Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cincinnati Bengals cheeerleader wins $11 million dollar judgement against


LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A Scottsdale-based gossip website has been hit with an $11 million judgment for libel and slander after posting false accusations about a northern Kentucky teacher who sidelines as a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader.

The judgment against Dirty World Entertainment Recordings, which runs the site, came Thursday after the site declined to answer a lawsuit brought by Sarah Jones, a high school teacher whose picture was posted on the site along with an accusation she had been exposed to two venereal diseases.

U.S. District Judge William O. Bertelsman added an annual interest rate of 0.25 percent to the $1 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damages.

An e-mail message sent to the operator of the website, Hooman Karamian, who uses the online name "Nik Ritchie," was not immediately returned Thursday morning.

Now that is a real ball breaker. Unlike Missouri, Texas and Kentucky don't have internet bullying laws yet that I'm aware of, so that judgement along with Kristen Creighton's is very interesting. No worries for Dirty World or Nik, I'm sure the Shayne Lamas site is pulling in a couple million a month by now.

Thanks Anonymous. Oh, and if anyone wants to submit me over to that site, please do so. It's time to be posted again. This shit isn't paying the bills, I need to switch my game plan up.

Update: It seems she sued the wrong company. Thanks CHEF and Shotty.


  1. so he has lost 12.5 million that he doesnt have. sucks to be him right now.

  2. Yeah, because like Wopness says, even if he beats it it costs a shit ton of money to fight.

  3. i wonder if his wife is seeing him as a liability at this point?

  4. Probably. Hey man, I'm going to send you a pic. Submit me over there. Make it ruthless.

    Time to get paid homey.

  5. we wont see any money from him in our lifetimes.

  6. True, I'd like to get my name in the news though. I can act like I'm famous, or something like that.

  7. we have a better chance of getting hit by a meteor than getting any lawsuit money from nikki.

  8. Funny man. Or a better chance of dinosaurs coming back to earth.

  9. maybe his reality show will be big time and he can be the next kardashian?

  10. drew has a better chance of getting laid than we do of getting nik money.

  11. you should read some of the comments on his site about this situation hes in. they are pretty funny.

  12. I am gonna check it out anon, this guys is a joke

  13. omg, yeah sours, you could have your own reality show!!

    wtf is up with this pic though? I mean, I dont want to say anything too bad just in case the cheerleader decides to sue me, but who is that chomo behind her? And what is he doing to her? And why is she smiling about him standing there? I'd be terrified!

  14. Anonymous:

    I'm going to check the comments out now.

  15. Kinkyb!tch:

    Chomo is going to sue you. I'm guessing it's her hairdresser.

  16. not much spurs, how is everything with you bud

  17. Going good, thanks man. Just eating a hamburger.

  18. so what happens when this chick finds out nik doesnt have 11 mill? does she just put a lien on everything he owns?

  19. enjoy your lunch, this nik richie shit is funny

  20. I'm still waiting to hear from Kristen about her lawsuit and attempts to collect.

  21. i can probably guess that he signed everything over to his brother.

  22. I'm pretty sure at this point he just gets paid a salary. And I've never heard of Dirty World Recordings. Dirty World Entertainment yes, not not DWR.

  23. Nevermind, its DWE Recordings. Still, never seen DWER.

  24. so theyre doing music now? well, they did music scams before already...but i think people already know about that and wont sign up with corbin again.

  25. I'm not sure, it's probably just another front company under a different name. I think Kristen's suit was against Dirty World Entertainment LLC.

  26. how many months until nik just drops off the face of the earth? im going with 9.

  27. I'll go with another year, and there will be so many lawsuits it will be over.

  28. a year? yeah...maybe that much longer. i think that other chicks lawsuit was the crack in his armor, but this one is a full on ass kicking.

  29. man....i wish he would post some kind of reaction to this lawsuit on his site....or give an interview. something. i just want to see or hear him cry.

  30. He won't post any reaction on his site. Would be nice though, you're right.

  31. do you think hes gonna cry himself to sleep tonight?

  32. I think he's a socipath, so he doesn't care.

  33. look what somebody posted on phx cl:

  34. That's funny. Did you post that?

  35. I bet he has funneled a good amount of money out of the company already, the company is probably gonna claim bankruptcy to not pay and it will start all over again under another company name

  36. i didnt post it. but is it pretty funny.

  37. nik is claiming to be having a great day.

    talk about irony.

  38. He is a midget and he has shit on so many people. I am surprised he hasnt gotten a beating yet.

  39. He just left that comment an hour ago. Funny.

  40. I think he might have taken a beating in the past.

  41. I would watch someone tap him out, and Ari too

  42. Spurs, you think any of the people who hate him because of the site have ever beat his ass?

  43. he got beat up in vancouver and in vegas.

  44. Yeah, he has. I think Anonymous is right.

  45. i think they tried to ass rape him in vegas....then drew went and posted an ass kissing comment.

  46. ok out for a bit. be back later.

  47. Spurs, so someone kicked his punk ass, huh. How did people hear about it? Any pics?

  48. Pretty sure everytime they get a judgment against an LLC, they bankrupt that LLC and sign the site over to a new one to avoid having to pay judgment.

    You can't do much about that, I have tried, unless you pierce the "corporate veil" to put individuals as responsible. Which itself is very hard to do with LLC's if they keep separate business accounts etc.

  49. spur you have any good ideas for a reality show... My friend is a executive at E! says they want some new ideas. I saw you want to get out of the blogging business and you seem to be creative.

  50. I'm betting Nik hasn't made much more money off the Dirty and his personal appearances that it took for him to get from one appearance to the next.

  51. I think Rocket Queen's life would make a good reality show. Self humiliation, psycho behavior, frantic gold digging, excessive alcohol and pill use, topped off with a stolen hamster. What more could you want?

  52. 11 million dollars thats alot of appearances

  53. I'm betting Nik hasn't got a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of.

  54. "Pretty sure everytime they get a judgment against an LLC, they bankrupt that LLC and sign the site over to a new one to avoid having to pay judgment."

    I think you're probably right Oz. It's bound to catch up with them though.

  55. "spur you have any good ideas for a reality show... My friend is a executive at E! says they want some new ideas. I saw you want to get out of the blogging business and you seem to be creative."

    I didn't catch where that comment came from because I wasn't around, pretty sure that was sarcasm.

  56. "11 million dollars thats alot of appearances"

    That's funny Q.

  57. That would explain the old arguement that their is a difference between Dirty World and Dirty World LLC and Dirty World E, etc. that was had a while back when you linked up that old link from this site in the story about those black guys involved in that Chandler drug bust gone wrong...
    Oddly enough, that big fat black guy did mention stuff about music in his Dirty World ownership stuff on MySpace. I wonder if they do still have any link to Nik. You should email all of your findings to the reporters who do the stories on Nik/Quayle, Nik and this girl or even the guy from the New Times and see what they can dig up.

  58. Look at Nik trying harder to be white. He dyed his hair blond.

  59. The blond hair he's sporting is funny.

  60. Pretty sure that was Shayne's idea.

  61. Shayne and idea are 2 words that should never end up in the same sentence!

  62. Rough week my friend, sorry tto have had to flake on the fantasy fb thing, but Mon my good friend's boyfriend OD'd. They had a child a month ago and he was recently laid off from work. So sad. Whats going on in your world Spurs?

  63. Not much, I started school today, didn't go because it was the first day. Have 3 classes T/Th and the one on MWF. I'm going to the one tomorrow. I'm just watching some tv now.

  64. Hey Spurs. Be cool, stay in school.

  65. So what else have I missed?

  66. Not much. Well, we figured out the meaning of life the other day, but you missed it.

  67. Little under the weather today Spurs. You going to watch Jersey Shore tonight?

  68. It strange that the first judgement for Creighton was satisfied around 8/5/10 or so. You can look it up. I don't know if they settled for less, or if he shits money at night, but it's done. This new one, who knows!

  69. Probably not Drew, I take it you are?

  70. Interesting. I wonder how much they settled for?

  71. what's it called when a failure becomes more of a failure?

  72. Yes of course. Pretty crippling judgment on the dirty. I'm sure you have given your opinion in comments but please elaborate since I'm to tired to read above?

  73. I don't know, what is it called?

  74. couldn't think of the word...but guess it can just be referred to as "nik richied" from now on

  75. looks like they might actually get out of it...
    "Name blunder may nullify $11m judgment"

    check it out

  76. Sucks for blondie boy nik. I hope she takes him for everything, ari too.

  77. Damn, that is good stuff shotty. Thanks for that.

  78. Spurs, I know you are watching. Its funny as hell!

  79. Packers look pretty good tonight

  80. No Drew, I'm watching the NFL game.

  81. So did the Colts on the first drive.

  82. Uh oh addai looked like he got up gimpy. One of my Rbs

  83. He should be fine by the regular season.



  85. Cheerleader sued wrong company
    Fox SportsNewsCore
    PRINT RSS 14 comments »Updated Aug 27, 2010 2:22 AM ET
    An NFL cheerleader who thought she had won $11 million in a defamation judgment against a gossip website may have the result nullified because her lawyers sued the wrong company, reported Thursday.

    Sarah Jones, a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader and Kentucky teacher, meant to sue after comments on the site in December suggested she had an affair with a player and also contracted two venereal diseases. The site is run by Scottsdale-based Dirty World LLC.

    But due to a clerical error the complaint named the offending website as, which is owned by Los Angeles-based Dirty World Entertainment Recordings.

    U.S. District Court judge William O. Bertelsman on Wednesday ordered Los Angeles-based Dirty World Entertainment Recordings to pay $1 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damages for failing to respond to the lawsuit filed in February.

    But it appears Dirty World Entertainment Recordings was incorrectly named in proceedings. Jones' attorneys should actually have been suing Dirty World LLC. founder Hooman Karamian was named in the complaint but said neither he nor his company was was ever served in the case.

  86. What's up CHEF? Yeah, yesterday we were wondering what Dirty World Entertainment Records was.

  87. A paralegal got fired behind that, best believe

  88. This is pretty fucking awesome.. Heh.. poor h00man.

  89. What's going on Maynard? Long time no see man.

  90. i hate black people, they are niggers

  91. spurs I have seen you, we are boot brothers!

  92. Not much, what's going on Miami?

  93. Yeah, I know man. Check your e-mail.
