da House!

    Yo Yo Yo I gots to go.

  137. I like how you bounced with a rhyme.

  138. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 3, 2010 at 9:26 PM

    OH MY GOD ASTRID, YOU'RE RIGHT. People who have way toO much time on their hands have very keen perception. lOSER.

  139. It is the same as my couch Astrid... I noticed that too.

  140. For some reason that link to the contest is going to the homepage or something for me.
