Friday, June 25, 2010

Michael Jackson's death anniversary

Skeets and AZ Anonymous were arguing on the post below about whether or not MJ pulled a Drew and molested young boys, so I figured being I can't get them to meet and settle it over some Jesus Juice, I'd go ahead and post this.


  1. jerry senfield.....theres a real child molester.

  2. Though I'd hope Jerry and Larry would hook them up.

  3. Ugh now I gotta go and paste my reply here.

  4. I am taking CBT's side.. whatever it is, because he is the only one here that isn't delusion and speaks the truth

  5. I think R. Kelly is a fucking pedophile too and he was aquinted as well. Even though there is fucking video of him pissing on a 14 yr old girl and documents proving he married a then 15 yr old Aaliyah. Oh but he's not guilty either is he?

  6. Nice link on your name Skeets. I didn't know that.

  7. you wanna know whos gonna be really rich real soon? elin about 750 million dollars.

  8. Yeah, I saw that. That's hard for me to believe. She's getting more than he is.

  9. and i never said r.kelly wasnt guilty. did i?

  10. maybe its 250 for her, 250 for each kid?

  11. good for elin... tiger is such a douche bag

    I am happy she is leaving him too...

  12. and what happened to tiger's career.. didn't he lose and what is he doing now?? training or quitting?

  13. why would you need to get married when you have that much to lose? seriously?

  14. Yeah, he's been playing awful Astrid.

  15. Good question. He should have never gotten married.

  16. She should get $25 million and be happy.

  17. I wonder if he nice to her in the marriage besides cheating....

  18. she should get nothing.

  19. You have to give her something Anonymous.

  20. for the kids and 2 fingers up her ass. thats what she gets.

  21. The pussy you pay for up front is always cheaper than the pussy you don't.

  22. You like that line don't you CBT? But you're right.

  23. 3 words: dont get married.

  24. Anonymous said...
    and i never said r.kelly wasnt guilty. did i?

    No but your reasoning behind arguing MJ's innocence is that he was aquitted... R. Kelly was also charged and aquitted. So boo-ya. haha Kidding. Believe what you will man.

  25. "SPURS FAN said...

    Yeah, I wish I still had some Stars Wars shit. I had a ton of that crap."

    My, that's a startling revelation.

    "SPURS FAN said...

    You like that line don't you CBT? But you're right."

    I just want to make sure all the male commenters have that stuck in their heads. It's the second best piece of advice I ever got.

  26. boo ya yourself bitch.

  27. if you don't want to spend money, don't get married and don't have kids

  28. All three of them Negros was guilty. R. Kelly, Michael and O.J.

  29. cbt the cheapest pussy you can get is one night stand pussy.. just wear a condom, std treatment isn't cheap

  30. "cbt the cheapest pussy you can get is one night stand pussy"

    Very true Astrid.

  31. "Astrid said...

    cbt the cheapest pussy you can get is one night stand pussy.. just wear a condom, std treatment isn't cheap"

    Thanks for the advice Astrid. You musta missed my conversation with about the Army's instructions on the care and protection of a short arm.

  32. Sours I don't want your cock but thanks for the link....

    I have to quote people when CBT is on, it's the CBT way ya'll!

  33. If Nik wants a reality show, the producers are going to have an issue with the fact that everybody in Nik's Crew is ugly as sin.

    Who wants to watch a show about a bunch of ugly, arrogant keyboard warriors talking shit on the internet??

  34. you would oz.. werd

  35. Yeah you do Skeets. Don't lie. And if you want to do a CBT, do it this way:

    "Elfie said...
    Sours I don't want your cock but thanks for the link...."

    The "Elfie said" is needed.

  36. Astrid said...
    if you don't want to spend money, don't get married and don't have kids

    Seriously. I can't stand when men (rich, mediocre or poor) think they can just all of a sudden up an leave after creating a family, a household (with bills) and then say "Im out" when things get to be too much for them, and then the woman has to deal with it all or she is rat bastard bitch who just wants money. Man up and take care of ALL your responsibilities or don't create a life where you have any.

  37. All that cuddling we did and finally your Pelicanitis rubbed off on me, Elfie.

  38. Yeah Astrid, they are going to have to recast his entire entourage, including his pie faced "wife". THey aren't legally married FYI, I saw pics of her trying on wedding dresses, supposedly she has bought 10 and can't decide which one to wear for their real wedding which I think is supposed to go down in Aug.

  39. An August wedding? That should be fun. Maybe they think they are going to start shooting in August.

  40. I'm sorry KB, I didn't know it was contagious and spread by skin-to-skin contact. :(

  41. Yeah that's what I was thinking Sours... don't new shows usually premiere in Sept?

  42. I'm hungry. Will someone make me some biscuits using Bisquik (or those ones in the can that pop when you unwrap them)? For some reason that sounds good right now.

  43. kb said...

    I'm hungry. Will someone make me some biscuits using Bisquik (or those ones in the can that pop when you unwrap them)? For some reason that sounds good right now

    no but ill make your biscuits into a sausage biscuit

  44. Do you like biscuits and gravy, Wop? You look like the type of guy that does. That is the nastiest breakfast ever.

  45. Oz eats that every morning out of a trough.

  46. I love bisquits and gravy w/ scrambled eggs and red devil (but he eggs adn gravy CANNOT touch) that is the only breakfast I really like.

  47. shut the fuck up KB, you look like you eat rat pellets

    Spurs get del taco chorizo thrown down into the basement by his 90 year old mother

  48. What ever you say DJ Qualls

  49. What ever you say Anus Magillicutty!

  50. Who was that directed at Skeets?

  51. WTF? I was being nice, as in you look like a southern gentleman (don't people in the south eat biscuits and gravy?). Calm down, you sloppy looking bastard (thanks Sours).

  52. Sloppy looking Southern Gentleman I mean

  53. and ftr, I eat french toast for breakfast, with strawberries and bananas. Although it is very good with mangos as well. So make sure you have all those for me when I come over.

  54. Biscuits and gravy is the food of the Gods.

  55. Hey Oz, know why Jesus wasn't Italian?

  56. If that's directed at me, slow down Skeets. You are dating a 'roided out softball player who can't close you.

    That means you leave the insults for the adults.

  57. No problem kinkyb!tch. Fatty is far from a Southern gentleman too.

  58. oh god, grits are disgusting. Let me guess, you put seasoning salt and cheese on yours, right CBT?*
    *please note, I am not trying to be mean when saying this, I am just commenting on how a normal southerner eats

  59. Spurs, you forgot the part about FMB wearin' lipstick.

  60. Oh, I forgot about the lipstick. Maybe I was just shocked a man wears it.

  61. Hahaa okay KB, I am real scared. BTW my back is not hairy at all

  62. No kb, just some butter. Southerns don't use "seasoning salt". We only know four seasonings down here (outside Louisiana); salt, pepper, lard and and butter.

  63. "CBT said...

    Hey Oz, know why Jesus wasn't Italian?"

    God looked all over Italy and couldn't find 3 wisemen or a virgin.

  64. Two for one deal on your back and your baby momma's upper lip? Score.

  65. and i am from EAST new york on the EAST coast of america and live on the EASTside of town

    I am a sloppy looking eastern gentleman

  66. No cheese? That is how Britney Spears eats them. I put sugar on mine when the Warden insists on making them. He gets all huffy, it's hilarious to see.

  67. That was good kb.

    How do pick out the bride at an Italian wedding?

    She's the one with the freshly waxed mustache.

  68. THat wasn't directed towards anyone asshole... it was just a random reference.
    man everyone is so fiesty in here today. I suggest you all take an intermission and go smoke a bowl, take a shot or meditate (pick your poison) and then come back to this convo.

    Wop is already drunk though...

  69. kb said...

    Two for one deal on your back and your baby momma's upper lip? Score.

    least she isnt on the computer calling herself kinkybitch while I am at work all day

    why dont you go on the roof and wait for your "man"

  70. You grew up in SOUTHern AZ and went to college in SO Cal and now live in SOUTHeast AZ.
    Sloppy looking southern but formerly eastern bastard of a gentleman.

  71. Britney's from Louisiana. That a whole 'nother brand of redneck, there.

  72. If I eat grits I eat them with cheese and pace salsa mixed in. It's good.

  73. kb said...

    You grew up in SOUTHern AZ and went to college in SO Cal and now live in SOUTHeast AZ.
    Sloppy looking southern but formerly eastern bastard of a gentleman.

    well I ,love you KB

    kiss and make up? for the childrens (elfies) sake?

  74. pace salsa mixed in.

    get a rope

  75. Those are pretty good Italian jokes CBT.

  76. That was kinda mean. I debated posting it cause it is so not me, but I was mad because Wop didn't appreciate my kind compliment.
    My ADD kicked in though and now I'm fine.

  77. "THat wasn't directed towards anyone asshole... it was just a random reference."

    Calm down Skeets, I'm just bitter you didn't take the bait on that comment and link I put up for you.

  78. AZ ain't part of the South. If the state you were born on didn't secede, you are not a Southerner (exceptions made for Kentucky and folks from the part of Missouri South of I44)

  79. okay fine, but ftr kb are actually my real name initials. Only Sours and his southern gentleman ways call me by my full name.
    You can only kiss me on the cheek though, that is all I allow when I am kinda mad.

  80. I'm just grateful you recognize my manners kinkyb!tch.

  81. How do you pick out the Italian jetliners on the runway?

    Hair under the wings.

  82. You are just the kindest of all of us assholes Sours, I wouldn't exactly call that a prize.

  83. Man, today flew by fast. Already time to bolt. Sweet.

  84. I'm gonna try to do homework drunk tonight... all my other attempts are sober homework have not been completely successful.

    Sours, you are right. I totally need your micro peen.

  85. elfie how do you know that about Nik and Shayne... and yea, it will be funny if they react the dirty staff. It will just be Nik and some guys that look like Backstreet Boys...

  86. I tried some grits at the Cracker Barrel... they weren't my grits, but they were nasty. Never again

  87. Funny Skeets. And as far as the studying? You should try some adderall.

  88. I saw it in Tweets so who knows if it is true or not.

  89. Drunk studying? And tomorrow's Oz's birthday. I should have posted something about it today.

  90. I really do need adderol but I worry about taking drugs like that, itmake that problem better but make other things worse you know?

  91. I understand. I don't see you as the type to get hooked on it though.

  92. if I studied drunk.. I would probably just fall asleep, but I like wine

  93. I was answering Astrid's question about how I knew about the wedding thing. I saw tweets of her in a wedding dress to one of her friends.

  94. Here's the way studying goes for me. I sit with the book in my lap for hours on end, reading and rereading the same thing over and over because I start thinking while I am reading and don't remember a thing. THen I get stressed out because my work is due but I cant do it because I couldnt get through the reading so I start pulling on my eyelashes and eyebrows and then I get get really frustrated and like weak in my limbs? and end up going to bed. There is something very wrong with that entire sequence of events. haha

  95. Dang Skeets. You could get it and take it before those times you need to study. Do you have trouble at work?

  96. The reason for my major pelicanitis is also the ADD my mind is constantly racing and shit. I drink some coffee and it slows the fuck down for a bit but then once it wears off I am back to racing. At night it's bad too, I have a super hard time falling asleep, to the point where I am physically so tired that my body aches and every fucking position I lay in is uncomfortable so I have to keep moving and then I finally get comfy but I cannot get my mind to go to sleep. It fucking sucks man. I take melatonin a lot.

  97. Do you think the "other things made worse" by Adderall would be worse than what you are going through now?

  98. I feel you on the super hard time falling asleep.

  99. yeah I have problems at work, my bosses know that they can't rely on just telling me something and have me remember it. I have to have a note or if they do just tell me verbally they have to make sure that I repeat it back to them and not just say uh-huh or ok. haha. I seem spacey and forgetful and probably pretty stupid but I am not, I just have trouble focusing.

  100. Then you might consider trying something out Streets.

  101. did you see this spurs?

    I wonder why Nik is tweeting he was on Fox News...

  102. Well it's always been a problem for me but when I was in school I just bullshitted my way through most things and for the most part found it really easy. When it came to math or anything I really had to focus on I had a really difficult time.

    I don't want to take anything that may change my personality, cause with the exception of the inattention, I like how I am.

  103. I didn't see that Astrid. That's funny.

  104. I can see why you wouldn't want to change your personality Skeets, but I don't think your personality would change, I could be wrong though.

  105. if it changes.. just stop taking the medicine..

  106. they can put you on a very low does and slowly increase it..

  107. My son has ADHD and for a very short time he took ritalin, he was not the quirky, witty and random little guy he usually is. My son is so funny normally and he was just blah... no personality at all just sat like a blob, a blinking, eating and breathing blob, completely void of any emotion what-so-ever. I couldnt do that to him so he went off meds and we've been doing behavior modification.

  108. and actually my son's diagnosis of ADD is what made me realize that I had it too. He is just like I was as a kid, super impulsive. I once my mom made me wear my keds without socks and dropped me off to school like that. I wasn't having it so without really thinking it through I tried to run the fuck home... I was 7, our house was not within walking distance to the school.

  109. I don't think those meds are a great idea for kids. Was he taking it everyday?

  110. You tried to run home? That's funny.

  111. my medicine made me a blob at first too.. but it was a temporary side effect

    once I got used to it, that went away

  112. stuff for sleeping and asthma

  113. Yeah he was taking 5mg twice a day, which is the lowest dose they offer. Ritalin is not one of the better meds but I was paying out of pocket and it was the least expensive option.

    Yeah I got part way home before my mom got home, checked the voicemail and heard a message from the school saying I was absent. Haha

  114. I should get some sleeping stuff.

  115. does RQ speak German

  116. I don't know Astrid. I'm thinking she does, but I can't say for sure.

  117. I think she does too.

    My mom wasn't really pissed, just more annoyed. I was always pulling shit like that. Like she's ask me if I wanted water or milk and I answer "yes" because I couldnt make up my mind, I would debate it in my mind forever. If I actually picked one I would cry and ask for the other, eventually she would just give me whatever and not give me a choice or mix them. If I had no choice I was happy. haha I was a total pain in the ass and apparently all those things are symptoms of ADD.

  118. Have you tried melatonin Sours? It works but you will have crazy dreams.

  119. No I haven't tried that Elfie. I probably should.

  120. Yeah try it, take 2 caplets and within 30 mins yu will be down for the count. I usually don't even remember falling asleep.

  121. I'm going to try to pick some of that up this weekend then.

  122. just drink yourself to sleep and wake up in a bowl of your own filth like drew does.

  123. just look at what it does for his skin. the stomach acid and bile in like a chemical peel. he doesnt look a day over 78.

  124. bile mix* in like...

  125. I don't think he's had a drink for a few days now, but I think he wrote that he was going to drink this weekend.

  126. didnt he also say he lost 15lbs?

  127. what did he do? shave his back?

  128. so wheres the party at? did everyone bail out of here or what?

  129. if you want more people talking.. then just start talking shit about Lindsay.. lol

  130. I am sitting here with a heating pad on my chest.. I told my Dad about my muscles and he said it might take up to 8 weeks to heal, because he got them a lot when he was an athlete..

  131. You think you'll ever take that dog for another walk?

  132. what about using icy hot?

  133. i have icy hot too.. no, i won't walk that dog ever again

  134. Not much. Kind of tired. What have you been up to?

  135. Bought a few new books the other day, so I've been reading quite a lot today.

  136. yea.. what are you reading?

  137. Right now I'm reading The Trial Of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens.

    I also bought Hells Angels by Hunter S Thompson and Atlas Shrugged. I wanted to get a book on the Bilderberg Group, but I couldn't find it in the sea of books written by Conservative pundits.

  138. That's some nice reading material EV.

  139. Which reminds me, there should be a rule of no more than one shelf of books written by people associated with Fox news.

  140. Nah, I've never really cared to watch the draft. Outside of the top few picks, I don't know anything about the guys coming in.

  141. A lot of those guys won't be in the league in five years anyway.

  142. Yeah, that's pretty much why I don't really follow them until they're in the league. It's always nice to hear a Darko Milicic story, though.

  143. There's always some big time busts.

  144. I wonder if Atlas Shrugged is good... I know a lot of conservs love it

  145. It's a classic, Astrid. I'm sure it's pretty good.

    Spurs, not many of them have the effect of being in the same draft as LeBron, Melo, Bosh and Wade.

  146. dick cheny is in the hospital

  147. I'm eating the new bacon and blue burger from Wendy's... it's kind of weird but good. But don't eat fries with ketchup at the same time cause it tastes really strange.

  148. does it have blue cheese on it or something?

  149. Bacon and blue burger? I've heard of that, never tried it. I had Wendy's last week too.

  150. BLAH BLAH BLAH.....Who gives a shit about MJ? I am way more important.

  151. Sure you are DG. Hey, since it seems you are the best, you have any ideas for a post?

  152. plus this is the anniversary of me being deathly ill and ended up in the hospital and wishing I was dead. Let's make this about me instead. Thanks.

  153. Yeah it has blue cheese crumbles, grilled onions and bacon.

    DG~ I tried to tell TMZ the same thing, but they were like "DG Who?" and I was like "what rock have you all been LIVING under?!"

  154. do you want kids someday dg?

  155. I can't believe TMZ didn't know who she was.

  156. kids rock. they make the world go around.

  157. my son is systematically wiping mustard from his burger.... ahhhhhhhhhh. He is his mother's child.

  158. You should check out this Kissinger book if you ever want some good reading, Spurs. Interesting stuff, I'll probably finish it tonight.

  159. I asked DG.. because of this article

    you want to post it spurs?

  160. I tend to do that too EV. Get a book and if it's good read it fast.

  161. That's interesting Astrid. I know you aren't planning on having kids right?

  162. I got the 200 spot with my very important comment! I ROCK!

    Astrid~ Do you want kids someday?

    I don't, actually I am trying to give away the ones I have... haha.

    Truth be told I am looking into fostering kids with behavioral issues. I love kids and I'm really flippin patient.

  163. That's why I wrote congrats Skeets.

  164. You really want to be a foster mom? That's cool.

  165. Yeah I wasn't sure if that cause I got 200 or because I have apparently passed all my neurosises on to my poor child haha.

  166. Funny, I was wondering if you knew what I meant.

  167. Yeah therapeutic foster care, the harder to place ones. I have to go through 6 months worth of classes but then I can take one.
    FMB's family consists of 3 blood related kids and 6 adopted ones. They have had more fosters than they can count. I've always wanted to do it but didn't know if I could cause I'm single but I found out from his mom that I definitely can and went through the initial paperwork already.
