Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lady Gaga looking like an idiot as usual

Lady Gaga was smart because she targeted the group of people who were “different", you know the fucking losers with no friends who had nothing to identify with. Remember that flaming Leave Britney Alone kid? Yeah, like that guy.  So they identify with and try to emulate a clown who dresses like it's Halloween when it's not even Halloween. I think she's wearing her Marilyn Manson mask here. Anyway, I find the whole situation  funny. It sure as hell isn't sexy, that's for sure.  


  1. spurs you would still hit it no doubt

  2. I thought this was Cher at first.

  3. she looks like a female version of howard stern.

  4. case.....dismissed!


  5. Fuck that bitch is ugly!

  6. Only to get a nice payday somehow Oz.

  7. Actually, upon looking at the pic twice, she kinda looks like Howard Stern.

  8. And I like how it's always in public places. For example this is at an airport.

  9. she does look like a dude, gross.
    I agree, this is all an act, she is a prissy biznatch when home in her mansion with full servant staff.

    You know when Britney ran around like this, everyone said she was crazy. But this broad does it and she is "epic" and a "trendsetter"? Whatevs.

  10. What up slanties,, I can't stand this heshe that is Gaga. Really,, I mean really.. they let this bitch on the plane dressed like that? Happy Halloween freak show. Imagine sitting next to this bitch on a plane.

  11. Whatevs indeed kinkyb!tch. She can "talk to the hand" too.

  12. Y'all freaks all miss me while I been gone?

  13. Been savin' the world from Obama, one Limbaugh listener at a time.

  14. TEA Party October 3rd, Twin Lakes Plaza, Mountain Home, Arkansas, Rusty Humphries keynote speaker.

  15. I had to save my arrogant little prick of a boss from the Army Corps Of Engineers this morning at the Americans For Prosperity Bus Stop this morning. Great boss, but no fucking people skills whatsoever.

  16. You oughta come up. My cousin down in Culp is back.

  17. then you went and pulled all their dicks out by the root and made a necklace out of them?

  18. good ol cbt to the rescue.

  19. and he did all that while managing to not dirty his favorite paul frank shirt.

  20. The Corps was conducting Park Ranger driving training in the parking lot at Twin Lakes Plaza and my boss had the bus park in the middle of the course they'd set up. He calls me at like 7:45 all freaked because the head Corps dude got all pissed. I showed up calmed the Ranger down, had his ass laughing in fact, and then I made Little Gay Caster feed 12 Park Rangers at his parents restaurant, a Colton's Steak House.

  21. Anonymous, the rescues I perform now are much more mundane than the ones I did back in the day.

  22. did you show him the scars from being electrocuted on a bare boxspring mattress?

  23. coltons is not a place i want to eat. just glancing at the name it seems to read 'colons steak hose'. i shall pass.

  24. Spurs, it was that bus that is going across country having folks write "Fuck you, Nancy Pelosi" on it and gonna be parked across the street from her house. It's more like a semi though, big motherfucker.

  25. They needed that lot cause it's the only paved road for two counties

  26. no pics of the fail on wheels? you should send some in cbt. hey, how about a pic of you writing something to nancy?

  27. "Anonymous said...
    coltons is not a place i want to eat. just glancing at the name it seems to read 'colons steak hose'. i shall pass."

    That was fuckin' funny. I've never eaten there, but I hear it's a lot like a "Lonestar Steakhouse". I had "Colton's" and Ryan's" confused. Ryan's is just fucking nasty.

  28. Pictures at stopspending.com.

    I didn't write on the bus. I'm an undercover lib, remember?

  29. Dh, you're from Ala-fucking-bama. That's one of the three states Arkansas is allowed to make fun of.

  30. the site doesnt even technically exist cbt. are you THAT undercover? do YOU even exist? hhhhmmm...

  31. i bet the steaks at coltons are of the tube variety. if you know what im saying.

  32. Hang on, I'll get the url. I guessed at a minute ago. like I said my cousin's back so I' high.

  33. I can't find it, but I'll post it tomorrow when I get back to the station.

  34. jesus christ! coltons is a complete rip off of lonestar. pretty sad when you have to steal a shitty steakhouses theme.

  35. Let's see Dh, Orval Faubus vs George Wallace. Faubus had the balls to stand up to Eisenhower to the point the Feds sent the 101st to Little Rock making us the first state to be invaded by the the Federal Government since the War Of Northern Aggression.

  36. That's funny Anonymous, and true.

  37. Something to be proud of

  38. theres this place in phx called cork and cleaver...really good steaks.

  39. frashers is also good....pretty near great.

  40. Oh, and my comment about the last post: Jenn kissing a girl is hot.

  41. Dh, it's better than "Bombingham".

  42. We have Hopper's Supper Club. Great place. Jerry puts out good steak, prime rib, barbeque and sea food.

  43. spurs loves del taco.

  44. they even have chicken on the menu.

  45. I read somewhere there's a Spider Monkey loose in San Antonio. Spurs must've become a victim on his way to Del Taco.

  46. wtf is bombingham supposed to mean cbt? Sorry i wasn't around in the 50's when orval was standing up to integration. How would he feel about on of AK favorite sons banging black chicks?

    ROLL TIDE by the way

  47. he got overpowered and taken advantage of. kinda like that travis the chimp.....but in a much, much smaller and weaker form.

  48. looks like the tea party got sally field into the senate primary in delaware.

  49. Dh, Alabama's gonna whup our ass this year. All we got is a really good quarterback.

  50. I saw that about Delaware.

    Spurs has been taken captive and turned into the spider monkey's bitch.

  51. Dh, that shit happened the year before I was born. Alabama nd Arkansas are actually a lot alike. Both states have a bunch of rednecks in the hinterlands and a progressive city for a Capitol.

  52. so cbt, that flame you guys have over there got elected justice of the peace? with what legal experience?

  53. Yea I know CBT. There are two alabamas, north and south. South alabama sucks except for the gulf coast. But we have lots of lakes and the TN river and mtns so it's a wash. southern AL is a good buffer when hurricanes come up this way though.

  54. Mornin' Spurs.

    Dh, we got Louisana for a hurricane buffer.

  55. Btw, I'm not speaking at October's TEA Party. Just Republican candidates. No Little Gay Caster either.

  56. CBT, do you support the tea party or tea party express? They parted ways after that racist letter didn't they?

  57. no gay caster? no reason to go. where else would the comic relief come from?

  58. Cbt has some rescue story again? Cliff notes please.

  59. cbts boss was in trouble, cbt swung down from a tall tree and scooped him up and lifted him to safety. charlie dont surf.

  60. Yep, that's pretty much what happened.

  61. then cbt got an early christmas bonus for being a good kisser.

  62. long story short:


    pic related.

  63. lol. kinda scary tho.

  64. Fucking Losers!

    I told you on many occasions what I thought about the "Tea Party".

    "With polls showing significant GOP momentum this fall, Republicans in recent weeks began to believe they had a real chance of retaking control of the Senate in November. But a major primary upset at the hands of a tea party insurgent on Tuesday may have put the Senate GOP's dreams of a majority at serious risk."

    I'm a pretty good judge of a grift. This Tea Bag movement is exactly that!

  65. Please pass on to CBT that his fellow Tea Baggers generally pay taxes and that records show he does not.

  66. Funny, he probably doesn't. Well Drew, I need to get to sleep. Later on man.

  67. 2 minutes before 3 and going to bed. Catch you tomorrow.

  68. drew, i found you a movie. you can thank me now.


  69. What's up Oz? RQ stopped by last night on TeXaS's post.

  70. saw that, pleasant as usual

  71. its hard to not like somebody as funny as rq.

  72. you dont respond to e-mails anymore?

  73. wop, does spurs have you on shine status?
