Wednesday, June 23, 2010

LaToya Jackson meets with Bubbles again

Hey Sours! How is it going?  I think this would make a good post... watch the video La Toya is ridiculous.

It's going good, thanks Skeets. How are you? As far as this ridiculous video? I like how Bubbles doesn't even want to look at LaToya. You know he's thinking, "Will someone please get this Sci-Fi monster the fuck away from me? She's scary."


  1. Hey no prob Sours.

    I love Bubbles!
    He's probably thinking WTF?! Micheal got a sex change? He is so disgusted he can hardly even look at the shim.

  2. She really is a freak. But I'd probably bang her, just so I can say I did. But it would have to be doggy style. That face would freak me out.

  3. And why do you "love" Bubbles? What good is he?

  4. i wonder if shes a good kisser?

  5. Obama is such a bitch.. and all of this is bullshit. Little baby can't handle the truth so he's getting rid of McChrystal.

  6. Well, it looks like she's had about 50 injections of collagen in her lips, so they are pretty plump.

  7. i was talking about that chick from hanson.

  8. What's up Fl Anonymous? That Blago trial is a source of laughter too.

  9. I'm more embarrassed for ET filming this shit. WTF is wrong with people today?
    Sours, you would bang Latoya? All credibility you had while dissing Oz and his picks has flown out the window.

  10. Maybe kinkyb!tch, but he's talking about banging some trash no one has ever heard of. I'd be banging trash people have heard of.

    Big difference dummy.

  11. who doesnt have hanson on their minds?

  12. Hey I would totally hump the middle Hanson... he is hot.

  13. I usually have them playing in my car Anonymous, but I just love their music.

  14. he? wtf? whats next? are they all hes??

  15. That guy is pure scum Fl Anonymous. I remember watching him on David Letterman, and Letterman destroyed him.

  16. I believe they are AZ Anonymous. Sorry about that.

  17. and 5....4....3.....2....1.

    cbt should be here any minute no.

  18. is hanson at least over 18?

  19. Blago was on celebrity Apprentice for a couple episodes and the guy pretty much just made a fool of himself. You could tell Trump hated him.. It was pretty awesome when he fired his dumbass in the boardroom.

  20. sweet mother of geezus, I just watched a bit of she for real? Someone shoot her in the head already, this is just not normal and she shouldn't be allowed in society.

  21. ok...then i dont fell so bad about fapping to their 'do wah diddy' video.

  22. I didn't know that clown was on that show.

  23. feel*

    fuck, i took a retard pill today.

  24. You're right kinkyb!tch, she isn't normal.

  25. I think those morons are still making music Anonymous, so that's good for you.

  26. i wish g-n-r would get back together. that would be epic.

  27. I'm not sure Axl Rose has anything left.

  28. Me too Anon...

    This video is not nearly as amusing as another one I saw where she repeatedly calls his name and cries hysterically. haha I couldnt find that one anywhere but TMZ though

  29. Funny Skeets. He probably would.

  30. Axl Rose is done for ever since that crazy basterd broke up the band. Nobody wants to work with that red headed diva wannabe anymore.

  31. Did you ever listen to that album that they finally finished after years of working on it?

  32. He did seem to recognize her or something though... and he seemed sad when she told him she missed him and said good bye. He looked away and made a sad face, then turned and walked away.

    This story always pissed me off, I love monkeys and MJ just conveniently got rid of him when he grew out of the little, cute and easy to handle phase. Monkeys have human emotions, that's a fucked up thing to do.

  33. True, but once he got too big I think MJ was probably afraid Bubbles would beat the crap out of him.

  34. Maybe the chimp will outlive them all. That way he can get the last laugh.

  35. maybe bubbles almost went travis on mj? that might explain his lego noses.

  36. Bubbles should pull a Travis on Joe Jackson.

  37. Yeah, monkeys aren't supposed to be kept as pets or treated like children. They are wild animals. MJ never should have gotten one if he didn't intend to care for it no matter what, but instead he just gave him to a sanctuary where Bubbles tried to kill himself. How much you want to bet that once he gave him away, he never went to see him? MJ was a self-centered bastard.

  38. joe jackson is creepy looking. his face looks like an old leather backpack.

  39. He is creepy. And it's amazing how greedy the guy is. It's like Hey man, you are going to die soon.

  40. if he could dig up mj and send him on tour, im sure he would.

  41. im waiting for drew to comment about petraeus taking over the fight in afghanistan.

  42. Haha That man... I can't believe his wife puts up with him, I would have slipped some arsenic into his food by now

  43. Hopefully he'll be on later to give his opinion Anonymous.

  44. Skeets, you never answered. What's up with Bubbles trying to kill himself?

  45. Oh after he was farmed off on the first santuary in 2003 he tried to kill himself, it doesn't say how.

  46. That sucks. I hope he's on Zoloft or something now.

  47. HAHA, so funny I forgot to laugh Sours! Bubble's mental health is NOT a joking matter! Have you no heart?!

  48. I meant Bubbles' (Sorry KB)

    And what kind of name is Bubbles for a chimp... everyone knows you muct give chimps human names.

  49. bubbles? im sure theres a chola named bubbles in east l.a.

  50. Poor monkey. It's bad enough he is locked up. But now he is forced to look at Latoya.

  51. It's a chimp Skeets, my "heart" only goes so far.

  52. There is probably a chola in L.A. named Bubbles, you are right Anonymous.

  53. Speaking of animals. I watched the episode of the Kardashions where one of the posed for Peta and peta had her watch a video called Skinned Alive. I decided to look it up and the video is horrible. I can't believe what they do to those animals.

  54. Yep, pretty gruesome things. Have you seen what they do with seals?

  55. DG, pretty sure that's the video that made me a vegetarian for 8 months.

  56. Are you talking about that Alaskan thing where they just beat them for fun?

    I cried watching the fur video. I felt so bad for them. Cocoa doesn't know how good he has it.

  57. Actually. no it wasn't. It was this one:

  58. That's funny Elfie because it made me question eating meat too knowing that is done to all animals. But I convinced myself they don't treat cows as bad. Because I really like steak and hamburgers.

  59. I wanted to and tried to eat steak after watching that but couldnt... it made me literally sick. Then I was plagued by dreams of t-bones, NY Strips and rib-eye doused in A-1. I would wake up and drink A-1 to try to get rid of the craving but I didn't work and eventually I started eating meat again.

  60. This is the one I watched:

  61. Oh no I can't watch that! I got to the slamming of their heads on the ground and close-up of his little sad face. That is horrible!

  62. I went back for more and saw one skirming as half of his skinned is already peeled off. I think I'm going to throw-up.

  63. what is with my severe case of pelicanitis lately... ridiculous.

  64. Isn't the video sad? Those poor animals. I will never buy fur ever. Not that I ever have anyway. Kind of a stupid thing to buy in AZ.

  65. Where did spurs go? Is he too upset and crying to hard to comment after watching these videos?

  66. Bubbles tried to kill himself? I'm sorry, but that made me laugh as well. I wonder what he did? Slit his wrist? Took a bunch of pills w/some Jack? Let go of his vine midair while swinging from tree to tree?
    Find out for us, Detective DG.

  67. DG, go eat that lion burger and tell me if it's good

  68. I didn't watch the whole Bubbles video. That is hilarious kb. How does a monkey try and kill itself?

    I accept this challenge, KB. I will not stop until I have the answer.

  69. whoa that video was sad! I can't believe that animal didn't die of shock immediately after the first cut.
    Who would want raccoon fur anyway? Ugly looking animals.

  70. Yeah DG, where those losers just club the seals and then they start screaming.

  71. No DG, I actually had to do something for a little while.

  72. It's ok to admit you have a sensitive side spurs. You were crying, weren't you?

  73. Those videos were sad, but I mean...what if we all stopped eating chicken? They'd be running around all over the place and we can't have that. If I don't eat that fish, a shark will, so I mean...why not me instead of him?

  74. That's a good way to look at it kb. But I couldn't watch that video. I don't want to be talked out of steak, ever.

  75. That is funny kinkyb!tch. My guess is he tried to hang himself with one of the vines in the tree. Or maybe he parked his car in the garage and left it running and someone found him. Who knows?

  76. I was under my desk scared DG. Crying and sniffling.

  77. That's true about what would happen if we stopped eating animals. I bet PETA wouldn't have a problem if people resorted to cannibalism.

  78. I bet PETA hates welfare mom's, too. They probably say "well you should've kept your legs closed, why should I have to feed your kid's", but do they tell that cow whore to stop giving it up? No, instead they are all sad that her son is being raised for veal (good btw) and her daughters are injected w/hormones to produce massive amounts of milk.

  79. Those cows are treated well. It's like Club Med.

  80. omg look, our resident Italian can become a vegetarian!

  81. You can't teach a "cow whore" new tricks kinkyb!tch. Can't reason with one either. It's in their culture.

  82. I don't think Oz is going to be taking up that project anytime soon.

  83. Spurs knows about cow whores. He is from Texas.

  84. Spurs, have you ever gone cow tipping?

  85. No I haven't kinkyb!tch, have you?

  86. those pics of the cows with uber full udders was pretty gross though.

  87. No, there aren't any cows in the desert, stoopid.

  88. I still ate fish when I didn't eat meat, I was a pescatarian. I don't have a problem with animals being killed for people to eat but the manner they do it in is grotesque and only done because it's more profitable to not be humane. I don't care about chickens or turkeys either (they are dumb and have no feelings). But the pigs and the cows made me sad.

  89. We have cows here, take a drive down river road (east) or Campbell. Next door to my kids' school (which is 5 mins from my house in the center of the city) they have horses, cows and goats.

  90. My mom never heard of cowtipping until about a month ago. I swear she has spent her life under a rock.

  91. Skeets - I finally got you?!

  92. Hey Oz, kinkyb!tch left you a nice link so your italian food can be vegetarian.

  93. Well no shit DG, why would you just start talking about cows? Your mom probably told you no just to end the subject and get you to shut up.

  94. You never let her watch Heathers, DG? She could've saw cowtipping there. What a bad daughter you are.
    I've seen cows here too Skeets, I was just giving Sours a hard time. There used to be some on 51st ave and Northern (just south) before it was bought for cookie cutter homes. That is the closest I've seen them to "the city".

  95. Yes Wop, we're having a baby... or 2 or 3. Hopefully you were thinking pink when you finished cause I want a girl.

  96. I thought you already had one Skeets? FMB.

  97. KB got it! Heathers was on so that is how the subject came up.

  98. I've never seen any in PHX but Tucson is known for it's weirdness, farm animals intermingled with the crack heads.

  99. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sours! Lawyers make more than Firemen... Back up! Back up! mind ya business that's all, just mind ya business! (anyone know what that is from?)

  100. My mom doesn't understand sarcasm or dark comedies. She was really confused during all of Heathers.

  101. and the homeless... we have a flourishing homeless population.

  102. I don't know what that's from Skeets.

  103. I think Oz was homeless for a little while in Tucson. I remember that pic that he put up over at Fat Boy's. You can't tell me that guy in the pic wasn't homeless.

  104. Does your dad have a sense of humor DG?

  105. Elfie, you have Benny!!!! He is one of a kind.

  106. My mom loves dark comedies, her favorites are Serial Mom and Polyester. Has anyone seen those before? They are funny and really flippin weird.

  107. Never seen those two movies either. And DG's right, don't forget about Benny.

  108. It's from this Sours:

  109. You should watch them sometime Sours, from the writer and director of Cry Baby and the original Hairspray. They are flippin bizarre but hilarious.

  110. I see Ricki Lake is in Serial Mom.

  111. Yeah, he uses a lot of the same actors in his movies. Patti Hurst, Divine, Ricki Lake and Mink Stole are a few I can think of off-hand.

  112. Ive seen Serial Mom, it was funny. So was Heathers, I thought so as a kid and still do now.

  113. I saw that on wikipedia Streets.

  114. Oh kinkyb!tch, I forget to mention earlier. Nice find on Street's avatar.

  115. Oh wahahaha! THe beginning is really annoying but watch it.

  116. thanks. I knew there had to be something good to come out of all the construction around AZ.
    By my mom's there is some project that has taken a year for improvements on storm drains. It doesn't even rain here, wtf kinda project is that?

  117. Can't hear it Skeets, so it's not as if I'm ignoring your glorious video.

  118. damn it I was gonna correctly identify skeets reference right now

    By the way elfster, I am not in a habit of paying child support, especially when I aint got the panties

  119. Just a way to milk some money kinkyb!tch.

  120. Skeets, did you ever watch Fright Night? With William Ragsdale. It came on the other night on some movie channel, I was so excited. It was right after Fast Times at Ridgemont High. They just don't make movies like they used to.

  121. I've never watched Fright Night before.
    When I was little my father owned a record/video store so we watched pretty much every movie that came out in the 80's but sometimes my mom would veto ones if she thought they would be too scary or really inappropriate. Somehow we slipped "Little Shop of Horrors" past her... that was one of my favs growing up. FEED ME SEYMOUR!

  122. Dedicated to DG and her hurt tooth...

  123. They are suppossed to remake it. I hope they don't, the original is too awesome and cheesy , Hollywood today would eff it up.

  124. They are remaking Little Shop of Horrors?

  125. I hate when they remake movies, they always ass them up. I still like the original Willy Wonka and the Original Hairspray much better than the remakes. Although I really love Johnny Depp, that was the only redeeming aspect of the new Willy Wonka.

  126. Yeah, I didn't hear very good things about Willy Wonka.

  127. which one is LaToya and which one is the chimp?

  128. Uh-oh what happened?
