Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lindsay has a sense of humor

So Lindsay sends this to me (Yes I still talk to her. What can I say? I want to "make love to her"-i.e. bang her, but I'm just being romantic and all) after I tell her that in one of my classes I'm doing some project with this girl and she tells me that I might need this with the attached words, "I thought you might be able to appreciate this."

I really don't know what that's supposed to mean, I know I have a small cock, I think she might be mocking me.


  1. I am not in rehab - yet.

    As for the parents who have killed their children - I bet if those parents have more kids, those kids are going to be the best behaved litte fuckers in the world. Having witnessed first hand how some of these little pukes act, I say school paddlings need to make a comeback. We need to be much tougher on these kids to crank out some fucking productive adults who don't exhibit that fucked up attitude of entitlement, boredom, indifference - that shit just burns me up. If a kid doesn't pick up his toys after I tell them to, I should be able to fling my shoe at his head. Can't get respect through nice words and time fucking outs.

  2. I have a horrendous UTI, it came back and I am cranky as hell.

  3. and she comes back in the room and says "your urine came back clear"

    and I said, "my urine, that was fucking mountain dew you oaf quack. I want my antibiotics"
    so she called the doctor and then they told me not to come back.
    I mean it's not like I waved a fucking gun or anything. I was cool about it.

    Now i need to find another doc tomorrow.

  4. I wasn't done moving your comments here Giraffe.

  5. I have decided to reach out to Drew and get to the bottom of why he eats so much. WE've been doing some heart-to-heart counseling sessions.

  6. That's nice of you Giraffe. Hey, sorry about your luck with the whole peeing in a cup deal.

  7. He's supposed to be on a diet though, perhaps Slinky has lost some weight.

  8. And yes, it is high tech smartass. I just saw your commment. So how's the dating scene going for you?

  9. No, he has not, Spurs. He has gained weight. He is now doing some cognitive therapy each time he reaches for the refrigerator door. It's only his second day.

  10. I think he's running some new scam. Seriously. I think he might have changed up his game.

  11. That's gross Giraffe. And funny you shared that. I hope you don't talk to that goof anymore.

  12. oh dear my comments are not posting.

    anyway, so i told him flat out "I smell shit"

  13. no, wait, i think what i said was "why am i smelling shit?" or something to that effect.

  14. so, now get this, instead of apologizing for having an unhygienic monkeybutt, he gets mad at me.

  15. and I say "look, i am a psychologist. I know your mock anger at me is just to cover up your embarrassment at having sloppy personal habits." Just start using wetnaps and we can get back on track.

  16. and he says to me "you're too much, you know that? you're too much."

    hands me my shoes, but I have to walk barefoot to my car, grasping my shoes, so I won't wake up his children as i stomp across the floor."

  17. You meet some real characters Giraffe.

  18. and i think to myself, this is a man who had no problem contaminating me with feces, and i am being considerate of his sleeping children? oh hell fuck no.

  19. yeah, i know...revenge is coming this weekend if i am feeling better.

    well i had better walk my dogs and make my way to my bed, Spurs.

  20. i hope everyone will say a prayer for me that tomorrow finds me in the hands of a competent doctor.

  21. Well, later on Giraffe. See you are still going to bed early. You still volunteering at the animal shelter?

  22. I'm sure there will be candlelight vigils going on all night long.

  23. It's been awhile since you've made a video Giraffe.

  24. that gives me strength, spurs, thanks.

    and I so still volunteer at the shelter. I'm such a good person and cannot fathom why bad shit always happens to me. But God doesn't give anyone more than they can bear, so I will just trooper on like the saint that i am.

    nite spursy.

  25. "But God doesn't give anyone more than they can bear, so I will just trooper on like the saint that i am."

    Well said Giraffe. And good night, sweet dreams.

  26. drink cranberry juice. its supposed to help uti's.

  27. lindsay sent you this? as in lindsay lohan? she has nice tits.

  28. I think it's some women he dated, took his cheery not long ago

  29. That's um...pretty damn disgusting.

  30. I hope it falls out at the animal shelter and some puupy snatches it and runs away and buries it.

  31. You referring to Giraffe's stories? What's wrong with Urinary Infections and smelling shit?

  32. Just a normal day for her

  33. Cranberry juice doesn't get rid of uti's but does help prevent them.

    As for the post, I didn't get it. I mean, I get it but it just isn't that funny. But I guess this is funny for a non-personality type of person.

  34. Interesting read on RQ's bacteria infested vagina, though. My suggestion would be to start wiping from front to back. It's too bad her parents never trained her right before they disowned her.

  35. I suspect rqs parents left her to be raised by a pack of wolves. It is a full moon and she shows up. Coincidence?

  36. I guess some people take the term 'dirty sex' literally.

  37. That's a good question. Maybe they had sex first with the shit dick and then she sucked the shit off? I hope he at least provided her with some listerine.

  38. oh man. what the hell? and wouldnt you be able to smell it beforehand? like, wouldnt the swamp ass scent just kind of punch you in the face?

  39. RQ is a disgusting, geriatric-loving, fuck ass! haha stupid bitch is pissing razor blades! Dirty whore should be careful next time she goes ass to mouth! Get the fuck out of here with your mingin' ass UTI sob story bitch. Fuck you're nasty!

  40. what a shame they killed that gunman before he got to your house, QB. He would have lined up your whole family, told all of you that if you told him a joke and made him laugh, he would spare your lives. And one by one, he'd shoot you all. But he would shoot you twice, QB: once for being unfunny, and twice for having adult onset acne. Fucking haven't been able to eat a pizza since spurs posted your fucking kissy face photos, which you apparently thought were sexy, which is why you sent them in.

    what is wrong with you people picking on someone while they are ill. Honestly I came here for some compassion and this is what I get? fuck ya'll.

  41. by the way, QB...I am an aethist. And if your all-mighty god is so powerful, seems he could have changed me instead of "giving up." or maybe god has a really sick sense of humor and I keep him entertained. Fucking people like you filling the church pews...dumb idiotic people like you...that's right...you allow yourselves to be taken advantage of televangelists because your so impressionable and stupid. And ugly!!

  42. yes, people like me could never fill church pews. I am a free-thinker. You cannot brainwash people of exceptional intelligence, and certainly not an intelligent person that has supermodel looks.

  43. well i am sick and must rest. toodles

  44. Is that really Rocket Queen?

  45. yeah. i pretty much need proof that god really does exist.

  46. rq, I will call you in a prescription for your uti if you want me to. If the pharmacist asks or suspects anything I dont know you though.
    I blame the heat in regards to swamp ass. It has been a bit hotter here lately. Maybe he just farted and it melted? Idk.

  47. teen mom is about to start so I gotta run. seriously though, if you want me to call you in something I will, just email me and I will need some info from you. dont ask me to call in your perc's though, i could go to jail for that shit.
    kb, patron saint to her sick e-friends, over and out.

  48. Just rubbed one out to Christine O'Donnell.......

  49. I think he meant Rosie O'Donnell.

  50. how much would it take for you to eat rosies panties after shes worn them for 10 of the hottest days of the summer without being washed?

  51. Just one bullet. To put in my head.

  52. Disgusting. Do you think her panties are floral?

  53. no, they have chilidogs on them

  54. or maybe chili dogs in them.

  55. what if she wore thongs?

  56. She probably wears boxers and tries to somehow piss through the slit in the front of them.

  57. I think I will take a picture of some granny floral panties tomorrow and send it to spurs. He will think I'm funny.

  58. RQ is so fucking disgusting, talking about her smelly ass vagina, thinking it'd probably turn Spurs on, which is why the bitch brought it up. Attention whore, go cry to Spurs in private, nobody else on here gives a fuck, and I hope that dirty old man you blew gave you the herp bitch! Die already, you're WAY past your expiration.

  59. "I think I will take a picture of some granny floral panties tomorrow and send it to spurs. He will think I'm funny."

    Good one smartass.

  60. Damn Queen Bee, you seem a little upset at RQ.

  61. """"rq said...

    I have a horrendous UTI, it came back and I am cranky as hell.
    September 21, 2010 9:36 PM
    SPURS FAN said...

    What's a UTI?"""


  62. RQ take some AZO cranberry pills for your nasty ass pussy. Quit wiping your ass back to front.

  63. She probably combined her ambien with seroquel and passed out already....
