Friday, July 2, 2010

Britney Spears might be losing it again

Britney has never been posted here, so I figure these pics would be a good place to start. I know kinkyb!tch still idolizes her for some reason, so here you go. Remember the next time you wear shorts kb, pull your socks up to your knees. I do like the shorts though.


  1. She used to be so damn hot..... what a shame.

  2. What's up Miami? I agree, she was hot. And I think her mental breakdown was because she felt bad about screwing K-Fed in the divorce like that. If Tiger's wife deserved half, so did he.

  3. I like when she got mixed up with that one terrorist paparazzi guy. That was a fun story.

  4. hahahahah, that was funny as hell Spurs.

  5. I think he ran someone over or something.

  6. Did he? I didn't know that. I hand it to him for being able to get her to follow along with the scam he was pulling on her. Pills probably helped too.

  7. Well there was that Adnan guy, who I think almost ran someone over, then there was the fat bald lutfi dude who was really scamming her. Really cool bunch of friends.

  8. I wish my friends were that cool. Btw, do you know most of the regulars on here outside of the site? just curious.

  9. I was thinking of that Adnan guy. I knew there was a second scammer, I forgot it was Lufti. Now that guy was wholesome. No ulterior motives at all.

  10. I've talked to a few people and I've actually met one, but other than that, no.

  11. Was the one that hot chick who wrapped you up like a present? She is hot and I hope that is the one... and hopefully you got to unwrap her like a present.

  12. Yeah, she was the one. So you have any big plans for this weekend?

  13. Mostly chilling my friend. I was supposed to fly out to NY this weekend, but thought it better to stay in Miami and save some money. My car needs new tires and some maintenance, so I am gonna blow some money there. Also, I am gonna spend time with my nephew and niece at a BBQ Sunday. In between I will be blowing green smoke and working. Besides, I am flying out to Vegas at the end of the month. I can blow the rest of my pennies when I get there. How about you?

  14. Well, you can guarantee that I will be blowing the green smoke as well. But that's like saying I'll be breathing too. Other than that, not sure.

    And Vegas at the end of the month? Nice.

  15. Green smoke in deed. How is the work in TX? Anything out of this world down there? Btw, you do anything else besides this site?

  16. Well, a buddy of mine has been getting medicinal marijuana, which is nuts. And I own a Fortune 500 company besides the site. Not really, I work at an accounting office and I go to school.

    Are people in your office looking at you like you are busy again?

  17. Yeah Vegas baby. I am gonna pretend to be someone important and keep a rubber band around a stack of singles with a $100 bill on the outside. If I can get someone to believe that I'm special, eat some nice food, party, and disrespectfully lose some money playing poker and blackjack, it will be a good trip.

  18. Good trip indeed. How often do you go? And that's cool you play poker and blackjack, the real suckers play roulette, gay slots, keno, craps and other loser bets.

  19. You know you'd bang her CBT. She's all backwoods. Perfect for you.

  20. "Miami said...

    Yeah Vegas baby. I am gonna pretend to be someone important and keep a rubber band around a stack of singles with a $100 bill on the outside."

    And y'all call me bogus?

  21. Damn, I thought she was pulling her shit together.

  22. Yeah, I would, but only after I scrubbed her in Clorox.

  23. Well, he didn't go into details about going to Vegas and banging every stripper at a strip joint CBT, so no, it's not the same type of "bogus."

  24. My celebrity crush is on a chick named Renee Olsen now.

  25. What's up 2dirty4u? I thought so too, but it's more entertaining when she's a nut.

  26. Hahahahahaha, nah. They know whats up today. My TV is on and I am watching Colbert Report. This motherfucker is my kind of guy. I work for a capital investment/private equity group. Finished my MBA last year. It sounds awesome, but I am really a nobody here. Glorified nobody though, so its cool with me.

  27. Who's that CBT? I just googled her, nothing came up. Is she famous down at the local karaoke joint?

  28. Sounds like you have a good thing going there Miami. How long have you been there?

  29. No, it's amazing you haven't been stabbed with all the juggling (lies) you do with these skanks CBT.

  30. She's a hotass little 20 year old redhead. No clue what she does. I may have her name wrong.

  31. I been here 3 years, I am suprised they havent gotten rid of me. CBT whats wrong with pretending to be important, 90% Vegas does it all the time.

  32. I've been here coming up on 3 years as well. And I wonder the same thing.

  33. I do not goto Vegas regularly. I think thats why its so fun still for me. You go often Spurs?

  34. Spurs, long live jobs that do not include d-testing!!! Its this or go back to hooking.

  35. I've never been. I know man, sad. When I lived in Houston I used to go to Louisiana to gamble all the time. Even been to Oklahoma to gamble. But never Vegas.

  36. Hooking huh? Nice. And yeah, no drug testing at a work place is great.

  37. Spurs, you must make it out there. It is pure debauchery. You a poker player Spurs?

  38. I do need to go. I've actually never played poker at a casino. I've played with people, just not at a casino. I stick with blackjack, but the next time I gamble, I plan on playing some poker. You pretty good at poker? And what game do you play?

  39. I played Texas Hold 'em before it got popular, lost my ass, reminded me of why I don't gamble. It ain't as easy as it looks on TV.

  40. I love blackjack but I go through waves, ups and downs. Plus its fun when you are drunk. That and hold-em are 2 main games. I'll play other stuff, but I am not that good with anything else. Last time I was in Planet Hollywood, I played blackjack at a table with these really cool, hot chicks and went on a $800 streak. I felt good, but right after I lost most of it at Ceasar's Palace... that sucked.

  41. CBT what kind of lies you throw around with these women?

  42. I usually go off the deep-end and tell girls that I invented the internet or that I work for a top secret department of NASA where I train monkeys to carry out covert space missions.

  43. What kind of lies doesn't he tell should be the question. And a top secret job at NASA? That's good. That clown Big Drew wrote that he hooked up with an astronaut. Maybe you two know each other.

  44. I usually start at the $25's and depending on how the night is going or who I am with usually determines where I play most of the night.

  45. Its funny as hell to see guys playing back to back to back $100 hands at the $10 table.

  46. All right cool. Yeah, the $25 and up tables are the best bets. Especially if you can play heads up against the dealer.

  47. I have some other big lies I use, but I am keeping those under wraps. My secret weapons. Spurs, you play often or not so much?

  48. Miami (is this Fla Anonymous with a name, now?) I wear a cowboy hat and use a business card that says I'm co-owner of the "Rockin' Double R Cattle Company". That however, isn't a lie, it's what my dad and call the ranch. It sounds better than advertising sales rep.

  49. I used to play all the time when I lived in Houston. The last casino I've gone to was in Oklahoma, and that's been over a year ago. I would like to go soon though.

  50. Yeah, I figured it out. This dude has a job.

  51. Yeah $10 table will take you an hour to make lunch money. Daddy needs some new shoes, so that wont work.... unless I am just posted up trying to get some free drinks. Which I admit is cheap, but for some reason has happened on more than one occasion.

  52. CBT, your title sounds much better than mine.

  53. Spurs, you get some good material so I am guessing you have a few different resources for information, but have you ever been to this site:

    This guy is funny as hell too

  54. "unless I am just posted up trying to get some free drinks. Which I admit is cheap"

    Nothing wrong with that.

  55. That's a cool site Miami, I bookmarked it. Thanks for that.

  56. "I'm co-owner of the "Rockin' Double R Cattle Company"."

    That is a nice title CBT.

  57. Yeah its a pretty funny site. Are you working while you type here Spurs?

  58. CBT, as co-owner do you get better steak than the rest of us?

  59. Well, I just took a trip around the block and smoked, and I just placed an order for an enchilida plate, so I'm working my ass off. I'm doing some work on a carpet cleaning company we do the taxes for here and there.

  60. Cattle prices have improved a lot lately, too. I've been selling mine over in Green Forrest. The auction over there will even send a driver and a trailer after the cattle if you've got at least 8 to sell.

  61. You have remarkably quick response time if you are doing both at the same time. Spurs, you got cable in your office?

  62. "Miami said...

    CBT, as co-owner do you get better steak than the rest of us?"

    I don't eat my own cattle. I don't eat a lot of beef anyway, mostly chicken and pork, some fish.

  63. A burger once a week, a ribeye or a porterhouse a couple of times a month.

  64. I love eating cattle, they're delicious. As an animal lover, I may change some day, but for now.. those guys will remain on my menu

  65. PETA here means People Eating Tasty Animals.

  66. I just ordered Argentinian style steak - churrasco. I hope they arrive soon, I is hungry.

  67. I have it set up where I see the comments coming in to an e-mail account, so it's easy Miami. No, no cable in the office man. I'm glad for that too.

  68. yeah, I'm PETA then. Count me in.

  69. There's an Argentinian restaurant in little Rock. I ate there some when i lived down there. They can flat ass cook some cow.

  70. Man, churrasco? Makes my enchilidas look meager. Hopefully the food will be here in about 15 minutes, I'm hungry.

  71. Oh I was gonna ask you if you ever catch the BS mtv and vh1 pump out. I would never take the time to watch the stuff when I'm at home, but while I am at work, I'll watch anything. For example, they have this show called 'is she really going out with him' and the ass clowns on here are amazing.

  72. Yes, they know how to cook em some cows. Also, some of their women are fly. Aside from that, I am not sure what else they do for us.

  73. Hungry? You mean you got the munchies.

    I only eat two meals a day, breakfast and another one around 7pm. Three eggs, bacon and sourdough toast will get a man through the day.

  74. I've never watched that show, though I've heard of it. I stay away from MTV and VH1.

  75. by us I meant the world, not just Americans. Sorry, didnt mean to sound racist.

  76. I was hungry before I smoked CBT, it just added to it.

  77. Spurs, its straight comedy. There is another one I saw yesterday also, 'your cut off'. Its about rich chicks who live delusional lives normally but have been cut off so that they can learn to appreciate money. I thought I was taking crazy pills when I saw it, but it too was comedy.

  78. They should film that show here. I date women from Branson, Springfield and STL because there are some major crazies here. They either like losers or are ready to marry any guy that shows an interest.

  79. CBT has the rebel flag Miami, no worries.

  80. Sounding racist is okay. Being racist isn't.

  81. Your Cut Off actually sounds like it might be worth checking out. I'm sure it was comedy.

  82. The show I meant was "I can't believe she's going out with him".

  83. I have no idea where they find these people. Check it out one time spurs, even if its for a minute or two.

  84. I will. As far as where they find them? There will always be people willing to go on tv to humiliate themselves. And that's a great thing.

  85. CBT you should promote the show down by you

  86. Spurs, you get those enchiladas yet?

  87. Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to.-Chris Rock

  88. Not yet man. Still waiting. Your churrasco?

  89. That doesn't apply to North Central Arkansas and South Central Missouri.

  90. If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve. If she tells you she's twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she's damn near forty.-Chris Rock

  91. Yeah spurs, I am destroying this bad boy as we speak. Just in time, I was about to start gnawing on the corner of my desk.

  92. CBT is that from the special where he talks about hiding the money in books because books are like kryptonite to Ni__ers

  93. Nice. Now I'm really getting hungry. Do you have a secretary or "assistant?"

  94. I saw a human pyramid once. It was very unnecessary.-Mitch Hedberg

  95. Unfortunately no, that would be awesome. You have one? One of my goals in life is to have a hot assistant with relaxed jaws.

  96. Funny. No, I don't have one either. Of course I don't need one.

  97. Spurs, hopefully those chumps get the food there STAT. How dare they f with a man's enchiladas.

  98. That's great you used STAT like you were a 15 year old girl CBT. And yeah, I don't know what the wait is about.

  99. Yeah if I had one, I might possibly become the laziest man this side if the Mississippi.

  100. You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans.-George Carlin

  101. Did you grow up in Florida? And how do you like Miami?

  102. hahahaah, I try to use different words all the time so people think I have a wide spanning vocabulary..... I don't.

  103. Oh, that was you Miami. Shit I thought CBT wrote that. But yeah, that's gay. LMFAO! : )

  104. "Miami said...

    Unfortunately no, that would be awesome. You have one? One of my goals in life is to have a hot assistant with relaxed jaws."

    Been there, done that. Ex wife now has the house, the BMW and my dogs.

  105. I was born in the mid-west. Cleveland, OH. I moved here when I was 8. I am 32 now, so its pretty much all I know. Its fun but like most places has good n bad. The benefits are obvious to the outside. But there are way too many superficial people. Its like a collection of douche bag types you would find on the thedirty.

  106. I didn't say STAT, and yeah, it's gay. LOL.

  107. I can imagine it's pretty superficial there.

  108. The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.-George Carlin

  109. How dare she take the dogs CBT? Cold-blooded my man.

  110. I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.-George Carlin

  111. Yeah. All my friends called her the "Ice Princess".

  112. STAT was my gay comment. Yeah, I never understand how people can party, party, party... never do anything else worth while or anything with meaning, but still think they are living a good life.

  113. I mean, I love having 2 chicks make out over my wang as much as the next guy. But to me, its only fun because I have a family, friends, my dogs (nobody better take em), little projects I do for myself, etc.

  114. That other part of life that gives you self-worth. Btw, CBT did you bang those two chicks from the other post?

  115. Good way of looking at it Miami. So did you get your MBA at U of M?

  116. I met this wonderful girl at Macy's. She was buying clothes and I was putting Slinkies on the escalator.-Steven Wright

    I can see Spurs doing that.

  117. No dude, just the short dark one. I was with her again night before last. I'm afraid that one may very well be my next ex-wife. We've been off and on since February of 2009.

  118. Miami, party, party, feed a stray dog, party, party, screw a fat chick...

  119. You aren't going to get married to that black chick CBT.

  120. I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.-Elvis Presley

  121. "SPURS FAN said...

    You aren't going to get married to that black chick CBT."

    Probably not. One us will run before it happens.

  122. I headed up to STL tomorrow, though.

  123. Nah, I got my MBA at Nova Southeastern. Its better known regionally. Outside of the state... not as much. What are you studying Spurs? You gonna stick to accounting?

  124. Food finally got here. Excellent.

  125. Enjoy spurs. Put some hot sauce on it.

  126. That's cool CBT. I'd like to check out St. Louis.

  127. Yeah, you need 150 hours (a Masters basically) to sit for the CPA exam, so that's what I'm doing.

  128. CBT, enjoy but dont let her take any of your animals.

  129. STL is a cool place. I spent a lot of time there back in 2003.

  130. CBT you in STL for bizz? Spurs, I wish you luck, the CPA exam is long and hard as you well know. Not everyone can be an accountant, it can be tough work.

  131. Yeah, I've heard it's a hard exam to pass.

  132. How did the enchiladas come out?

  133. Great, thanks. They are cheese enchilidas. Came with two crispy tacos too. The place we got it from has excellent Mexican food.

  134. STL is where Rudy is. Gonna go get some more brown sugar.

  135. Busy month, July. Rudy this weekend, Alyssa's coming up from Little Rock next weekend, Rudy's coming down the next weekend and Erin's flying in the 30th.

  136. i think britney went to hell when she gave birth the first time. thats makes them officially damaged goods.

  137. Alyssa's 19, Rudy's 20, Erin's 23. All Libras.

  138. What's up AZ Anonymous? Great point.

  139. You mentioned their signs? Gay.

  140. Spurs, my buddy just came across this skunky stuff called Big Buds (no fucking clue where people get the names). I was inspired by your walk around the block and I am gonna go to my car and enjoy some doobage myself.

  141. Well it was a drive around the block, but that's awesome you are going to smoke too. Will make the rest of your day at work fun.

  142. she does have a nice thick body tho. a body built for fucking.

  143. Yeah, she seems like she would be a fun lay.

  144. My ex-wife was into that "sign" stuff. It's hard not to think about it when you've heard it every day for 20 years.

  145. I waked and and baked this morning.

  146. i think as long as she didnt talk, katy perry would be a good lay.

  147. sex is like pizza, even when its bad its still good.

  148. How is this sausage-a-rama going?


    Sours~ You said you do the account for a carpet cleaning business? How much does it bring in?

  149. Did you go into work today CBT?

  150. Ahh the girl with the sacred vagina makes an appearance.

  151. Yeah, I did. No reason to though. 3 day weekends in a retirement/resort town start on Thursday and end on Tuesday.

  152. KB's is the sacred one... she can squirt. I haven't figured it out yet.

  153. What's up Skeets? Their sales for 2009 (and I guarantee the owner didn't deposit all the money) was $117,258. Showing a net income of $30,826.00.

  154. It'll be Wednesday before I can actually find a decision maker again.

  155. Squirting's kinda gross to me. I like a wet pussy and all, but I'm not crazy qabout one that shoots at me.

  156. Pam told me once about squirting. I'm sure there's footage of that somewhere on the 'net.

  157. I think I'm about to blow work off for the rest of the day, go get some beer, go back to the cabin, get high and go down to the dock and float around in the lake.

  158. That's all Sours? Hmmmmm would you say that is average for a carpet cleaning business? I ask because someone I know is looking to buy one.

  159. I think Elfie's vagina is sacred because i don't think there's been a lot traffic through it. I'm bettin' DG's has more miles on it than a UPS van.

  160. My cousin had a carpet cleaning service in Goshen, Indiana. He lives in a 2.5 million dollar house. You got any idea how much house 2.5 mil buys in Goshen, Indiana?

  161. I'm not sure that's average Skeets, it's the only carpet cleaning we have. My guess is the income is actually closer to $200,000, but I could be wrong. Just the vibe I get from the owner, not showing all the sales.

  162. I'm out for awhile, might see y'all tonight.

  163. I think it's time for me to take another ride around the block.

  164. CBT that sounds like a relaxing day

  165. hahaha!! your boss doesnt mind you working like that?

  166. I took a smoke break, but my boss is not here today. Basically, me and one other person... and that person is leaving.

  167. a couple of my bosses that i used to work with have gotten high at work.

  168. She doesn't know Anonymous. I don't offer her a bowl or anything, and my office is away from her. There's not a ton of interraction of than the obligatory greetings.

  169. So it's a small company then Miami?

  170. I'm the only one who has been here all week, and will be the only one most of next week and then also in 2 weeks.

  171. I just left and came back and I don't even know if she knows I left. I could have gone next door, she wouldn't know.

  172. At least you don't have to deal with your dickhead bosses Skeets.

  173. True but I do have to deal with all the dickheads calling about jobs that my bosses are handling... they left so many loose ends I think I am going to fucking scream.

  174. That sucks. You should smoke and relax.

  175. I don't smoke... it makes me paranoid and hallucinate.

  176. hallucinate from weed? how lame.

  177. When you wise up and kick FMB to the streets for good and pay for my flight to Tucson, we'll smoke out Skeets.

  178. Yeah, pretty small. We are in a big office for some strange reason though. You in a big company?

  179. I wanna hook up where she hooks up. My stuff wont make me hallucinate =(

  180. No, the accounting business is just my boss and I. But her and her husband own a home healtch care company as well, and there's about 9 who work next door, not to mention the nurses that work for them.

  181. I think she was smoking 'shrooms.

  182. i have honestly hear of anyone seeing shit off weed. i thought it was pretty much impossible.

  183. It is lame...

    I'm not kicking FMB to the curb... he's looking to make over 100k this year (he's working 2 jobs)I told him that him making over 100K is the start of becoming a good husband someday. Granted making 100K in Tucson is like making a quarter mil elsewhere, cost of living is not very expensive.

  184. honestly *never heard* of

    im typing like ive been smoking. or maybe im just seeing shit?

  185. Uh, if he didn't walk after you told him that, he's spineless. Why did he get a second job Skeets?

  186. I can't even imagine the insults that would fly out of my mouth if some chick told me that. Actually I can imagine, and it would be funny. For me.

  187. Really? It did it to me every single time I tried. It wasn't as much seeing things (except shadows) as it was hearing things... kind of like Craig and Smokey in Friday, when they are in his house after they get budded.
