Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Snooki's Mugshot

Here's this piece of trash. I actually caught the last 25 minutes of Jersey Shore the other night, that's just a dump of a collection of human beings.

Vote for Elfie. Number 16, 1st gallery.


  1. WOW, im speechless. I think shes such an ugly tramp. Sorry I havent been around lately, just busy with work and stuff...
    Enjoyed your video, and the post of Elfie looking hot on her couch! Hope she wins!!

  2. Hey TX, how are you? I was wondering where you've been. Glad you actually enjoyed the video, and vote for Elfie. For some reason that link isn't working right now, but I'll post the link again as soon as it's good.

  3. I can find 8 million douche bags that are worse from that wetback state of TX. We can start with Jerry Jones...........

  4. Seriously, New Jersey is known as a joke.

  5. 70 yr old Jerry drunk Jones in Manhattan at 2am this past weekend.

  6. Oh yeah? I didn't hear about that.

  7. Posted story @ http://www.pamelapucker.com

  8. Just re-inforcing your statement about NJ being the joke of the US.

  9. It is a joke. Taxed to hell for what?

  10. I like their new Gov though, he's got balls.

  11. I really don't know a lot about him.

  12. He's standing up to all the tax loving libs they have up there

  13. Drew probably has a poster of him up in his room then.

  14. I work down town in the county seat and Gov. Christie came through last year on his campaign bus. I actually got to shake his hand. At the time he was down double digits to that tax and spend liberal Corzine

  15. The only person in politics I've ever met (and we actually talked for about 5 or 6 minutes) was the former mayor of San Antonio Henry Cisneros. He then become head of H.U.D. under Clinton and got involved in a scandal. I met him after the scandal days. He was a real nice guy.

  16. Cool Spurs. Thanks god I just got a quick hand shake and there were no photos taken. He would of lost fo sur!

  17. You think he would have lost if he was in a pic with you? Actually that probably wouldn't look good for him being seen with a sexual deviant.

  18. I guess that joke flew over your head kiddddddd.. My guess is that you met Henry at Bonham Exchange.

  19. Funny, but no. And yeah, I guess the joke was so good it flew over my head.

  20. Spurs, I was looking to bash you by Google mapping gay bars in San Antonio and then street viewing. Every place is a major dump! Are you sure Texas isn't still a part of Mexico or maybe it's just that arm pit of the state you live in? Dallas and Houston is a city, I at least know that. Seriously, your streets look like Juarez, Mexico

  21. Parts of San Antonio are a dump, yes.

  22. How pathetic do you have to be to grovel half nude online for furniture?

  23. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:22 AM

    seriously, let us contemplate that for a while. What kind of example is that setting for her children? Or does she perhaps not even need the furniture, the holes are photoshopped in, and she just wants the attention of men to give her pathetic section 8 life some meaning?

  24. So did you just get out of the studio? You are spitting fire.

  25. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:24 AM

    Oh, daughter of mine: in order to get furniture, strip half nude, wear cheap dress bought off (clearance) rack, post pic online for all men to see, making sure that you look hot enough so they masturbate all over their screens. But, hey, at least we got our furniture. A girl has to do what a girl has to do.

  26. Did you check out the other contestants? Check out Gallery 2.

  27. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:24 AM

    No, I'm about to go in, Spurs. Just getting warmed up.

  28. So this is kind of like a "fluffer" for you.

  29. He was probably so excited he tried to vote from a CB.

  30. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:26 AM

    I like your terminolgy.

  31. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:27 AM

    that's funny! And true, I'm certain.

    Hoodat needs to roll

  32. I just hope I'll get an invite when you are nominated for a grammy.

  33. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:27 AM

    Nite Spurs. I'll keep you abreast of progress.

  34. I really like the name you chose.

  35. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:28 AM

    I'll give you a shout-out, man! Hoodat don't forget her roots.

  36. Good night. It would be great if you made a video sometime.

  37. Hoodat Noodle HouseAugust 4, 2010 at 12:28 AM

    yeah, it's pretty awesome.

  38. Pic up on the site. FYI, I voted a few times for broke down streets. Whats up with these people in the lower 48?

  39. That was nice of you to vote for her. I'll go check.

  40. I have 10 minutes to here your opinion of her pic?

  41. I'll assume you deflected that attention from Street's pic. After I asked, I felt like I should not comment even though she has bashed the shit out of me.

  42. Hard Knocks is starting soon man.

  43. You think she will win? I never could understand why people would let there homes be taken over my an animal? I love pets but as soon as they take over cause of the fact that they are mutts with bad habits or not trained properly, they are gone........

  44. I agree. That would suck to find your furniture all torn up. As far as her winning? I hope she does. I'll be voting twice a day.

  45. Hard Knocks, yeah should be pretty good with Rex Ryan and company. The Cowboy's hard knocks was one of the better seasons

  46. It was. But you're right, Rex should make the show.

  47. 2am Spurs. I get up at 10am. Catch you tomorrow. -Big Drew

  48. I know you like the -Big Drew at the end.

  49. Is that Elfie in that pic on the sofa Spurs?

  50. Damn, she is smokin. Didn't realize she was that attractive. Tell her to look me up if she ever makes it down this way!

  51. And vote for her man. It would be cool if she won.

  52. I just looked. In 2000, the population was 34,000.
