Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering 9/11

I was just going to wait and post something about 9/11 next year being it will be the 10th anniversary and all, but who knows if the site will still be around, so I figured I'd go ahead and post this now to show how patriotic I am. Unlike those who believe a mosque, or mask (depending on if you are an idiot and can't spell) should be built on Ground Zero. Those people aren't patriotic, as a matter of fact they should be hunted down and shot for being traitors to America (calm down, it's a joke. I know some of you hippies and communists around here think it's a great idea).


  1. Fuck muslims and fuck islam. And fuck anyone who kills in the name of their so called 'god'!

    Hows that for patriatic?

  2. Dirk has a lot of time on his hands.. He probably needs a hobby, or a job.

  3. Hooman Corbin Nik Lamas RichieSeptember 11, 2010 at 4:03 PM

    That's my family you're talking about infidels

  4. I can't believe it's been 9 years already.

    Let them build their mosque. Just so I can read about it being terrorized and blown up later.

  5. They are trying to build one near Nashville. They torched site the other day. I think something like that happened in Chicago too

  6. I'll never forget where I was. Eugene Oregon Beta Theta Pi house top floor. Getting woken up at the crack of dawn on the west coast and hearing about this and watching the events on tv.

    Fuck that Mask,, I mean Mousque. Fuck Osama,, I mean Obama too!

    2012 he's gone.

  7. Oh and fucking go Ducks tonight! Kickoff in 20 minutes biatch.

  8. I was in Worcester Mass outside Boston. I fly into Logan a few days before and was supposed to fly out on the 13th or 14th. It was still closed and I drove home. I had to drive back to logan to get a different rental car and it was really erie. Everything was dark except for cop cars every few hundred yds with their blue lights on, just sitting there.

    Interstates were lined with flags, signs and people in random places. There was a huge gathering in CT that caused a massive traffic jam.


  9. 9 years later and still nothing has been built there. what a waste of prime real estate.

  10. what about those ugly as replacement towers they had the concept drawings for? they looked like icicles.

  11. Have they finalized a design yet? I liked the idea of of one building, 1776 feet tall

  12. why not have frank gehry design something cool?

  13. or maybe philippe starck?

  14. It should be something special but not freaky like the icicles

  15. Bamas' rushing game is awesome, even w/o their heisman trophy RB. They may rack up 400+ yds on the ground tonight, over 100 in the 1st qtr.

  16. A mosque was vandalized in phx too

  17. There is a flag on the jet bridge at Logan where flight 11 left. It always creeped me out seeing it. I didn't like thinking about 9/11 right before take off.

  18. i bet the perpetrators that did the vandalism to that mask were probably wearing mosques and gloves.

  19. Religion setting a fine example as always.

  20. V, I bet you probably think that humans come from a monkey don't you?

  21. Stanford is gutting UCLA

  22. DG:

    Yep, 9 years. Time flies doesn't it.

  23. What's up Fl Anonymous? I saw where Oregon rolled Tennessee.

  24. "9 years later and still nothing has been built there. what a waste of prime real estate."

    I read the other day where they are rushing to finish the memorial before the 10th anniversary.

  25. DH:

    I saw where Alabama crushed Penn State too.

  26. "i bet the perpetrators that did the vandalism to that mask were probably wearing mosques and gloves."

    That's funny.

  27. Q, I actually watched a little of that game. Their QB hopefully will do well in the NFL.

  28. Mohammed heard one of his wives was leaving him, so he rushed home where he found her on the carpet in front of the tent with her belongings; he sat beside her and said, “I heard you were planning to leave me?”

    She replied, “Yes, I heard your other wives saying you were a pedophile!”

    Mohammed thinks for a minute or so and then responds, “that's a mighty big word for a 6 year old."

    Q - Whats the difference between a bucket of shit and an Muslim?
    A - The bucket!

    Q - What do you call a ship carrying 5000 Muslims sinking in the Gulf of Arabia
    A - A good start!

    Q: What do female Muslims use for birth control?
    A: Their faces.

    Q: What's the difference between a Muslim and a dead horse?
    A. It's no fun beating a dead horse.

    Q. What's the difference between an American BBQ and an Islamic BBQ?
    A. In America, Humans roast animals over a fire. In Islam, it's the other way around.

    Q - What do you throw a drowning Muslim?
    A - An Anchor

    Q - If you are working for the UN and you attend the scene of a suicide bomber how do you identify the Good Muslims from everyone else?
    A - Easy the good Muslims are the dead ones !

  29. FYI - Best time to facebook creep is Sunday when footballs games are on. Almost everyone online is a lonley chick.
