Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The shit nightmares are made of

Yeah, I couldn't find anything to post, so here's a pic of Tila looking like a half naked clown before she got pulverized by rocks, bottles and piss, and here's an ass shot of that troll trash Snooki.

Sweet dreams.


  1. You should have put a smiley face and a "lol" in there to make yourself really seem gay.

  2. I agree. That Brad Ferro guy who punched her looks better and better everyday.

  3. A guy used to comment here as 8=====D~~~.

  4. true shit spurs, I had a convo with some chick the other day and said that I wish that guy punched more useless whores in the face

  5. ew, what happened to her arm? I never saw her getting stuff thrown at her, how sad.
    Not really, but still, I never saw it.

  6. I would unload all over her tits..... then piss on her.... like a true gentleman

  7. Here is her face after the attack kinyb!tch:


  8. I meant on Tila's tits, I could not even get hard if snooki showed me her boobs.... Alcohol could not even help for snooki.. I would be dead and gone long before you pumped enough in me to consider snooki

  9. I haven't seen any of her high school pics Miami.

  10. Its amazing how less ugly she was back then.... but still ugly as fuck

  11. Snooki would be fun to humiliate and degrade, that's about it.

  12. I would shoot myself if I was snooki's dad

  13. In case, you could not tell, I strongly dislike her

  14. J-Wow needs to be punched in the face too.

  15. I think Tila is a moron too, but I could see her getting the business before getting thrown out.

  16. I would like to tap these bitches out UFC style

  17. I just wonder why that fat pig would wear that skirt.

  18. Please note, I have not smoked today and i have been banging out work left n right for most of the day, so I apologize if I am ranting or posting at a high rate of speed.

  19. She should be kicked in the ovaries. I have no idea why she though that would look good. Its amazing that these people dont realize that they are minutes away from the end of their notoriety

  20. Jwow's tits look weird and exaggerated.

  21. she probably looks ridiculous naked.... especially after you have busted a nut and the baby batter is out of the system

  22. Certainly not as regrettable if you banged Snooki.

  23. I'd let her blow me with those stupid looking lips of hers, then try to humiliate her by wadding up a $5 bill and throwing it in her face.

  24. Thanks man. It's called being a romantic.

  25. dang, she got effed up. Why didn't she get off the stage right after the first pelt, duh.

  26. Yeah, she actually stayed on stage and hide behind her bodyguards. Then when it got really bad she was escorted back to her trailer, where the crowd tried to tip it over and also broke out every window with rocks.

    I guess they don't think much of her.

  27. The Johnson family probably cracked a smile though.

  28. KB she is a slutton for punishment... ICP even warned her that there were rumors circulating that people were going to pelt her with shit... they even said someone had a watermelon filled with shit n piss fermenting.. just for tila

  29. Yeah the Johnson family must be behind this

  30. Hopefully she'll never try singing again, but you know she will.

  31. yeah she is desperately trying to be famous for something... truthfully, I have no idea where she started

  32. Yeah, how did this whore get famous in the first place?

  33. The first time I saw her was for that MTV show she had,... prior to that I had never seen her

  34. Well, another day, another dollar. Time to bolt. It's too bad Oz's shades cost more than I make each paycheck, but I guess that's the way it is.

  35. I think she was on some reality show prior to that.

  36. Who knows bredren, check you out later my man

  37. kb said...
    "ew, what happened to her arm"

    track marks.

    Snooki's ass is SO WEIRD looking. ANd Tilas nipple placement is off.

  38. From what I've read in the past:

    Born Tila Nguyen a.k.a. "Tila Tequila'

    Hometown: Houston,TX (gasp!)

    I'm moving.

  39. she got "famous" from myspace actually, believe it or not.

    I'd do um both if shitty drunk and maybe a little wired simultaneously.But we are talking perfect storm here, and it'd have to be both at the same time.

  40. I agree Skeets. The nipple placement is off.

  41. You're right Queen Bee, she's from Houston. Used to be in some gang there. You know they passed her around.

  42. Oh and Skeets, I don't know if you saw this, but CHEF stopped by and left a comment for your birthday.

  43. I didn't see that!. THat was cool of him. If you see this Chef, thank you for the birthday wishes!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Not much, dodged out of getting all fucked up tonight, not in the mood. I had dinner with my boss and came on home.

  46. Why do the jugglos ate Tila so much?

  47. CBT would fuck pretty much anything. So would most of us except RQ

  48. Damn. I was reading RQ's shit on that last post and that bitch really is jealous anytime I pay attention to a woman. I believe she's obsessed with me. I glad she lives far enough off that I'm outta range of a bunny boiling.

  49. Yeah CBT, she's obsessed with you. That's it.

  50. He3ll hath no fury like a farting Saquatch scorned.

  51. CBT you just pay attention to most of the other women and RQ hates all the other women.. it's that simple

  52. What's up, Not Quite As Fat Boy?

  53. Tired, long day. I need a new grift. Should have been a cop or fireman

  54. See Spurs, Astrid knows. Astrid have you noticed how polite I've been to you lately?

  55. you have been nice lately CBT.. what has you in a better mood?

  56. My grift is good. I Obama gets re-elected. He may be killing the country, but he's really doing good for Conservative Talk Radio.

  57. I've been nice to you, you have earned my respect, so I will no longer talk about licking your nether regions. I respect Elfie, too, but her nether region are too inviting to stop talking about licking.

  58. I like how conservatives have Obamaphobia.. but they don't know what they are afraid he is going to do.. it's funny. They're just like.. im scurd of him being president. im just scurd

  59. Yeah, CBT is banging some black chick in STL.

  60. Nothing but Nothing, I think Tequila looks pretty hot in this pic

  61. And yeah, Spurs, Rudy being around again don't hurt. Valarie either.

  62. I can tell Astrid is a die hard Republican.

  63. Yeah Astrid, that's it. It has nothing to do with the fact he doesn't know what he's doing.

  64. Fomenting Obamaphobia is my line of work.

  65. Her body looks pretty good Drew.

  66. Spurs and all that are serious, lets join and play Fantasy football together this year. Talk about Smack League!


    ID# is 473093 and the Password is dirtypamspurs.

  67. Actually, it doesn't really look all that good.

  68. I am now advocating that Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama seceede from the Union and form our own country.

  69. I just don't like how the ones I have encountered can't articulate anything being being scurd.. and saying they don't think he knows what he is doing is kind of valid, but they the voted for Bush two times and talk about Palin like her IQ is above 50, then I kind of think they are hypocrites

  70. so spurs.. would you Tila and Snooki.. I am not sure if you said yes or no, but CBT made his answer clear

  71. And what would you call that country CBT if they suceede?

  72. What I wanna know is: Spurs, RQ, would you?

  73. I might do Tila Astrid, but probably not Snooki.

  74. but taxing the rich and taxing businesses are not the same..

  75. 2dirty.. would you Tila and Snooki

  76. Uh, who the hell do you think owns the businesses Astrid? The poor?

  77. I'm still trying to figure out how you raise taxes on the rich, yet bail out the large corporations that put us in this situation works out?

  78. Yeah, I know some boon in Oaktown owns a few Fortune 500 companies.

  79. I think I'm going to give you all Indian names.

    Drew: Not As Fat Boy (until he gains the weight back)

    Spurs: Can See Through Him

    kb: Warden's Horse Woman

    Rocket Queen: Sasquatch Farts Woman

    Elfie: Makes Your Dick Hard Girl

    I'm still working on the rest.

  80. It's just so the government can try to take control 2dirty4u. Like GM. That joke of a company needs to go under again.

  81. "And what would you call that country CBT if they suceede?"

    Redneck America

  82. What I wanna know is: Spurs, RQ, would you?

  83. You seem to be the one obsessed with her CBT, but that's cool. You just spin it around on her.

  84. not all business owners are rich... and personal income and business income are not the same..

    Look at Paris Hilton for example.. She'll inherit a ton of money probably some percentage of Hilton stock. She isn't going to named CEO. If capital gains tax increase and has to pay more taxes on her dividends, it won't affect Hilton's bottom line.. and capital gains tax is a lot lower than the tax bracket most middle class people making over 60K.

    Essentially, if you make 100K and Bill Gates is making 100M... he is paying a less percentage in tax..

    He isn't Paris Hilton, but he is one of the richest people and that is a little messed up IMO..

  85. Okay Astrid. I guess you thought the penalties and restriction on credit cards was a good idea too right? What? They passed on the costs to the consumer through different fees now?

    Gee, never would have thought of that.

  86. And no, if the top 10% of earners pay like 85% of the taxes collected anyway, no, I don't think they should be taxed more.

  87. I bet CBT beats off to his fantasy.

  88. ExxonMobil paid no US income taxes in 2009.

  89. And the best thing is lower capital gains taxes Astrid. It encourages investing.

  90. Naw Spurs, I don't. I just made that shit up a minute ago.

  91. I don't really have an opinion on the credit care stuff, because I don't know the specifics..

    I am just saying that Bill Gates personal money he is paid in stock divs, and Mircosofts money is different income for tax purposes... I know business owners who don't make over 100k.

    I don't know what we are arguing about.. I know you know those things..

    As for Paris Hilton being rich and not being a business owner.. in increase in capital gains wouldn't affect Hilton Corp's bottom line..

    All I was initially is that.. rich people and business owners are different, it's all mutually exclusive. Some business owner's are actually kind of poor.

  92. It got a huge amount of tax breaks from over seas entities.

  93. http://thinkprogress.org/2010/04/06/exxon-tax/

  94. Spurs.. investing isn't the greatest thing for businesses or the macro economy.. Investing essentially isn't bad, but when corp America is just focused on managing stock prices and giving their investors the gains they want, it doesn't help employees or help innovation.. A lot of critics have been saying that for a long time.

    It's corporate agency..

  95. Does it also say how much tax revenue it created from jobs and investments?

  96. http://money.cnn.com/2010/04/16/news/companies/ge_7000_tax_returns/index.htm

    Here's part of the solution to the deficiet.

  97. I just soiled my panties over Tequila pic ;)

  98. I don't think I phrased that very well.. but I hope you understand what I was trying to say..

    CEO just pleasing investors and managing stock prices isn't good for consumers or stakeholders..

  99. Funny Giraffe, he's Delusional Bear.

  100. come home from a hard day of volunteering, try to relax, and you have me so enraged my fingers are shaking and I can scarcely type.

    I'm going to Eli's for some chicken sliders.

  101. yes, Delusional Bear. I like it.

  102. I think RQ likes you CBT.. that comment made is obvious

  103. i wonder if i should call ahead so i'm not tempted to slam a tequila shot while there.

    yes, i will do that.

    k bai

  104. Yeah Giraffe, quit obsessing over CBT. You know you want to ride in his Bronco and sell moonshine from wood cabin to wood cabin. And you think the parties you go to are cool? You haven't been to a TEA party.

  105. "Do I ever fucking email you privately? NO
    Do I ever call you privately? NO"

    Have you done both in the past, YES.

  106. I'd say slam a tequila shot or two, and then order.

  107. The O'Reilly Factor is on! Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone!

  108. "rq said...
    come home from a hard day of volunteering, try to relax, and you have me so enraged my fingers are shaking and I can scarcely type."

    If it wasn't true, she wouldn't be so pissed off.

  109. How mant jobs have people on entitlements (welfare) ever created astrid? Even a liberal shaould be able to answer that.

  110. RQ, I make your old snatch all wet, don't I?

  111. and you have no career and live on the computer, where you busily cater to everyone (including me) by googling useless facts to make yourself more relevant.

    Baxter county is not relevant, CBT, no matter how much you try to mix with mainstream america.

  112. Urrgh, I just disgusted myself with that remark.

  113. Spurs says, "be careful Drew"? That gets me going.

  114. I bet RQ says my name when she mastaurbates.

  115. seriously, dude, if i were there, i'd pull an annie wilkes and run your ass over with a tractor. all while wiedling a bottle to tequila. and Obama would protect me, I'd be a hero like the JetBlue guy who quit his job.

  116. Both CBT and RQ are up way past there bedtime

  117. RQ, that's all a pretty accurate description. You've been researching my hangouts, haven't you?

  118. bye, Spursy. i have to go.

  119. You have to remember RQ actually lives in Pacific time Drew.

  120. Later on Giraffe. Thanks for the laughs.

  121. Sounds like love to me

  122. So Queenie is that before or after you attempt to blow me? Obama ain't got much influence here, so he couldn't do you much good.

  123. See Spurs, all that was a psycho's love call.

  124. CBT, I bet if a woman came up to you and spit on you and slapped you on the face you'd think she wanted you.

  125. I personally think that tax cuts for businesses that put money into retained earnings would cause more of their Cash Inflows to go towards reinvesting into the company.. instead of paying out capital gains.. Yes it attracts investors, but there are not much incentives for the companies to put that money into RE instead of using it to manage stock prices with..

  126. In arkansas, that's what it means spurs. But she would spit tobacco

  127. The problem is our tax code encourages investment in places that don't provide jobs for Americans. It also encourages moving existing American jobs overseas.

  128. Dh, don't you live in Alabama? Oklahoma, Alabama and Mississippi are the only states not allowed to make fun of Arkansas.

  129. Agreed Astrid but but taxing the shit out of them takes money away from things like R&D and marketing. You can't hire without product and sales, even with an after the fact tax break.

  130. Two words cbt, Bill Clinton

  131. "rq said...
    come home from a hard day of volunteering, try to relax, and you have me so enraged my fingers are shaking and I can scarcely type."

    That also means I achieved my purpose.

  132. Oh wait, that's Mississippi. I always get y'all confused. I meant George Wallace.

  133. I don't really think she was all that enraged CBT.

  134. Nice try, he was from Georgia

  135. Then I guess I'm going to bed. ADIOS y'all.

  136. Wallace wasn't. Of course we had Orville Faubus. Gotta love the name.

  137. Without wallace, A great song would be missing a line.

  138. I don't agree with taxing the shit out of businesses.. I think you guys misunderstood what I was trying to say when I only said the rich and businesses aren't the same..

    I don't think business taxes should be high, but I don't think they should 0 like some of those flat tax supporters either..

    I don't think that cutting capital gains tax to 0 is going to help us build a mega economy either.. like many flat taxers. I think the businesses should actually reinvest in their companies instead of managing stock prices.

    I have access to Bloomberg.. I have seen a lot of the insane numbers for myself..

  139. Yeah, too bad the guy that wrote it was from Florida.

  140. DirtyHater, are you joining our FFB league?

  141. Not his fault CBT

  142. I doubt RQ has any of those old guys licking her "toys" unless that's how she feeds them their daily dose of fiber and protein at the soup kitchen she volunteers at..

  143. Not much EV, just watching some tv. What are you doing?

  144. Sure drew, I'll join. When you going to do the draft?

    Astrid, small business owners report the business as personal income. So if obama taxes over 250K higher, but the business only clears 20k, the owner pays taxes on 250k at a high rate compared to his real income of 20k. Not fair

  145. Not much. You see that shit about Quayle's faggy son and the Dirty? That's like a double whammy for me.

  146. Eazy V, Spursfan, DirtyHater, are you guys in for Fantasy Football?


    ID# is 473093 and the Password is dirtypamspurs.

  147. Yeah, I saw all about that EV. He's been running that story into the ground.

  148. I'll more than likely be in, though I don't care for Fantasy Football Drew. I just want to beat you.

  149. Come on spurs, it's not like you can't do it high.

  150. Live draft is next Wednesday. If you are in cool. If not, I can fill the league in 1 day. I'll hold off till Monday night.

  151. I've never done a fantasy league.

    That's awesome, Spurs. His latest political ad is just stupid.

  152. I should be in more than likely DH and Drew.

  153. He just stands in front of the camera.

    "Obama is the worst president in our history"

    "I Love Arizona"

    It's like he was charged per letter and had to make sure he was pandering to the right crowd.

  154. I just watched it EV. That was pretty funny.

  155. DH.. I am not in agreement with anything Obama has done.. I am not a big liberal.. at least not a political lib. I actually supported Bush for a long time, and I never liked Gore or Hillary either..

    I liked Ron Paul, but he didn't have a chance.. I didn't like him 100% either.. so IDK..

    I am critical of the political system and ideas on both sides, but I tend to think the mindset of the people in this country got us to where we are moreso than either party... because we helped create the parties as they are and we want everything for nothing.

  156. Eazy, Spurs, DH, unfortunately you are all keyboard worriers and don't have an ounce of athletic ability. More so, you know nothing about sports except what you can Google and paste. You should be ashamed to use a sports figure as your avatar. True fans play fantasy sports!

  157. Dirtybroncos are in

  158. Give me a break Drew, I couldn't imagine you being athletic at all. Maybe you'd be good at filling up my Gatorade cup as I came off the court, but that's about it.

  159. Please, Drew. I ball nearly everyday.

  160. Nice Dirty Broncos, sorry to shame you in. I set it up as a 8 team league so as soon as Spusfag and EV join I will invite Hooman and Ari

  161. You plan on going to any games this year Drew?

  162. I beg to differ drew, I've forgotten more about sports then you'll ever know and probably played more sports and done more sports related things then you ever could hope to. Played ball from 5 to 40, football through HS, grew up snow and water skiing even ski raced for a yr, still water ski and tube. Jumped out of a plane, rode dirtbikes for yrs. WTF have you done, gone to seaside heights?

  163. Oh yeah DH? Well Drew bowled one time about five years ago. He's like Bo Jackson.

  164. Spurs, 4 year Varsity letter in both Ice Hockey and Tennis. If there was a sport in Pocket Pool (playing with yourself), you would have been all state............

  165. Ice Hockey and Tennis? Okay Drew.

  166. Bo jackson is a cool guy. A bronco friend of mine had a sick son, the kid was a big oakland fan. A women i know has Auburn connections so she called them, got a ph# for Bo and I called. Talked to his assistant and then Bo. They were going to send the kid some stuff but he died before we had it set up.

  167. Awww I gotta be in the Jersey Division.

  168. I plan on spanking the shit out of Dirty Broncos this year! My feeling is that you and the rest of the keyboard worriers will "WIMP" out?

  169. I say kid, he was like 19. He did get to talk to marcus allen and some other raider though.

  170. I don't even know how this shit works.

  171. DH, all those welfare recipients need caseworkers to determine whether or not they qualify for benefits, so technically yes, they do create jobs.

    I want some Mike and Ikes.

  172. Real men do not play fantasy football. They fill out March Madness and other playoff brackets, but no fantasy leagues, none at all.
