Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gavin Rossdale (Mr. Gwen Stefani) used to be a cocksucker.

gavin rossdale tells details magazine that he used to suck some crossdressers dick when he (gavin) was 17.

"Details: Last year, the cross-dressing pop singer Marilyn revealed that he was romantically involved with you in your teens—an assertion Boy George first made in 1995. Why haven’t you talked about those claims?
Gavin Rossdale: I think at the outset there was a sort of fear—that was right at the beginning of Bush, and I didn’t want it to be part of it. It felt like a cheap shot, so I was like, “I’m not getting involved.” I’ve never wanted to appear closed about it. It’s not something I’ve talked about really because it’s always been in the glare of a tabloid world. It’s just one of those things: Move on. When you’re 17, Jesus Christ. I don’t think there’s anything strange about any form of—you’re learning about life. It’s a part of growing up. That’s it. No more, no less.
Details: So it was just a one-time experimentation?

Gavin Rossdale: Yeah. That was it. You have to know what you like, and I know what I like."

to get that mental image out of your mind i have included a video of his daughter, daisy lowe dancing around in underwear.


  1. Maybe I'll have a shot at Gwen now.

  2. Funny, he deleted a couple of mine too. Cool you guys went over there though.

  3. Spursticals 1 - Pedos - 0

  4. no, if you guys dont goona watch this video....with my pants down.

  5. Change your name. That's what I did.

  6. hes prolly going by ips.

  7. learn to tor. works everytime.

  8. i think ive already came 3 times watching this video. shes so fucking hot.

  9. i just switched to an old email and changed my name.

  10. I can't watch the video now, bit I will when I get home.

  11. blah blah blah, I see the same boring shit keeps on moving....DG, tell me something interesting.....

  12. Yeah DG, try being original. (this coming from a guy who rips off pictures)

  13. Did you get invited to the dirty army Drew?

  14. I could post your ssn Drew. Would that be interesting?

  15. Or we could all listen to drew talk about cocks, cause that would be original and interesting

  16. I thought he saved all his dick talk for here. I find it interesting he even puts it on the situation's fb.

  17. What the hell is going on in here? I come back to wars with other website over content and a new dirtyarmy networking website? This world is truly going to shit.

  18. what is this about deleted comments over on the DA?

  19. dg, check your da mail.

  20. Still working your J-O-B? Wanna make real money?
    Just give me a call! 732-279-6597.

  21. No, the comments deleted are referring to the post below Giraffe. At this site called drunken

  22. that comment got taken down fast.

  23. oh ok..that is funny. i though that douche moderator over there was pulling rank...JV or whatever his name is.

  24. WHAT COMMENT ANON!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!

  25. great my antisocial behavior and hypothesized aggressive disorders are flaring up

  26. anyway, i am going to apply gavin rossdale's philosophy of trying something before you can say with certainty you don't like it. I'm going to eat a huge pile of shit so I can say with conviction i do not like it. Up till now, I have only speculated that it wouldn't taste good.

  27. i have learned so much thus far from the DA forum. For instance, DG lives in tanzania and KB calls Iceland home.

  28. well, i am going to get my heating pad and finish watching judge judy. i just missed the gist of this case and now i have to speculate.

  29. i don't like that all of you are straying off to these other websites. not fond of it at all, just fyi.

  30. I answered what the deleted comments are about Giraffe.

  31. some explicit dude had a comment up here for like 5 seconds.

  32. Tanzania is nice this time of year rq. Lots of hiking here too.

  33. i accept the invitation, DG. i'll go to expedia now, assuming they have an airport there.

  34. i'll bring some chips and salsa, the natives will love us!

  35. i know i'm going to regret this, but i am now going to

  36. Out of curiousity I googled my country. It is really pretty. I think I am moving there afterall.

  37. The ocean water is really blue and there are waterfalls. That's all I need to get by. I may have to practice carrying baskets on my head though.

  38. practice walking around with a spear up your ass too. maybe you should check for sales after halloween and stock up on that facepaint that makes you look black.

  39. in case you cant sleep at night:

  40. you won't find me setting foot into any part of africa. i think even the dutch part is very bad. just remember the hootoos and the tootsies.

  41. I just won't bring any sunblock. in time I will be brown.

  42. i did nto like that site at all.

  43. did somebody say tootsie?

  44. you think so economically because you're poor...but i admit it's a great idea, DG.

  45. I wouldn't mind seeing the animals in Africa. I was surprised to learn South Africa is where Charlize Theron grew up.

  46. have you thought of going to the zoo?

  47. its only $25 dollars versus a $2600 dollar to tanzania (as per expedia five minutes ago)

  48. or maybe you'd like to go out to the wildlife zoo on nothern...they are mean to their animals and my relatives, the giraffes, could barely walk.

  49. but i did take a great video of turtles humping, they were groaning, it ws bizarre. i think i'll send it to spurs.

  50. anyway, i hve to go...i have 30plus friends on DA so it's no wonder my time is scarce.


  51. That's funny. I have over 30 too. I feel so popular.

  52. Drunken Stepfather ended up removing that link to ban the site.

  53. Expletive BMP left the comment I am about to post, but it was so long it got cut out because it was so long. So I copied it from my e-mail.

  54. Gavin Rossdale was confused, or a sick fuck--- but things worked out brilliantly. Sure he probably loves to watch shemale porn to get off now and again, and who hasn't (the progression of sick fuck begins with porn light, then graduate to either porn heavy, dicks up asses, dicks deep throating, followed by one of four; Child Porn (party van guaranteed), Animal Porn, Fag Porn, or Shemale Porn (pseudo fag; close to it, but not really faggish, sort of like bean curd milk as milk when it isn't diary), maybe even a bit of bisexual porn Gavin watches from time to time.

  55. None the less Gavin probably looks at Shemale porn, and think about the taste texture and feel of dick. But in reality, he's fucking a wonderful Cunny Bleed (Gwen Stefani), and has a kid, or two; i've lost touch on account of being piss poor and not giving a fucking shit.

  56. wow , expletive BMP is obviously a closet homo. those are the violent kind. he'll feel much better after a cock blast. is drew around?

  57. he needs to either give into his demons or get the hell of the streets. gays with pentup hostility belong in jail. i'm frightened.

    please block his ip.

  58. i know whenever i'm feeling grumpity , i take a nap. kinda like now.

    nite everyone.

  59. I don't have those capabilities Giraffe. I'm too small time.

  60. Bed time at 6? Damn, earlier and earlier.

  61. rq

    meh, yes I'm dangerous (to my cock which i beat repeatedly until it's blistery and painful, and it's only five inches), but I'll never do anything to harm people (though I want to). Honest, I control the crazies well enough. I haven't harmed my family, and I've fought with them before. And like magic, i literally lose my strength so as not to harm the ones I care about.

  62. What's up man? Sorry about your comment earlier, it was way too long. I

  63. Expletive: BMP sounds like their version of rq

  64. rq

    I think gays attack people because they're ashamed of the shit they're doing. Much like I was when after beating off a few one night to some rather atrocious throating porn, I realized that I was evil, and will die at Armageddon, even if, I haven't fucked a bit of awesome cunny yet at 33---even looking at porn and masturbating will get me killed, ho hum. But I ain't gay hating (yes I am), I'm simply saying, I don't go about talking of my love of beating off, and I think every one should realize when something is wrong and stay in your corner doing shit in silence. that's all.

  65. Hang in there Expletive. People like to talk a lot of shit here. Some people were real assholes to DH when he first came around, and he didn't leave. So don't take it personally.

  66. Hey Mr Spurs Fan, I figured as much. but hosting anything else cost too much. And not all of us can have our own well maintained site.

  67. Maybe we should call spurs Litte Jesus

  68. That's pretty funny about the jerking off Expletive.

  69. No worries here sir, I've gotten Butt-hurt so often on DSF, I just figure, it's all good. people will say what they want, when they want. Damn we're having some crazy wheather, so i may go off. Nassau Bahamas sucks.

  70. Hey Expletive, feel free to check out the labels of the people here. There's me, Cowboy Trout, DG, Rocket Queen, Big Drew, Eflie, *Miss Texas*, Dirtygirl, kinkyb!tch, and Pamela Pucker. Those are just the commenters that have been posted.

  71. Mr Spurs Fan; I'm honest about it, because it's all I got. I got shit for salad here, so it's self deprecate or be pretensions. And I'm not smart enough to be pretentious. So I pick up the truth, like when I said that after watching every form of porn known to man, I can safely say, I've seen it all so nothing surprises me. And they're times I have seen shemale porn, and it didn't affect me, because I was so jaded, I literally didn't give a shit. So to get off proper, I hunt down rare videos of couples who continually post their shit online. Sometimes husband and wife, sometimes they're just fucking for fun.

  72. Damn, you really do live in the Bahamas.

  73. Dude maybe you should try sex with someone else in the room with you

  74. Spurs Fan: Thank you man, I surely will. It's awesome when people get together and do there thing. The internet has it's own heartbeat, and even when the pulse is off, It's still the most fun we'll ever have. I like to meet people, the only sad part is. I'm a social pariah of the highest order. And I have literally no community abilities. Everything I seemingly have, I took from some one else. I don't know how to relate, so I copy others, and mix it together and create something new.

  75. Kind of like me. But I just go and copy.

  76. Dirty hater I agree, some day, last time her girl came on to me, I felt nervous and fled.

    Spurs Fan, nassau bahamas sucks, it's just sun sand and sea, and lots of bush. Too much bush. And I can't swim. and this island has nothing for me to do, beyond the things ever body else does. Which is why i hate it. i'm trying to learn code, C++ code, and i'm a fucking idiot with adhd. But I learn well by watching others. But no one, not one person here, can help me. Either they don't know or won't help.

  77. What do you want to do Expletive? Do you work currently?

  78. There are millions of forums for C++, you should be able to find help online easily.

  79. dirty hater i'll get it eventually, It would help if I worked with some one who knows what they're doing. And watching the youtube videos is akin to drinking piss out of Gaga's ass after she had a six pounds of bean burritos and had her butt stapled for about three days and has a lot of pressure pent up. I'll get it, it's just a lot harder by myself.

    Spurs Fan unfortunately, wish I was born in the States or Canada. The Bahamas sucks, it's just boring and simple. Far too simple. Nassau is the capitol, and it's the most developed island out of all of them, and it sucks.

  80. Well, maybe you can make it to the States one day.

  81. Be back in an hour, have to pick up my sister from work.

    Spurs Fan, i had a job, got my back messed up so i'm not working at the moment. work betrayed me and i got screwed over. now i'm trying to bring something else to the fore---something unique and different. To make a few coins at least. I don't need six figures a month, I just need four.

  82. Cool man, glad you are around. And I'm sure something will work out for you eventually.

  83. Spurs you're such an optomistic fuck.

  84. For the most part I am. I can be very cynical at times though.

  85. I used to be optomistic, but you know, so or later you're gonna die. Honestly, that's the easy part. Living is the hard part.

  86. Do you think they developed that dirty army software? It says created by nik richie on it but somehow I think they used some off the shelf shit and modified it

  87. Good question. I don't know what they did.

  88. spurs if you have FX, put it on and check out the league

  89. All right, I'm checking it out now.

  90. Jackass 3D looks funny

  91. It does. And this show is pretty funny too.

  92. yea it is, I always forget it's on though.

  93. Hey Expletive, there's a new post. Check out the first comment.
