Sunday, August 8, 2010

Big Drew's pimp hand is strong

It might be the angle of the pic, but it appears Drew has lost some weight. Fat isn't crumbling off his turkey neck like it normally does. So congrats Drew. Something serious is brewing in his personal life too. He's hung out with leather tits before.
Vote for Elfie. Number 16, 1st gallery.


  1. Well well, pimpin ain't easy, but someone has to do it!

  2. That's true man. And what did you find that you thought CBT would like?

  3. damn that woman looks weathered. Drew should have stayed home with that pan of brownies. It is nice to know she served as motivation for his diet, though. That face has spoiled many an appetite. What a homely bitch...she resembles DG, actually. I realize everyone can't have supermodel features like me and my perfect bone structure, but damn.

  4. anyway, spurs. i am beyond depressed. i broke up with my boyfriend, so i'm going back to bed.

    bai bai

  5. Oh I forgot about that. Some guy on the dirty was saying something about meeting a woman on a website called, so I went over to check it out. I actually created an account, and I shit you not I got all kinds of emails over the last few days. Funny what money hungry women will do. Figured CBT should check it out. Its like shooting fish in a barrel.

  6. What? You broke up again? What happened?

  7. Nice. Did you actually put up a profile with a pic? And where any of the chicks hot?

  8. RQ<------runs to cancel her sugardaddy account.

  9. i need to vomit. i have hangover and no boyfriend. i feel as empty as pam's head.


  10. I thought you looked familiar rq. :)

  11. Later on Giraffe. I hope you'll check in later and give us the details on where it went wrong between you and your boyfriend.

  12. Glad to know I'm not the only one hurting with a hangover today!

  13. More 3 olives, or whatever that vodka is called?

  14. No, we made martinis with some Russian vodka I brought. I feel like shit today!

  15. Russian vodka? Nice. Good to see you brought a little class to San Antonio.

  16. i wrote him a letter. does this sound like i'm breaking up with him?

    I received your text. It's fine to be upset with me and I realize I can be exasperating. What really is not fine is the way it makes me feel when you are upset with me. You completely withhold affection, don't come near me, and just put up this forcefield that I can absolutely not penetrate. It is as if any feelings you have for me evaporate instantly. So, the anger is fine, understandable and natural. The way you are able to switch off your feelings for me is not ok. It scares me and leaves me feeling unsteady and unable to trust you.

    Anytime I wander south of perfection, you stop caring for me and are emotionally hurtful towards me. You were a million miles away this morning. I actually felt it before I even got out of bed. I'm such a warm & affectionate person that I am not able to thrive and feel secure under those conditions.

    I have been consistent in my love for you. You do not even ever tell me you love me (because you don't?). I wonder, is that how you are able to turn on me so quickly - is that how you were able to walk by me while I was sleeping and not even give me a kiss on the cheek?

    Ice King, you are.

  17. Nice one rq. Drop kick his ass outta there, you deserve better!

  18. I like the drop in of you being a "warm and affectionate person." You should write "that you have brought unkindly upon me you piece of shit" after 'conditions.'

    It would be ironic. And funny.

  19. thank you. it's just like spurs said, when i am too nice people walk all over me.

    i hope no one minds, but i'm not going to be friendly on here any longer.

  20. If it makes you feel any better I have been banned from the pool from my parents' subdivision Giraffe.

    I was brought up to speed on that about two hours ago. That old cunt went and complained to the housing association.

  21. You aren't going to be friendly on here anymore?


  22. oh shit, that is funny, spurs. i wish i hadn't sent it already.

  23. Yeah, I think he would have liked it Giraffe.

  24. that makes me feel a lot better, Spurs. Did you get an official letter? maybe you can post it.

  25. you know, last night, i actually was crying over my name "Giraffe" you gave me. It all of a sudden struck me as so endearing. I think that was after my fifth flaming moe.

  26. well i'm really dizzy so i need to get off of here. i am very sick.

  27. No I didn't. But I am going to go the next board meeting (no shit) to talk about what happened. My parents said the twat went to the meeting they had on Monday and just destroyed me. So I get my turn in this next meeting.

    Sucks too, because my parents are going to Maine for awhile at the end of this month, so I'm going to house sit for them.

  28. Not as endearing as when your family wrote in though Giraffe.

    That was Hallmark shit.

  29. Oh, and I take it you gave him his hamster back Giraffe?

  30. no, spurs. I have the hamster and he is not getting him back. The hamster is part of my family. I love him.

  31. i drank two gallons of arizona tea, the sweet tea kind. and i am too sick to drag myself to the toilet to pee. i got problems, man.

  32. if it is at all possible for you to video tape the proceedings regarding the pool issue, i would really appreciate it. If you need anyone to vouch for you, just let me know. i'll tell them there is no way that you were upset and raising your voice because you smoke way too much pot and are very mellow

  33. i guess everyone is out doing fun stuff while i am sick in bed. nap time. again.

  34. that letter made me think of every rose has it's thorn...

  35. some of the words were similar to the song.. that's all

  36. Hmmm well, lets start with a lovely dinner. Drinks over candlelight. Some basic information trading back and forth. Typical flirting. Slight seducing and lets see where it goes from there. Well what do you think?>
    My direct email is So if you might be interested, send me some pictures and your number. Tammy

  37. Spurs, thats the first email I got on that site. I'm telling you man, they have some extremely forward females there. CBT would have a hell of a time.

  38. I can keep you on your toes and curl them at the same time, while leaving you completely breathless. Help you with your business, and get along with your buds. One of the last of the old fashioned broads that Frank Sinatra used to croon about. A good love making session is one that brings you to shivers, makes you cry and occasionally goes so hard it makes your nose bleed.

  39. I think I fell in love when I read that on her page.

  40. Astrid, will I have nose bleeds after a love making session with you?

  41. I must be doing something wrong then.

  42. give us the link to your account 2dirty.. :)

  43. I took it down, had 2 many emails. Not sure what the hell is real and what isn't. Just thought I'd see what the guy was talking about. I'm not one for the whole internet dating stuff. Heard 2 many damn horror stories. You still on match?

  44. I am not really on match.. I was just looking

  45. "if it is at all possible for you to video tape the proceedings regarding the pool issue, i would really appreciate it. If you need anyone to vouch for you, just let me know. i'll tell them there is no way that you were upset and raising your voice because you smoke way too much pot and are very mellow"

    Thanks for your offer. I did think about recording it, the best I can do is an audio recording though.

  46. You serious about all that shit Spurs? Whats the hearing for?

  47. "I'm telling you man, they have some extremely forward females there. CBT would have a hell of a time."

    He'd probably going to set up an account tonight.

  48. I went to and I just see ads

  49. It's not really a hearing. It's just at the next board meeting I will have a chance to say what happened when I was there. My parents said that at that meeting she said I called her a fag. Seriously. What I did was called her an old bag.

  50. Hang in there RQ, I almost feel bad for your crazy ass. What's up all? It's been awhile since I've dropped in. Anyone doing anything fun this summer, or did you all just hang out in Spurs den of slack?

  51. Thats pretty damn funny actually.

  52. spurs is probably setting up an account now..

  53. What's up Francis? Long time no see man. How have you been?

  54. spurs.. that sounds stupid. Why did you call her an old bag?

  55. I kind of feel bad about it now 2dirty4u because my parents had to hear her bitching about me.

  56. I wonder how many cocks Drew's broad has had in her mouth over the years.........I'm going with an over/under of 150

  57. She's an old petty bitch Astrid. She thinks her shit doesn't stink. I called her an old bag because she was acting like a bitch towards me.

  58. It's been a boring summer man. School needs to get back in session so I can screw off here in peace man...

  59. I guess this is where I throw in the shit about respecting your elders. Do as I say, not as I do.

  60. why do you have to go to a board meeting over that though? That is stupid... The next step would to go on Springer over that.. wtf

  61. Spurs on Springer? There's a thought.

  62. Is your better half a teacher or what Francis?

  63. I hear you about respecting elders 2dirty4u. And I'll just go to the next meeting to give my side of the story so my parents don't look stupid Astrid.

  64. You nailed it Spurs.....home all fucking summer man....back to work in a couple weeks though.

  65. Good deal for you Francis. Hey, I saw where MO basically told Barack to suck it with that vote about the health care bullshit.

    Nice job.

  66. I didn't even vote man. Most of the mid-term elections go to the most pissed off party (the one not in power) anyway because they actually think their vote will matter. Healthcare isn't going away it's here to stay in my opinion. I think they might end up altering the section that most people are complaining about (fining people if they don't purchase).

  67. Yeah, that vote was about the fines. And you're right, I think that will eventually be changed.

    You make it to any Cubs games this summer?

  68. Alot of my agents are pissed because they are cutting their commissions under that plan.

  69. it depends on who the repubs will run against Obama...

  70. I went for the Cubs/Cards series in Chicago a couple weeks ago and I'm going Saturday when they are here in's gonna suck though since the Cubs are so far out and the Card fans are arrogant dicks when their winning...

  71. Astrid hit it on the head.....if it's Romney, Palin or any of the other re-treads Obama will be back for 4 more years. He still has over 2 years to improve the economy and if it comes around people won't want to change anything in my opinion. The Dems will lose a lot though in the mid-terms.....gotta go for awhile, be back soon man.

  72. That's good you got to check out a series Francis. You're right though, it's too bad the suck this year.

  73. My charger went out on my computer and now it's dead. Sucks.

  74. Why are your agents commissions being cut?

  75. Under that plan, they have less commissions to pay out. So alot of the agents are starting to look into doing P/C insurance now.

  76. That makes sense less commissions would be paid out for the health insurance.

  77. When you dictate what can be charged, it will affect the people selling it as well.

  78. Yep. You can't put caps on peoples ability to earn. Breeds laziness.

  79. Go Cowboys! (even though it's preseason and it doesn't matter)

  80. why are you using a cowboys avatar now?

  81. Because it's football season now. I like the Spurs and Cowboys.

  82. Hmm I heard that Cowboy fans are bandwagon jumpers, my bosses told me to never date one. haha

    Drew's chick is old and kind of resembles my father... weird.

  83. What's up Skeets? How was your weekend? No bandwagon jumper here. And yes, that's weird she looks like your dad.

  84. My weekend was good, I spent the majority of it at my friends' house. We had BBQ ribs and twice baked potatos last night... it was good. Today I bought paint for my living room, I am getting it ready for my new furniture haha no actually I finally decided on a color after about a year of testing different ones all over my walls

  85. Twice baked potatoes are great. And what color did you settle on?

  86. Different shades of gray. the walls are going ot me a mid tone gray, the trim is going ot be a very light gray and the doors are going to be almost black.

  87. Gray is kind of a depressing color Streets.


    last row 3rd to last is the trim and 2nd to last is the wall.

  89. It's not depressing Sours, it reflects light.

  90. I just looked at the link. I forgot what gray and black looks like. Thanks.

  91. I take it you get a lot of light shines into your place?

  92. Oh dang you have to click on the color palette that shows a pic of a guy kissing a baby first.

  93. No gray makes it seem more light.. no matter how dark the shade is. My house is not very light because I have dark low E windows that keep a lot of the heat out but they also keep out a lot of the light.

  94. I like it a lot on the walls, it looks good. Plus I have a lot of bright red and chrome in my kitchen and it looks good with that too.

  95. I like a dark room to sleep in. Like cave dark.

  96. I see you switched up your avatar game.

  97. My room is green, creme and dark brown and it is dark.

  98. Your "peacock mansion" has a nice color scheme Elfie.

  99. You play any computer games, Spurs?

  100. No. Well, I've played yahoo pool a few times, but I know those aren't the type of games you mean.

    Do you?

  101. YOu know that reminds me... RQ is on my shit list. She promised me peacocks and raspberry lemonade... she is such a fucking liar.

  102. How long ago did she promise that?

  103. So you are going with the tract home theory as well?

  104. Not really, I used to play them a lot. I'm trying to get my computer prepped to play Starcraft 2 on max settings, though.

  105. I see the first Starcraft sold over 11 million copies.

  106. I used to play Star Wars Galaxies

  107. Yeah, Blizzard makes some great games. They spend quite a few years developing them.

  108. Stars Wars Galaxies sounds pretty cool.

  109. I'm downloading Warcraft 3 right now. They let you download the game clients right from their site if you register your CD key.

  110. Have you played Warcraft before?

  111. Yeah, the key is from my game. I played it a lot when I was younger.

  112. I heard that game is really cool. And I loved the South Park episode about the game.

  113. This is different. Your thinking World of Warcraft, which picked up with the characters from the Warcraft series games. The Warcraft series games are war strategy like Starcraft.

  114. Oh, I thought you mean WofW. War strategy sounds fun.

  115. Nice. San Antonio got a mention on Mad Men.

  116. I never got into WoW. I'm sure it's addicting like all Blizzard games, but I just never tried it.

  117. They made a bundle of cash off that game.

  118. They've made a bundle of cash on all their games, they're all huge titles. WoW is still pretty big, and they're finally coming out with Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 after a decade wait.

  119. My cousin used to design video games for some company. And then they got bought out by Microsoft, and he said it wasn't a fun place to work at after that.

  120. They got bought out by MS? Did they start developing for the Xbox?

  121. I assumed so. He worked there another year or so. He said he and the designers would put their initials somewhere in the game.

  122. I'm thinking about switching up, I downloaded a version of W7 Ultimate.

  123. Don't know, haven't installed it yet. I still need to get about 120gb worth of stuff off this laptop before I can put it on.

  124. my dad switched to 7, but he can't connect to the internet now... he probably screwed something up though

  125. He probably needs drivers for his wireless card.

  126. "rq said...
    anyway, spurs. i am beyond depressed. i broke up with my boyfriend, so i'm going back to bed."

    Right. I'm sure that has some spin to it. He probably had his gardner drive her to a bus stop when he saw the scar from the penis removal.

    On the plus side, from the last post, RQ's hips are so wide, her feet actually looked normal sized.

    Drew, This chick is older than either one of my daughters grandmothers. Dude, you're givin' car guys a bad name. I'm sure she was hot during the Reagan administration, though.

    I cancelled my account at a year ago.

  127. What's up CBT? Funny, did you actually use the site?

  128. his internet is not wireless... it's connected with cable

  129. It should detect it then, unless he forgot the password to his network? No idea but I'm guessing that or missing drivers.

  130. did you meet any nice girls on that site cbt?

  131. Just set up a fake account Astrid.

  132. That site's where I met Rudy.

  133. it's not worth it spurs.

  134. I just wanted to see some of the girls 2dirty was talking about..

  135. You know you'd like a sugardaddy Astrid.

  136. "Elfie said...
    Like last year whwn she said she was moving to fountain hills... again a LIE!!!!!! She moved into a cheap ass stucco tract home...that bitch doesnt even have a lawn to have peacocks walk around on."

    I have a peacock where I live. I'm going shoot that noisy sumbitch one of these days.

  137. Yeah, really. I bagged a half dozen girls from Springfield and Branson from it before I met her.

  138. Nice. What was the price range like?

  139. I also met and fucked an ex girlfriend from high school's little sister from it. After we fucked the first time we got to talking and figured out who each other was. Her sister was 17, I was 20 and Missy was three, back then, in '78.

  140. are you thinking about being a sugar daddy now spurs?

  141. that is gross CBT

  142. No Astrid. I'm interested in knowing what CBT spent though.

  143. Her oldest brother was a buddy of mine, a couple of years younger than me. We called him "Snort" he was a weed selling, bookie midget. I found out from Missy he's in prison in Alabama on a gambling conviction. We moved to Little Rock at the same time. Snort sold weed and booked out of a strip club there called "Snug Harbor". The main attraction there was a 40 year old biker chick with a monkey puppet that had a prehinsile tongue.

  144. You were still in High school when you were 20?

  145. I liked the chicks from that site. The price was usually no more than dinner at an upscale restaurant, a car payment maybe and whatever the hotel cost. I got to going back and forth between Rudy and Erin and couldn't see spending the $35 bucks a months anymore.

  146. No EV, I was class of 76, Missy's sister, Ann Marie, was class of 80. Ann Marie graduated with my little sister. I remember fingerfucking her in the old Baxter theater during "A Bridge Too Far". I started fucking Ann Marie when she was 13 and I was 16. She used to spend the night with my sister and would sneak into my room after Sis went to sleep.

  147. Astrid, I didn't know they were sisters until about the 3rd time we hooked up. Now I'm friends with Missy's husband. Small town life.

  148. No dude. $35 for the site's membership.

  149. Oh, I get it. Add that to what you were paying them, that's like the straw that broke the camels back.

  150. I'd sugar daddy Astrid, except I think she looks like RQ did at that age, minus penis.

  151. There's $1,000 waiting for you Astrid.

  152. Spurs read above about dinner ande the occasional car payment. College chicks are inexpensive. Rudy's never yet asked me for a dime. I've spent a ton on her, but I volunteered.

  153. Astrid's safe. I like and respect her, even though I think she's RQ's little sister or niece.

  154. Spurs, always remember; The pussy you pay for up front is always cheaper than the free stuff.

  155. we remember CBT... and why do you think I am RQ?

  156. I forgot that with Rudy. I finally repo'd my Tacoma from Flo last week. Of course I gave her a grand to put down another car. She just left here about an hour ago.

  157. Did she bang you to earn the $1,000?

  158. I was reading stormfront and all the people over there love Jan Brewer..

  159. You like that stromfront site don't you Astrid.

  160. You say that a lot, CBT. Almost like you're trying to convince yourself.

  161. I am drinking hot green tea, because I am have trouble breathing tonight.

  162. And no, Spurs. Flo didn't "bang" me for the grand. Just cause I tossed her out doesn't mean I quit fuckin' her totally.

  163. the doctor says it's supposed to help..

  164. What's my motto, EV?

    Astrid, you know nothing about me other than this site. I've rarely had an average chick that I spent more than drink money on. Like Friday night.

  165. CBT.... Have you ever heard of a movie The Innocents? It's old and I started watching it... it's good so far

  166. And being "wrapped in denim" here, ain't no bad thing.

  167. No Astrid I haven't. Synopsis?

  168. You actually think paying for these chicks is cheaper than having a girlfriend.

  169. I'm watching "Family Guy" right now.

  170. yea cbt.. that Friday night chick was in a hurry to get her panties off for you too, racing to her trailer and hitting a skunk her in Bronco.. You must be a ladykiller in real life..

  171. EV, I don't think so, I know so.

  172. I've got thirty years on you, dude. Paying them and them going away when I'm done fucking them is priceless.

  173. it's a horror movie.. from 1961

  174. Astrid, I'm a ladykiller because I don't see myself that way. In real life, I'm charming and funny and I have a tremendous amount of self confidence, without being arrogant. I'm also a minor local celebrity.

  175. CBT said...
    I've got thirty years on you, dude. Paying them and them going away when I'm done fucking them is priceless.

    What will you do once you're too old to get it up anymore... just have your memories and stories, or will you sink into a deep depression?
