Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Alabama Humor

Hey Spurs, I found this video of RQ before she was a she at her job in the old country.  This explains a lot.  I suspect after performing these airbag tests for a few yrs, he had no choice but to become a she.   I doubt you have the balls to post this though since you and her/him are so tight.

Yeah man, very scared to post it. I never have ripped on her because I just can't handle insults. They make me cry late at night. I mean more than I normally would. I do congratulate you on being able to put together complete sentences though DH. Must be a rarity where you're from. Alabama's tourism department should set up an exhibit where people can come and see you like those people do who see the Virgin Mary in trees and toast.

On a serious note, Happy Birthday Lindsay!


  1. Thanks for the post DH. The part where the dude shoots up in the air had to be painful.

  2. this has to be from some russian state. they are the only ones dumb enough to do something like that.

  3. Good call. It is from Russia. I like how his "pals" are laughing their asses off as he's on the ground writhing in pain.

  4. That really is a good way to get your junk blown off though.

  5. there is another video floating around with the same premise. its pretty funny also.

  6. I've seen another video too except they are sitting in a recliner.

    This reminds me of jackass which makes me realize I need to check when that comes out.

  7. here it is. but the victim doesnt know about the airbag.

  8. A friend's older brother decided he wanted to see what it would be like getting hit with an airbag. So he drove his Mustang around the neighborhood hitting trash cans. So I guess he figured out that wasn't enough to get the airbag to deploy and hit a tree. Didn't do a ton of damage to the car, but the airbag deployed.

    Dummy didn't realize it costs like 1500 to replace one.

  9. You know spurs, they tried but I don't have enough accent so they offered it up to CBT.

  10. there used to be a huge underground market for unused airbags.

  11. I was thinking the same thing Anonymous. I've heard of people selling them and ripping them off.

  12. And catalytic converters

  13. 4 tornadoes his n arizona early this morning. I know a tornado is rare but what if one does touch down? There are no sirens out here to warn people.

  14. Well, being you live with your parents in a trailer park DG, I can understand your concern.

  15. Kiss your ass goodbye that's what.

  16. Trailers are tornado magnets

  17. just watch how an animal acts...its like they have a sense of it or something.

  18. They do. You remember that video of the dog running out of that building right before that earthquake hit?

  19. My parents live in a double wide so it's not just any trailer, spurs. It was last updated in 1974 so it is very retro now. I think you would like it.

    On a sad note, border agents seized $600,000 worth of meth at a checkpoint. I'm sorry spurs. Your supply may not be there this week.

  20. When I was in basic training in SA, I saw the sky turn the strangest green color I've ever seen. I've seen it turn green here but not like that. If it turns green, there is a tornado somewhere

  21. yeah. and that one tsunami a few years back....the animals began running to higher ground.

  22. i don't think cocoa would be of any help. He would just continue to sleep.

  23. and right before a tornado it gets real quiet.

  24. "On a sad note, border agents seized $600,000 worth of meth at a checkpoint. I'm sorry spurs. Your supply may not be there this week."

    Pretty funny.

  25. I was standing outside when that f5 tornado in plainfield il hit. I remember it being yellow and then really really dark. i guess we were supposed to be taking cover at the time but I was in the candy aisle at White Hen Pantry picking out candy my mom was buying me.

  26. i blame obama for tornadoes.

  27. Okay, I'll be back in a little bit.

  28. i couldn't tell. It was just all blackness across the sky coming our direction. But since it hit Plainfield, the next city was Joliet and because the city has a downtown I heard all the metal deflects the tornado away so it shifted south and skipped my town. But it originally was heading right down route 30 which is right where I was.

  29. looks like spurs is stocking up on apocalypse speed. if you have to pay extra upfront...just remember that you will get your money back from selling it once mexico gets shut down.

  30. I felt like I was there reading your description DG. Colorful.

  31. Do you think we can shut down mexico? I would love to see all the crack and methheads go crazy with a shortage on drugs.

  32. No we can't. There will always be an open border for the most part.

  33. Did you feel like you were there in the candy aisle or outside staring at the wall of darkness? Because if I remember correctly I got a kit kat.

  34. Not really sure. I just saw your long comment and then wrote what I wrote.

  35. I just read roy hallady pitched a no hitter. Hell I forgot the playoffs started today

  36. too bad we couldn't have some type of chemical released in the air if you cross the border.

  37. Yep, it was badass. I feel asleep during the 7th inning though, and woke up right at the last out. Perfect timing.

  38. have you seen a tornado?

  39. I just want to see all the addicts go crazy. I think I would rent out that beautiful hotel you stayed at and just watch the madness unfold.

  40. Sadly I haven't seen one up close. Sucks. I really want to. I've seen a typhoon and it was a few hundred yards away, but haven't seen a tornado.

  41. At first I thought you were talking about seeing a crackhead up close. I don't want to see a tornado. But I want to be in an earthquake. Or see a psunami from a safe distance.

  42. A hurricane would be interesting to watch too but it would be too easy to be trapped if the building you were in started falling apart.

  43. a tsunami and a boogie board would be great.

  44. Earthquakes are cool, tornados and huricanes suck. You don't have to hear about an earthquake for days before it hit. It's over in 30 seconds. We get tornado warning for days at a timem it's like crying wolf and then when you're tired of hearing about it, they hit.

  45. Have you heard of kite surfing? I was watching people do it in San Diego. That looks like fun.

  46. I didn't know Drew had a daughter:

  47. That's why my mom didn't take the sirens seriously the day of that tornado I was talking about. They went off too often and nothing ever happened so peopled started ignoring them.

  48. "The daughter of a man accused of raping and impregnating her and her sisters testified Wednesday to years of abuse in terms so graphic that a courtroom security guard passed the judge a note asking for a break."

    That's all I needed to read.

  49. I don't understand why as a nation, we don't demand sick fucks like that never walk the streets again

  50. Child molesters don't have any advocates to speak of though

  51. No they don't. It should be life in prison or castration. Take your pick.

  52. DG- have you hiked to humphrey's peak in flagstaff?

  53. What's up Giraffe? What did you think of the Bieber post? Figured you'd get a good laugh.

  54. life in prison? fuck that, those fucks eat better than I do. i'd like to have someone cook my meals every single day.

  55. better yet, we take all the criminals and let them be the halftime show during all the football games. we will watch while they kill themselves. modern day gladiators.

  56. i had never seen him before, spurs. i had no idea what this guy even looked like. he enrages me, not sure why.

    i am feeling extremely melancholy. my friend's dog died and i feel so horrible for him.

  57. I watched some program on Roman gladiators the other night. Some medieval shit.

  58. he's a grown man and was crying like a baby. so broken.

  59. County jails here are bad. The law says the sheriff can keep what he does not spend on the food budget. One jail they ate corndogs 3 times a day, everyday

  60. so can we all observe a moment of silence for Bailey, the 10 year old golden retriever who went out in the rain to die alone.

  61. You do seem rather calm tonight Giraffe. And he enrages me too.

  62. That sheriff doesn't sound crooked at all DH.

  63. i think during prison riots the guards should take a fucking smoke break and watch them slaughter each other. i really cannot understand how it costs more to house a prisoner each year per man that it would cost me to stay at the fucking ritz.

  64. but what do you expect from a country whose military pays $200 for a hammer and $500 for a toilet seat ----DirtyHater runs off to google.

  65. Like you have a sympathetic bone in your body. Or friends for that matter. It was probably some homeless guy

  66. yeah, i had some tramadol from my operation...i took some tonight. it's a synthetic opiate.

  67. "i really cannot understand how it costs more to house a prisoner each year per man that it would cost me to stay at the fucking ritz."

    I've never understood that either.

  68. i am a very sensitive person, DH. My car was parked over a line of ants the other day and I was crying because I had to run over them in order to leave.

  69. yup...ambien is an opiate too. the opiate family is rather nice.

  70. It does seem like a nice family. I think I should join their clan.

  71. did you hear about those guy's in connecticut? that was one fucked up case. really heart-wrenching and such a beautiful family

  72. i will initiate you into the clan, spurs.

  73. Who is that stealing rq's name?

  74. Yeah, I saw the guy got convicted.

  75. and while the family was inside being raped and pilaged, the swat team was right outside the house watching because they "didn't sense any urgency"

  76. Can you send me some pills or something Giraffe?

  77. I didn't know about that SWAT team deal.

  78. money, it truly is the root of all evil.

  79. It can be. Well, the love of money.


  81. actually i think it's second to religion, but the the church steals too, so maybe it is money

  82. i'm a person who believes the best things in life are free. i love autumn leaves, a blue sky, rainbows, birds, smell of rain.

  83. and taking a baseball bat to someone's head when they piss me off..

    and a strong margarita.

  84. no, narcotics are not opiates..i don't think

  85. um, i have expensive insurance, DH

  86. the evening just got better, hells kitchen is on. that's my favorite

  87. Prescription pills aren't cheap. I'm glad I never get sick.

  88. That guy is ruthless. I guess you heard about that one chef who was on the show committing suicide recently.

  89. paid for by someone else, freeloader

  90. can everyone please say a prayer for my dog snickers...he was at the vet today. he is a 13 year old australian shepherd. he is going blind...his eyes are all cloudy. i was a sobbing mess at the vet.

  91. yes, i did hear about that. you know, that guy's face looks horrible..his acne scars are worse that qb's

  92. anyway, i have to go. i'm sorry i assailed you spurs. i hope you still luff your giraffe. i love being your giraffe.

  93. I'll say a prayer for Snickers. You know my grandma has a dog that's gone blind, that damn dog is 15 years old and her mother, who lives next door, is still alive. Unbelievable.

  94. Later on Giraffe. And no problem at all. I like when you "assail" me. It's funny.

  95. that is encouraging. that you for your tenderness

  96. ok thank you.

    i luff you too

  97. Cool, appreciate it. Well, enjoy Hell's Kitchen.

  98. Hey spurs, you have a little brown spot on your nose

  99. Give me a break man. She's entertaining. And every time she comes on here it's her vs. everyone. Should I pile on her?

  100. She asks for it. Any attention is good attention to her. Drew gets piled on too and you pull no punches with him. I agree though, you are the host, I get it.

  101. True, you have a point, but with Drew it's a different story. And if you look at the labels under Rocket Queen, on one post (from her family), I hammered her. You come up with something as good as that DH, then there's room to talk.

  102. Well she can't be as crazy as she acts and be allowed on the streets can she? Yea the family one was a good one. I'll think about putting some effort into it next time. Gotta drive to birmingham in the AM, later man.

  103. Now I want to eat a Snickers. I will say a prayer for him as well though, Giraffe.
    Happy 45th Birthday, Lindsay. Hope it was a good one.
    Don't read that story about the man who didn't pay his fire dept. fee and his animals died in the fire, RQ. It was sad, and I just realized I told you what happened when I didn't want you to read it cause it'd make you upset. I'm so sorry, blame my blond highlights.

  104. Later on Dirtyhater. Enjoy Birmingham.

  105. DG: In case you were still wondering, Jackass comes out next week, October 15th i believe. I am a "bamtard" after all, so next time just direct all questions of that nature to me.

  106. Funny Queen Bee. The previews to it make it look really good. The "high five" one is hilarious. I think I'm finally going to see Wall Street 2 on Friday.

  107. "On a serious note, Happy Birthday Lindsay!"- yes Lins Happy bday even though I have no idea who you are :) And on anotheer serious note to RQ: Hope your dog Snickers is ok, I can now relate since my new puppy is ailing as well at the moment.

  108. Spurs: you're in for a treat..Gecko is the man!

  109. The director of jackass gave away aa feew oof the scenes in some interview, one of them was a scene where Bam tapes a small camera to the ttip of his cock and films himself urinating on his castmates and their reactions. Cinematic gold right there! lol

  110. Yeah he's the man. Hey, I had heard when they were making it Bud Fox would make a cameo.

    Did he?

  111. I think that Jackass movie will do really well too. Especially with 3D.

  112. can we talk about tits now?

  113. i cant stand bam. i wish he would die....i wish his body would explode into a mist of blood and meat.

  114. Aww Anon...that's harsh. But, i guess you have a right to your opinion. I love him and Travis Pastrana :)

  115. so anyway, i dont like hispanic women too much but i found some topless pics of eva mendes. im ready to rape.

  116. I'm sure she'd appreciate knowing that.

  117. i think she would. shes pretty hot for a beaner.

  118. i wonder what her farts smell like on average?

  119. can i sign it 'spursfan'?

  120. so i was out throwing the trash earlier today and saw my neighbors car. there was a shitload of hail damage. it looked like her car has cellulite. my car got zero dents.

  121. not luck...just an old car thats built like a tank.

  122. you didnt need airbags back then. airbags are for pussies.

  123. if the car makers are adding all this extra shit....does that really paint a good picture about the safety of their cars? why do you need airbags if the car is built so good? wouldnt the crumple zone pretty much take care of that?

  124. Sorry Spurs, had to give Duchess her medicine..she has a cold :( Anyways, yes Charlie Sheen was in the movie, but it was a brief cameo. I wish they could've tied him into the plot more somehow.

    Oh and Anon..Eva Mendes is very hot! I saw this movie the other night with her and Nic Cage ( Bad Lieutenant) she was his prostitute gf, and they were both drug addicts (big stretch)

  125. Yeah, that would have been good Queen Bee.

  126. Did you like the "sniff your jock" reference I posted on Situation's FaceBook wall about Nik and Ari?

  127. Drew- you realize Mike "the situation' probably doesn't even manage his fb anymore? So, he probably won't even read it. (didn't mean to crush your dreams, just being truthful)

  128. QB, have yo kicked that Smack habit yet?

  129. Later on Drew. And yeah, I liked that reference.

  130. drew, ya dun goofed!

  131. Funny. I still can't get over that dad. I need to find that video again.

  132. Did I cross the line with the new post I put up 5 minutes ago?

  133. thank you QB. is there anyone here to talk to me? just as well, my battery will be dead soon.

    where is elfie?

  134. i will just carry on alone until my battery dies.

  135. i'm going to flagstaff this weekend to see the leaves changing. that will be on saturday. sunday i don't know what i'm going to be doing, probably nursing a hangover.

  136. kinkybitch would you like to join me for a night of partying? we can go to the montelucia..i'll buy you dinner.

  137. and then we can go to handlebar j's.

  138. Damn RQ, up pretty late? I have no room to talk, I was up and down all last night. I had nightmares that someone was trying to break in..kinda has me freaked out still :( Good morning all!

  139. Yeah, you were up pretty late Giraffe.

  140. I'm here!

    But I have to go work an extra job that I'm regretting agreeing to right now. I would much prefer to be lazy today.

  141. Regret is what's up. However, I will change my tune I think with cash in hand later.

  142. werd. Got kenny tickets?

  143. knock knock...anybody home?

    dont make me post something.

  144. Spurs you should make a post on the teen suicides .. maybe show you have a heart.

  145. You think so Pam? That's an idea.

  146. I mean, some people can be really heartless on here you know, but most all of the suicides within the week and a half have been because of online bullying. We just had another girl kill herself last night about thirty miles away .. it is so sad what the youth has lowered there meanings too

  147. You should spurs and tell the truth. Life is hard and not worth it

  148. Oh DG don't be a debbie downer, some girl or man or toddler may read that and believe you

  149. Yes there are some heartless comments at times Pam. I've never understood how comments from strangers could bother someone, but I do feel bad for those kids.

  150. Hey Debbie Downer, try to be positive and nice.

  151. I suppose I can relate first hand seeing my past and all, when you are nineteen and twenty and nothing else seems right in the world some times the fiction we read behind a screen is too much for us too handle we can't see the difference between reality

  152. But no, nobody is going to read that and believe it. If anything, I'd just direct them to the Dirtygirl label, and then they could just laugh.

  153. Pam, if you'd like to write something up about it, I'll post it. Really. That's a good message. And I promise on this one I won't write anything bad about it. Well, I'm sure I could tie CBT into the post somehow, but a joke won't be in your direction.

  154. I have wanted to speak out, but at the same time I am also in the boat that I need to keep protecting my self from intruders of my own personal feelings. I feel compelled to speak of bullying and suicide, seeing as though a year and three days ago I almost lost my own life due to the same issues.

  155. Maybe you can make it so no one can comment please. lol.

  156. all I gotta say is "clam chowda"

  157. I'm don't really think anyone searching this site will be saved by suicide here. Spurs is not a self help website

  158. You should write something up Pam. And if you are interested in helping people, you should consider counseling some teens. Or becoming a counselor. Hey, in all seriousness, that could be your calling.

  159. Besides if someone is thinking suicide they already know life is hard

  160. You never know who might actually read this or who actually has issues, its too vague of a world to actually know a person from behind a screen. We are all aware Spurs is suffering from manic personality stunts with his large lollipop but we are not being the good people we should be by offering him help

  161. Life is hard though. My car broke down. Fuck it, I'm through.

  162. If I needed help, this site would not be the place I would turn to.
