Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Justin Bieber may replace Ashton Kutcher on Punk'd!!!!

It seems some people aren't happy with the direction the site is going (with some celebs), which to me is very very shocking, because I can't see how everyone in the universe doesn't love this joint. The content and writing on the posts is NY Times Bestseller material. And shit, look at the graphic design of the site and all the work I've put into it. I don't mean to go overboard, but the beauty behind it reminds me of the Sistine Chapel. Anyone who doesn't agree needs some type of shock therapy. Or deserves to be put down, like an old dog.

On that note, this twink is going to replace Ashton Kutcher on Punk'd! I'm so happy! I feel like dancing and prancing around in a meadow full of flowers!

Luv Ya Justin! xoxoxoxoxo


  1. This is Fan-freakin' tabulous Spurs! Any naysayers about "SFS" just need to go "spin off"! (as Drew would say) Excellent post, excellent content! You remind me of a young, slightly paler Rupurt Murdoch!

  2. Thanks Queen Bee. Something tells me you might have been exaggerating a little. Actually, probably not.

  3. Oh and thanks for the info on Justin QB. It made my day. All downhill from here.

  4. know me and my over the top commentary all too well! Yeah, this info was definitely breaking news this morning on the radio..had to let you be the first to post it. I bet Perez is pissed he got out scooped by you.

  5. He's probably going to shut his site down now.

  6. Expect a ton of 'Perezzies" to jump ship and come to your site. What will you call your little group of misfits? Spursies?

  7. justin on punk'd?!?!

    you should be the next david frost.

  8. That's funny. Did you ever see Frost/Nixon?

  9. Yeah, it's pretty good. It could have been better. The story line was good. But the guy who played Nixon was great.

  10. did you ever see shutter island yet?

  11. No man, still haven't seen that. I want to see that and that other movie DiCaprio was just in.

  12. Straights? Eh it could use a little tweaking.

  13. theres gonna be a sequel to 30 days of night.

  14. You know, instead of gays Queen Bee. It's not like I had a marketing team working on the name.

  15. And yes Anonymous, Marmaduke. I can't believe I missed that one weekend when it was playing at the theaters.

  16. a remake to red dawn is also coming out.

  17. I say you hire me, TX and DG if she decides to leave her current job, as your marketing specialists.

  18. I'd like to check out the remake to Red Dawn.

  19. You want to work for free Queen Bee?

  20. spurs gots da bieber fever?

  21. i wonder what rq thinks of j.b. taking over punk'd?

  22. did you know that mudshark kim kardashian molested this idiot.

    Lucky summamabitch

  23. I do have the Bieber fever and I'm proud of it Oz.

  24. No not probably she did - FACT

  25. I liked punked back in the day. But I also liked fun dip but it just got old after awhile. Lets just let punked rest in peace

  26. Hey new to the site. I love this pic of my Beebs! Thanks guys!

    Oh and who is that weird creepy looking old white guy a few posts down, FREAKY!

  27. creepy looking old white guy? that narrows it down to cbt, drew, and spurs.

    take your pick, bieber fan.

  28. so speaking of gays and celebrities, did you hear that perez hilton is making a stand against cyber bullying against gays?

  29. thats like drew speaking up against date rape.

  30. I did hear about that Anonymous. What a joke that guy is.

  31. Its the picture with three people two guys and a girl and he is in the middle. Does he live in texas, cause thats were I live and he kinda looks like the man that drives by our school and offers us free lollipops

  32. it's free candy, who wouldn't walk right up to the car and take it?
    Kid's today, so ungrateful. Geez.

  33. That's what I get upset about kinkyb!tch.

  34. dont you also hate it when they scream becus your pants are down?

  35. Is it just me or is Dexter not a good show? I can't get into it. I am only on episode 3 of season 1 and that was hard for me to even sit through it that far. Does it get better?

  36. I watched season 1 on Showtime, and I thought it was pretty good. I didn't think it was Sopranos quality though, so I never stuck with it.

  37. Wrong kb. Dexter is the best show that television has to offer. However, season 3 was the worst just because one of the people annoyed me and all I wanted dexter to do is find a reason to kill him. But season 4 ending was a huge twist which makes this season driving me insane having to wait a week to watch.

  38. So if you had to throw a 75th birthday party how would you do it?

  39. So is just season 1 slow? Should I just stick it out a few more episodes and then it will get better?

  40. And kb, I think once I hit episode 5 of season 1 any free time that I had then became Dexter time.

  41. Yes, stick it out. But be careful if you pirate the seasons later because you may read spoilers accidentally like I did.

  42. DG said...

    So if you had to throw a 75th birthday party how would you do it?

    take everyone to furr's cafeteria at 3:30 for dinner

  43. Thanks for your help columbo.

  44. DG, there's a guy in Mesa who has been leaving comments on this post:

    Check out the comments toward the bottom.

  45. that sounds about right (columbo's suggestiong), dg.
    alright, I will stick it out. if anyone tells you to stick it out for the book As I lay dying by William Faulkner they are full of shit. dumbest book ever, and it was probably really banned for making people in the south more dumb than they already were.

  46. OMG, I am a genius. Harold's in Cave Creek is having a 75th anniversary party on Oct. 16 so they are going to have a band and fireworks. How much more perfect could that be?

  47. Thanks for the book review kinkyb!tch.

  48. His lawyer is his distant cousin I thought?

  49. My mom said no to Harold's. She just doesn't know what fun is.

  50. how about a knitting class?

  51. A knitting class would be memorable.

  52. DG: Strip club then casino

    No but honestly take them to a casino for BINGO!

  53. My dad has never been into Bingo. He likes old cars, country music, and talking alot.

    And long walks on the beach....Ok, I'm kidding on that part.

  54. what about boot camp?

  55. I should ask my mom about a stripclub just to see what she says.

  56. tell her strip club or harolds

    wait your dad is 75?

  57. Yep. He was in his 40's when I was born. I am the baby. I have a sister and brother 14 and 12 years older than me.

  58. Holy shizzil.

    Kenny Rodgers concert - October 14, Dodge Theater

  59. He loves Kenny Rogers. He saw him in Vegas before Kenny was famous.

  60. well there you go, Kenny, one last time before he kicks the bucket.

  61. he, meaning Kenny, not your dad.

  62. Yep, Kenny. then you can eat at Kenny Rogers Roasters

    You are Welcome

  63. You should take him somewhere real fancy, anywhere you go it is going to be a cheap. He will get the senior discount and the birthday discount.

  64. I'd go with the Kenny Rogers concert too.

  65. I just can't believe my dad is that old. I am the one that had to remind my mom that something special had to be done turning that age.

    I just had a job call me and ask to work for them. I told them I would do it for $15 more per hour than what they asked. And they said yes. I really just said that for the hell of it because I didn't feel like working on my day off and just threw a crazy number out there.

  66. back to kenny...


  67. I have to look into that date and tickets. I wouldn't mind going to see kenny too.

    And those were accidental negotiation skills. Makes me wonder what I would've got if I threw a larger number out there.

  68. No, it's not a permanent thing. I'm just working for them tomorrow. I could've worked Friday but then I would end up working 10 days in a row. I'm trying to work as much as I can now until xmas. I'm trying to book myself up as fast as possible before I end up booking another vacation.

  69. I need a citibank visa because kenny tickets are two for one if you buy them with that credit card. That is so annoying.

    Just like when I went to Magic Mountain this summer they had a special line to get into the park that was much shorter if you have a discover card.

  70. simple solution to that problem. just print out logos of every bank or credit card company and stick them on your debit card...then flash it like a vip.

    you can thank me later.

  71. The tickets you have to put the first 6 digits of the credit card. I could just get a citibank visa but I don't want one.

  72. You probably don't qualify for one.

  73. I just saw pics of my friend's suv yesterday. The windshield is destroyed and I guess the entire body got fucked up. Storms are rare but so crazy when they hit.

  74. A citibank? Nah, I could get that. But I doubt I could get an amex black or whatever they are called.

  75. I'm just playing around. I'm sure you could. I just thought you were poor after reading the comments yesterday.

  76. I am poor. At least this week I am. I spent way too much in California.

  77. Where would you like to go next?

  78. Back to California again. I may go on a cruise in the spring but I haven't really started planning all that yet. We were also talking about Thailand but who knows. I really want to go there to get to where The Beach was filmed and then never come home.

    I know I'm going snowboarding a couple times this winter but that is about as adventurous as I will get until spring. I may finally get to Minnesota too.

  79. We also were thinking of getting a big group together and renting a beach house in san diego for new years but it sounds like too much planning and depending on other people to get their shit together. But I did find some good deals on some houses. They are expensive but they have 5 bedrooms so dividing that up isn't so bad.

  80. That would be fun. And there's a new post DG. And comment number 100 is up for grabs after this comment. Go get it tiger.

