Friday, July 9, 2010

Mel Gibson, ladies man

This is the phone call Mel made to his ex. I really like how he expresses his opinion of her fake tits.


  1. I was going to post this Mel story earlier in the week, but I wanted to wait for the audio to come out. His career is over.

  2. I'd say Gibson's an idiot. Fake tits are obvious. Her acting like a whore is probably what attracted him to her in the first place.

  3. Nevermind, didn't see your comment. I like how he said she looks like a "Vegas whore!"

  4. And she's so calm and collected because she knows she's burning him bad.

  5. "And she's so calm and collected because she knows she's burning him bad."


  6. Are they even a considered a couple anymore? Telling her what to wear and not leave the house is bad enough, but if they aren't even together... lol.. he is fucked up

  7. Yeah, he ruined himself with this. I'm glad the audio came out on this though.

  8. If my ex called me and we have that conversation I'd call the cops and file a restraining order.. don't like what I wear, then stay the fuck away from me in public

  9. He still loves her. He is confused and angry. And she is loving every second of it and will take him for every penny she can.

  10. Didn't he leave his wife for this chick?

  11. How well I like fake tits depends on how well they were done. My last ex wife had a great set. Rudy's doctor did a good job, kept them the same same size, just firmed them up some. I've run across some that was like squeezing footballs.

  12. And I agree. I think he still cares for her and she's going to burn him.

  13. I am curious to know what her breast implants look like now...

  14. Squeezing footballs ain't hot.

  15. I don't follow their relationship.. why do you guys think he still loves her?? I'd think she may be a gold digger and is trying to collect bank..

  16. Yeah, I'm curious as to what they look like too.

  17. Real tits are always better.

  18. Oh, she's a gold digger for sure.

  19. Here comes CBT with his expert info!!

    Dude, stfu.

  20. I bet they look like a 40 year old pornstar's implants.

  21. By the way he is talking to her. He is upset and is trying to convince himself he doesn't love her and is really more angry at himself for ever allowing himself to care for this ungrateful bitch.

  22. DG, I'm not sure what dirtyhater thinks of us.

  23. so if rq had a thing for cbt did she ever have a thing for Drew?

  24. Well, she "luffed" him and he "luffed" her, but I think that was a joke. On her part.

  25. whatever, who cares. He can go back to twittering. Did he really think all the comments were going to be about him and the dirty? The dirty is old news now.

  26. I found this picture of her... must be before all the surgery...

    she looked good

  27. It's not like the dude just sits and tweets all day.

  28. DG, it's okay to care for them. What's not okay is to lose sight of the basis for the relationship.

    By the way, regarding something someone said about my secretary blowing me the second day she worked for me: She didn't blow me because of any animal magnetism I have. She blew me because she knew that that would make her indespensible, and she was a little ho, a cute little ho, but a ho never the less.

  29. She does look good in this pic.

  30. I just turned on Whale Wars... I think I missed it. I need to figure out what time it comes on

  31. "DG said...
    so if rq had a thing for cbt did she ever have a thing for Drew?"

    I believe she did. I think she had a thing for Spurs, too. She got too mad at me and Drew too quick not to have had a crush, at the minimum.

  32. I'm watching it Astrid. It's all right. But shouldn't they go after the hunting ships instead of the processing ship?

  33. Regarding sugar babies: I love all the ones I've had, a little, except for Holly, but I don't trust any of them as far as I can throw a truck trailer.

  34. I do like when RQ rips on you CBT, that's funny. And that impression she did of Drew in his khakis was great.

  35. cbt.. rq gets mad at me easily too.. I think that means she has a you. Drew, seriously? Nobody has ever had a crush on Drew..

  36. *I don't think that means she has a crush on you

  37. I would've like to have met the 21 year old Rocket Queen.

  38. I don't think she wanted Drew.

  39. Yeah, I bet she was really hot CBT.

  40. Astrid, RQ and I talked on the phone couple of times, too. I can tell.

  41. Astrid, RQ sent Spurs pictures of her tits and he sent them to Nik.

  42. you just dont seem like her type cbt.

  43. Uh, no dumbass. She sent those to me months and months before anyone knew what she looked like. I never would have sent them to Nik. She posted those on her myspace, Drew yanked them, sent them to Nik and then tried to blame it on me.

  44. "SPURS FAN said...
    Yeah, I bet she was really hot CBT."

    Yeah, and not as totally fucking batshit crazy.

  45. That was mean, spurs.

  46. Ok, that wasnt mean then.

  47. Give me a break. Like I wouldn't have written the shit that went along with the pic.

  48. "DG said...
    you just dont seem like her type cbt."

    I've attracted all types, heifer. 40 plus professional women seem very attracted to me, until they find out I'm more interested in their daughters.

  49. If I could fuck age appropriate women, I'd never sleep alone. It's their hands.

  50. SPURS FAN said...
    "Uh, no dumbass. She sent those to me months and months before anyone knew what she looked like. I never would have sent them to Nik. She posted those on her myspace, Drew yanked them, sent them to Nik and then tried to blame it on me."

    You know Spurs, I do believe my brother in grifterhood would do something like that. I think I believe your version.

  51. did RQ have a crush on nik?

  52. ... and thought RQ acted like she had a crush on Dirtnasty or whatever his name is.. with the dark, short hair..

    but I wouldn't think she'd like cbt or spurs, because you guys aren't rich enough

  53. I think Rocket Queen was a hottie back in her day, even with those bigass feet. I also bet she was still pretty whacked out then, though, just not dangerous.

  54. Yeah, my version is correct CBT.

  55. RQ only became a gold digger when her family cut her off a few months back.

  56. Yes Astrid, she had a crush on Dirtnasty.

  57. I like it when RQ rips on me, too, Spurs.

  58. see.. I just think that is bullshit... If she has a PHD, then why become a gold digger? She could make good money, and she would have her own money. Golddiggers might as be called "slaves" because they are the one that has to play nice and put up with shit.

  59. Maybe rq is just a flirt and you read into it too much, cbt? Desperate old men are known for doing this.

  60. and how do her parents have so much money?

  61. Maybe she doesn't want to work anymore.

  62. Astrid, RQ's story was that she was a pyshcologist living in Seattle on sabbitical to get over PTSD caused by being raped in Scottsdale. She was at least in Seattle because the card she sent me was postmarked Bellingham, Wa, a Seattle suburb.

  63. I'd say that's it too. She probably doesn't want to work anymore.

  64. I'd rather work then have somebody else run my life and depend on them for everything... Goldiggers have no say in anything. I just think it's strange she'd go for that, when she has that Queen persona about herself.. She isn't in command of her own life.

    If you don't want to work, you also can save enough to support yourself...

  65. I could never be a gold digger either. I do not in anyway ever like being told what to do. Even if it is something I want to do, I won't do it just for being told.

  66. Women that have had some measure of privlege will do pretty much anything to maintain the lifestyle to which they are accustomed, even if it includes fucking old men for rent.

  67. Yeah, I can't see Astrid or DG doing that.

  68. "DG said...
    ...I do not in anyway ever like being told what to do. Even if it is something I want to do, I won't do it just for being told."

    DG, you woulda made one hell of a good horse. Lotsa spirit.

  69. Neither Astrid nor DG have had to bottom fall out like RQ. Those girls have some backbone. Whatever's been going on in RQ's life has beaten her. DG's for sure a fighter, I think Astrid, too.

  70. I think you need your own money it's a safety net... staying with somebody for money and not working makes you too dependent. What if the relationship goes sour or he treats you like shit, you're kind of stuck.

    Who wants to be in their 30s or 40s, working at some crappy job for nothing, because the gravy train headed south.

    Or stuck in a shitty relationship trying to him happy, because you can't deal with the other option.

  71. EV, I spent 14 of the last 23 years figuring out, 30 seconds after meeting them, whether are not I was getting in a car with people. Part of being a carsalesman was doin' what momma always said not to. We went for car rides with strangers.

  72. Good one EV. You talking about CBT?

  73. I'm still alive, so that means I'm a pretty good armchair pyscholgist.

  74. That is exactly how I see it too, Astrid.

  75. I missed Whale Wars

  76. it's not a very Queenly decision..

  77. I'd say you are right about your theory too Astrid. As far as Whale Wars? They will replay it soon. 30 minutes.

  78. What made you just spit that out CBT?

  79. DG, you know why I'm okay with sugar babies now? It's because I got to hear the unicorn sing and after her, all other women ain't nothin' but pussy.

  80. Something I saw on TV spurs.

  81. spurs... I have watched that happen to a few women myself..

  82. "Astrid said...
    it's not a very Queenly decision.."

    Yeah, well, she kinda got demoted to whore after one old dude had his gardener escort her off his premises.

  83. Really? Are they a lot older than you, or are you referring to women your age?

  84. Spurs, most of my sugar babies have been college girls whose families have cut them off for one reason or another. All spoiled, pretty and pretty much unprincilpled.

  85. She says she meets the rich trouts online, I guess she does.

  86. they are older than me... I used to work in a spa, where a bunch of them came. One was all snobby and bitchy when she was rich. Then her husband dumped her, and she couldn't afford to come back.

    He won custody of the kids too.

    We saw her walking down the street one day... she was real fat, and her hair looked like crap.

    We kind of laughed at her, because she was so bitchy before

  87. That's not surprising, CBT. I think it'd take a girl with daddy issues to get with an old guy.

  88. Damn, she feel pretty hard Astrid.

  89. Do you think drew had a thing for rq?

  90. I met Rudy online. I know this girl is the "free pussy" that costs more in the long run because she won't take money from me. She will let me take her shopping, though, and she can fuckin' shop.

  91. .. and one of the real housewives of NYC was dumped by her husband. The last season she was apt shopping outside of the upper east side, and she was freaking out that they weren't nice enough for her. She kept saying, "this is the top of my budget, what I am going to do."

    She was sleeping at another housewives mansion.. and they said she is probably quitting the show now.

    I don't care either. I didn't really like The Countess.

  92. "Eazy V said...
    That's not surprising, CBT. I think it'd take a girl with daddy issues to get with an old guy."

    It's about the benjamins, dude. They like me because I'm nice to them, take them places they've never been and eat pussy really well. But none of that happens without the "I take care of your needs, you take care of mine" agreement.

  93. Bellevue, CBT. And I thought GG sent in the pics to the Dirty.

  94. "DG said...
    Do you think drew had a thing for rq?"

    Yep, but not like he had for RichieRexic.

  95. I'm pretty sure Drew "luffed" RQ DG.

  96. Honestly cbt, they only have sex with you for the material things. They are faking the enjoyment part so they continue to cash in.

  97. "kb said...
    Bellevue, CBT. And I thought GG sent in the pics to the Dirty."

    kbeezy, you're right. How do you know that?

  98. About Bellvue, I mean. I thought GG came along after that.

  99. Nice secretarial work kinkyb!tch.

  100. DG, it ain't exactly like that really matters to me.

  101. Well, he claimed to do it, idk if he actually did it.
    I'm in the CIA, so I know exactly where people are at all times.

  102. I know plenty of cash-strapped girls that won't trade themselves for support. I doubt it's all about the money.

    On the other hand, I know girls with sugardaddies. Not a biological father in sight between the three of them.

  103. Wait RR's the one that sent Spurs the "Lingere Pictures From Auschwitz".

  104. You know sometimes I think we should all take the CBT route. Just buy 'em a case of beer and send them on their way. In EVs case, buy him a new PS3 game and tell him you'll call him later. It'd make things so much easier.

  105. EV, they're out there, just gotta know where to look.

  106. Those pics were disgusting. Sours, did her kid have cool Lego sets?

  107. Yes CBT, but I never sent the last one. I think RQ did that. I think RR sent it to her or something.

  108. Why do you ask about the Lego sets kinkyb!tch?

  109. Most of my girls have been the "Daddy's Little Girl" type.

  110. I think it's funny when sugarbabies and golddiggers by their men really expensive gifts with his own money..

  111. I'm not saying they aren't, CBT. I just don't think you can pull that shit with just any girl.

  112. "Nik Richie said...
    sucker cbt"

    Sucker, maybe. Sand nigger, no.

  113. I find it funny when anyone buys someone a gift with that persons money, regardless of what they call themselves.

  114. Just another random factoid I have stored in my megabrain. She sent you a pic of something she built out of Legos w/her kid and he was in the pic. I personally would've studied the Legos and tried to figure out if he had all the accessories, but that's just me.

  115. "Eazy V said...
    I'm not saying they aren't, CBT. I just don't think you can pull that shit with just any girl."

    Never said I could.

  116. It was a nice Lego set, yes kinkyb!tch. Nice job.

  117. RQ has a kid? She never sent me a picture like that and how would you know if she did, kbeezy?

  118. lolz. I've done that to the warden before, Eazy. I told him not to thank me, but he did anyway. He probably didn't get that I used his debit card to buy it and that is why I said that, but at least I tried.

  119. Oh, sent it to Spurs. Okay, that leaves the first question, RQ has a kid?

  120. RR, dummy. Keep up w/the convo or GTFO.

  121. spurs... give me some money.. I want to buy you a gift

  122. "kb said...
    lolz. I've done that to the warden before, Eazy. I told him not to thank me, but he did anyway. He probably didn't get that I used his debit card to buy it and that is why I said that, but at least I tried."

    Why am I not surprised?

  123. I'm high. All y'all lick my balls.

  124. "Lingere Pictures From Auschwitz"

    wtf is that... it doesn't sound sexy

  125. Spin off, Spurs? How much Seinfeld did you watch as a kid?

  126. was she dressed like a nazi or was being a prison and showing off her bony body

  127. It wasn't, Astrid. Betty White has sexier lingerie, I'm sure of it. Ugh, and her arms. I'd take batwing arms over her's anyday.

  128. So, how do you work your sugar daddy operation, CBT?

  129. RichieRexic looks like a concentration camp inmate in lingere. Her knees are bigger around than her thighs.

  130. I'm high too CBT. And the "spin off" is one of Drew's insults.

  131. post that shit spurs!

    Whale Wars is back on

  132. Those lingerie pics were horrible. I don't know how she didn't know that before she sent those out.

  133. whatever happened to RR.. does anybody know?

  134. Do any of you have TCBY in your area? They used to have them here but not anymore. Last night we went to a Dbacks game and they had a stand with it and I was so excited, but it sucked. I was so bummed.

  135. Here it is Astrid:

  136. And I'm not sure what's she's up too. It's been about four months since I had an interaction with her, and that was brief.

  137. Dirtyhater wished you a good night DG.

  138. Depends on the girl. Some like an allownace, some have just handed me their bills. I kinda got passed around a group of these chicks for a couple of years down in LR.One would introduce me to the next. There were times when I was running three at a time. Lotsa times the introduction to a new one was a threesome with a current one.

  139. You missed out when Wet Anus was commenting at thedirty Astrid. Fun times when he was around.

  140. wow.. i saw her nipples through the lace.. she is totally flat chested

  141. I mean, if you pay their bills do you expect to see them regularly, or what? Not to get too personal, I am legitimately curious.

    Reason I ask is because I know this chick who has a strip club owner for a sugar daddy. She robs that sap blind just for a little bit of action.

  142. RR's lingerie was inspired by Mrs. Hannigan in Annie.

  143. Son un ramo de hojas alegres, diciendo justo.

    sent from my iPhone.

  144. I got offered $500 to stay after at a nightclub to 'dance' for the old fatass owner once. I couldn't do it and I was broke.

  145. Astrid, if you go to the first page of comments, just read Wet Anus's comments to RR. Brutal.

  146. Romero is from Columbia. I wonder if he is friends with my columbian.

  147. Thanks for nothing on that comment Romero.

  148. I have read his comments before

  149. DG:

    $500? I think he wanted more than a dance.

  150. Spurs, I have Fedex tracking #'s for a $750 & $3500 gift for Saturday delivery :)

  151. There was a talk show on the other day that had a segment for sugar babies. All these girls were claiming 30k or more they received from these guys and claimed they never had sex with them. Possible?

  152. Yeah, I think so too. But I never stuck around to find out exactly what he wanted.

  153. I don't think that's possible EV.

  154. What if had offered you a $1,000? Would you have stayed DG?

  155. I think that is possible EV. Guys like the challenge sometimes so the gifts will get bigger and bigger in hopes the girl will finally give it up.

  156. They'd have to be really hot. I'd still doubt it though.

  157. I don't. These girls were nothing special, but even if they were I don't see a guy paying that much just to go home, jerk off and rethink his plan.

  158. I've gone out with some rich guys and I don't have sex with them. They don't just give up and walk away. They are used to getting what they want so deny them and you get offered more.

  159. Especially if he can take that same gift and just move on to another girl.

  160. I would pay DG a grand just to spin off and go away.

  161. Exactly, Spurs. These guys aren't tycoon billionaires, most of them are just six figure pimps. That kind of cash doesn't float away just for better chances.

  162. Because rich guys have pride. I have straight out told a guy that I have a boyfriend and there were plenty of other girls here that would love to talk to him and I would understand completely if he wanted to go talk to them instead. But he stayed and kept offering more and more.

  163. EV.. I think it's just to prove to themselves they can get it.. it's an ego thing. Some of those guys were dorks growing up and have a shitty personality, so if he thinks she is worth it.. he'll pay more

  164. You couldn't pay me a grand Drew because that would max out your debit card.

  165. Spurs, I have a ton of free $100 free coupons for Google ad word offers. Do you?

  166. I liked some of the guys I went to NYC with... they are students now, but most of them want to be investment bankers. Give them a few years and they'll start making lots of money. They are also smart, which is great.

  167. Investment bankers? Yeah, they should do well.

  168. Not sure we could combine them but there is many ways to manipulate?

  169. Maybe it's because I'm not that desperate, but I still say no chance in hell.

    I get your point, DG. But you're moving more towards the gray area - assuming these guys come from serious wealth and they see something more than just a meat pocket in these girls. That didn't seem to be the case, at least with this particular show.

  170. They sent me one once Drew, I never used it.

  171. Damn, I lucked into that one. Victory is mine again DG.

  172. I have told you about this before. It was Gavin Maloof. He wanted me to go to the bellagio and shoot craps and I said no. Then he walked with me to Rain. I thought that was the end. Then he brought us to VIP saying we get free drinks all night. then he got us one of those skybox rooms. That's when I told him that he is cool but wasn't going to get anywhere. Then he set us up with massages the next day. Then he placed a $10k bet for us but lost. Then he paid someone to pack up our stuff at our old hotel and got us rooms at the palms. Then wanted to hang out the next day but I never called him back.

  173. Wrong again scarecrow, I won the turn

  174. That sounds like he was just swinging big money to wow you.

  175. I remember the Maloof story DG, I didn't know that was who you were talking about.
