Friday, October 15, 2010

Big Drew, drunken master

On the comments last night Drew wrote that he was going to post this video over at his internet sewer and leave it up for about five minutes. Okay. Sadly for Drew AZ Anonymous was around and yanked the video.

I don't even know where to begin on this. Once again the comments will be better than anything I can write, but I will write that you know a video is good when you laugh 18-21 seconds into it. I'd recommend watching this twice. Once with the audio, and once on mute (pause it at the 22 second mark). Bitchhhog, he gave you a nice "shout out" at the end.

Speaking of videos, I plan on doing another one tonight. I'm sure you are shivering with excitement.


  1. I love the part where Drew says, "Onto the next topic" or however he words it. And then looks down at something like he covered more than two things.

    Having said that I know I've been accused of scripting that first video I did, but once again I didn't. I just had names written down.

  2. I like the 2:15 mark too. I guess he felt the need to celebrate.

  3. He had to be drunk. And it is funny 2dirty4u. Made me laugh.

  4. Man, did you watch that video of Rossdale's daughter? Damn she's sexy.

  5. The one two posts below. The Gavin Rossdale post. Check that video out. It's his daughter.

  6. I think I read once where rq said Drew's eyes were melting off. That is so true.

    But I sadly watched the entire video. All while checking my email, facebook, dirty army page, and reading everything on here at the same time. Maybe I missed the part that was funny, but his voice made me want to take a nap even though I woke up 30 min ago.

  7. He reminds me of my drunk retarded uncle, Sal

  8. His facial expressions and just the way he looks in it is funny DG.

  9. He looks like a mafia sidekick. The one that they just beat up after he brings them all starbucks.

  10. Oh, and it appears Expletive:BMP from drunkenstepfather has decided to become a commenter, which is bad ass.

  11. one handed typing and eating is not easy.

  12. SPURS FAN said...

    You really have a drunk retarded uncle Oz?

    No but if I did he would be just like Drew

  13. "DG said...

    He looks like a mafia sidekick. The one that they just beat up after he brings them all starbucks."


  14. Because DG, he gets a ton of traffic, and I figured it's cool if he links to the site. I sent him an e-mail telling him he's a pussy, and he wrote back saying, "I don't mind sending you traffic, just do the same for me."

    So in a case like that, I was thinking of the long term benefit.

  15. I mean 350-400K unique visitors a month is a shit load of traffic DG.

  16. It capped at over 3,000 here before he took the link to the site down.

  17. his eyes look like 30 degree slits.

  18. Lame. Did you not read his post? He wanted people to report you to shut you down and you think that was cool?

  19. i wonder if drew got sad when favre left the jets?

  20. First off, I didn't care. The site isn't going to be shut down. I'd like to think you know me well enough at this point to know I don't care what anyone writes about me. He could have written anything about me or the site, as long as it brings in traffic, what do I care?

  21. I want to know if drew is butthurt he didn't get an invite to the dirty army. He lives for the da.

  22. He probably cried for weeks Anonymous.

  23. I don't even think he knows about it.

  24. You could talk shit back to him. I thought you liked doing that? But you didn't. If he said he was going to ass rape you, you would drop your pants immediately and bend over.

  25. heres drew in his lab:

  26. I'm sure he does. But he probably got upset that nik invited you and not him. I think he thinks the two of you are on equal playing level.

    Which you are.

  27. Thats one of the pics you sent that I had to delete anon.

  28. Geez DG, you can't play hard ass all. Sometimes it's best to smooth ruffled feathers in order to get something you want. And I'd like more traffic to the site. But it's cool if you want to rip me for it. I understand to a certain point, and having said that, I'll give you more opportunity because I'll be linking to his site here and there.

  29. you had to delete it?

  30. When you were a kid and you knew some kids didn't like you, did you take the long way home just to avoid them?

  31. And I played sports, which always helps.

  32. And I would understand you trying to smooth ruffled feathers or however you put it but you have backed down to others in the past. Remember superman? You bent over for him too.

  33. Spurs who gives a shit? Do you really think you are going to be the next Perez or something?

  34. Anonymous, I've watched that Rossdale's daughter's video like four times now.

  35. Of course not Oz, but bringing in more traffic might get more commenters. Imagine finding another Drew or CBT.

  36. its a great video. im glad gavin took the cock out of his mouth long enuff to knock up a broad.

  37. I felt bad for Superman. Just like I felt bad for Diva.

  38. At 1:25 in this clip we have drunken step father playing skut farkus and spurs playing the kid with the long hat.

  39. I still make sure to watch the Christmas story every year. Thanks TNT! Or is it TBS? Either way, I'm tuning in.

  40. Exactly Oz. Sorry spurs, but this site is never going to make it big.

  41. I realize that. But like I wrote, maybe it will bring in more commenters. I mean crap, you don't see any click ads up do you? If I really cared about making anything out of it, you'd see some. But it would be nice to have more commenters.

  42. I have the dvd. When I had to overnight in Fargo one christmas that show was on repeat for 24 hours I think. Then once everyone got off the flight back to chicago, I found it in a seatback pocket. I almost broke it into a million pieces.

  43. You are more likely to pull commenters from the dirty. But do you really think you were going to get much from dsf? He didn't really make your site look all that great. But honestly, if I actually came for the post itself, I sure wouldn't stick around.

  44. I still haven't figured out how to get the free Blu Rays yet.

  45. You have a point DG, I'm not denying that, but I think I have a point too.

  46. We just download off some site. We even had Iron Man 2 playing on the tv 2 days before it was out in theaters.

  47. Damn, really? I want to get Wall Street 2. But if I can't find anything, I'm going to buy something this weekend, because I've never watched a Blu Ray.

  48. Your point doesn't make sense. One minute you say you don't care either because there are no ads on the site and the next minute it matters because of how many hits to the site you get. So then it does matter. Why does it matter how many hits you get?

  49. You're pretty hard headed DG. Nothing wrong with that though.

  50. It's like watching tv right after you put contacts in. Do you have that other chord plugged into your tv and ps3? I can't remember the name of it.

  51. It may be the hdmi chord. It makes a huge difference in games.

  52. Oh yeah, I've heard of that. I need to get one.

  53. I didn't have one the first week or so and the graphics on the game sucked. Then my brother gave me his. I think they cost anywhere from $50-$100. I know my mom paid $100 for hers but I don't think that you really need to pay that much.

  54. Cool, thanks DG. I'll check them out.

  55. You need to check that google wave out Spurs. I think it would be cool in a place like this.

  56. Drew is a charmer. He puts your drunk video to shame, Spurs. At least he namedropped me.

  57. Has anyone here taken the GRE exam?

    I guess that question is more intended toward the women here.

  58. I don't know what that google wave is 2dirty4u. I'll check that out.

  59. Yes Bitchhog, his drunken video puts mine to shame without a doubt.

  60. That looks cool 2dirty4u. Thanks. When I get home I'll see if I can incorporate it into the site.

  61. I tend to ignore security warnings on my computer but finally got sick of it popping up and noticed drunkenstepfather is a significant security risk.

    I'm blaming you if I got a virus.

  62. what was that new website Nik did?

  63. SPURS FAN said...

    Of course not Oz, but bringing in more traffic might get more commenters. Imagine finding another Drew or CBT.


  64. Anonymous said...

    its a great video. im glad gavin took the cock out of his mouth long enuff to knock up a broad.


  65. You gonna give me your log in info? =)

  66. yeah spurs, let us all who did not get accepted share your profile~!

    Spurstical Pride!

  67. Funny 2dirty4u, why don't you create an account?

  68. Oz, did you get a message with the denial or what? And what name did you try to use?

  69. No and I used Columbo Oz

  70. Says it is by invitation only. So Spurs, I'm gonna need that password buddy.

  71. yep, if you want us to keep being Spursticals pony up the password

  72. Yeah and Tristan friended me at the same time. Is it really invite only? How the hell do I find people though?

  73. Try again Oz.

    And Skeets, there's a search box. Type in SPURS FAN, and then you can find everyone here.

  74. still wont let me. Let me log in on yours to check it out

  75. I just looked for Elfie, but could not find her.
    Some people are damn fools...using real names,uploading 40 pictures of their ugly mugs, and posting a link to their facebook. jeezus.

  76. Spurs, isn't your 2nd birthday?

  77. WTF man? How did you get in Elfie? One of you needs to share the goods.

  78. Oz, you can use mine. email me.

  79. I posted a picture of my ass... just my ass.

    My name is Elfie Streets M.D.

  80. Bh - forgot your e-mail

  81. What do you mean by birthday Bitchhog?

  82. I just looked that up Sours... it did not find you. I found QB and KB on Pam's page.

  83. I cant believe they wont let wop on. and if 2d doesnt get on I am deleting my profile!
    elfie you just reminded me that merlin friended me and I want to make out with him, I better go log back in and see if I have any new messages.

  84. omg, bh, I saw that as well (people using real info). Jackasses. I wanted to tell off some people in the chat but thought better of wasting my charm on anyone there. I am not better than that by any means, so perhaps I will go there and do so now.

  85. Wow, now I feel like shit. I'm the only one that didn't get invited? This sux. So who's password am I going to use? hmmmmm


    SFS 2 years old today?

  87. Have you tried to sign up 2dirty4u?

  88. No, it's not two years for the site yet Bitchhog. It was a year in June. But there is a reason for the video tonight.

  89. I didnt get invited either 2d

  90. wait, did you guys click the link on the post a few days down? cause that one should let you try and register, any other links will take you to the login page.

  91. How do you sign up? It just has a user id and password box.

  92. Spurs - log in info now

  93. jv just said that there are like 3k pending approval, so I suggest you guys make yourselves look like a hot girl, then you will get approved asap.

  94. tell jv to look for the one with the fat kid in spandex and to hit "approve" kb. =)

  95. SPURS! LOG IN INFO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. Oz, why don't you just try making another account? Shit, AZ Anonymous got booted off for posting bestiality, and he was able to make another profile.

  97. Some clown 2dirty4u. He threatened to kick my ass the other day. He was serious too.

  98. so what is it anyway? a chatroom?

  99. have I told you how sexy you are today kb? and how much I enjoy stalking you here? =)

  100. it is kinda like myspace, 2d. with a chat feature. i sent you an email so you could see what it was all about. it is pretty boring, i am not sure that I will keep up with it even just to eff with people.

  101. Well, I just saw the comment you made under BH's account, so I have a pretty damn good idea.

  102. LOL pussy. Who cares what those dirty fags think of you. Why do you really seek their approval so much? Fuck um.

    And i dont really want your log in, if I act like you for even a second I might not ever get laid again

  103. Thanks kb. Spurs, you are gonna have to step up your game here buddy. Time for a site makeover.

  104. yeah step your game up spurs

  105. I was going to tell you to get a chat feature here, sours. but then nik went and did it first, so now I guess we dont need it.
    if i log in and 2d logs in as me as well, i wonder if we can talk to eachother in chat at the same time? that would be awesome and funny!

  106. Spurs, you have to seriously look at what I told you about. Could be cool here.

  107. Spursticals (loyal followers of Spursfansays):

    Spurs cant talk now, he is too busy trying to be popular on THEDIRTYARMY, to wash away the failure to be cool throughout his life.

    Thank You

    Spurstical Army - Sargent at Arms

  108. he has to log off that da site before he can handle that , 2d.

  109. I think Spurs went to the dark side guys. We lost him. Maybe we should start our own site now? =)

  110. yeah and we can say its dedicated to "ripping" spurs and his roaches.

    No he doesnt have any employees I really mean the roaches he lives with in his moms basement

  111. can we log in at the same time, 2d? go try it now.

  112. Lets all take this back to drew's I guess. Its like having divorced parents. When the dad(drew) gets drunk and gregminded, we live with mom(spurs) when mom is running around being a slut with iranians, we move back in with dad

  113. disneyland, wop? haahahahahahah!! fo realz.

  114. oh so it will let us both in, nice.
    i wonder if i can private chat myself?

  115. I know, this is ridic! Spurs just dumps us for the chance to announce his opinion about 86ing Ari? All those full frontals I sent to Spurs and this is the thanks I get?? Asshat.

  116. No Oz, I'm actually trying to get some work done. All tax returns are due by today, so I was just talking to my boss. Now a lawyer is here with his trophy wife. This guy is hilarious.

  117. Waaaaaait a second......back up kb. "all those full frontals I sent Spurs" WTF? I've been asking for just one for 8 months now? I knew you were holding out on me!!!

  118. "Lets all take this back to drew's I guess. Its like having divorced parents. When the dad(drew) gets drunk and gregminded, we live with mom(spurs) when mom is running around being a slut with iranians, we move back in with dad"

    That's funny.

  119. some guy in the chat called me fake earlier. I guess he is one of those dumbasses who really uploaded stuff about himself there. another asshat.
    someone on that site is named iKasey. you should friend request him, spurs.

  120. Oz and 2d, my da profile is up for sale. I will start the bidding at $5. With that you will recieve my email, password, friends from here, and random friends that I don't even know.

  121. can I pay you out over 6 months?

  122. kb, just let him know you are legit because Nik commented on your page.

  123. Just saw Elfie's post. kb, are you and elfie looking for sugar daddies?

  124. yes of course, but only that site seems to have qualified gentlemen, so you better get approved ASAP so we can consider you.

  125. I know, I should've, Dg. I have hit the bigtime with that one.

  126. luck you kb, I'm loaded. Just won the lotto less than a year ago.

  127. those scratchers you buy at the gas station don't count, 2d.

  128. Just sign up as a girl 2d and you will get in. You can change all the info around once you get approved.

  129. "someone on that site is named iKasey. you should friend request him, spurs."

    Yeah, I'll do that.

  130. He probably is just like you spurs except he works for Apple.

  131. Is it me or is Drews head really big? Or his shoulders are really small. Is that why he calls himself Big Drew, cause of his ginormas head?

  132. I'm more interested in the odd placement of Drew's eyes. Do you think his vision is crooked? And he sounds like Snuffleupagus from sesame street.

  133. I think that's why he calls himself that.

  134. "I'm more interested in the odd placement of Drew's eyes. Do you think his vision is crooked? And he sounds like Snuffleupagus from sesame street."

    That's hilarious. He probably has sick periphial vision though.

  135. I just saw the first comment war in the dirty army. I was wondering when all the niceness would stop.

  136. The age/quality check discussion was a follow up to the girl talking about getting std's in todays society.

  137. omg...look at the fridge in the background. Is that an 8 by 10 pic of Drew when he was younger on that boat?

  138. Great eye! Shit it is. That's hilarious.

  139. And check out that poll that Tristan started. I hope you like my options.

  140. you know you're fucking ugly when your eyes are trying to run off your face.

  141. what is this tristan pole? i'm so lost within that website. i do not even know how to add an additional photo

  142. crap dog needs to go out and judge judy is about to rule.

  143. does Ari still work there?

  144. What's up Giraffe? Just log in, go to "home" and you'll see Tristan's poll.

  145. For christmas I am getting you a TiVo or DVR RQ, that way you will never miss Judge judy ruling again.

    I don't understand how to communicate on that site.

  146. that is nice, Elfie. I was planning on stealing yours while you were cleaning up dishes from xmas dinner. Now i don't have to. Merry Christmas!

  147. ifound it! debating whether to go out and get drunk tonight. hmmm...

  148. where is everyone i am so confused over there on the DA forums. I feel like helen keller.

    practice, practice practice.

    spurs, i have spaghetti for tonight, though the urge to party is sneaking up on me.
    oh, i guess my dogs are hungry.

  149. Go out RQ, I don't want to be the only one hungover tomorrow.

  150. I saw your comments Giraffe. Hilarious.

  151. i think i will go out 2D4u.

    thanks, spurs. too much fun. Tristan is all up in my shit...snap that boy in two. he thinks i'm part of Ari's entourage.

  152. my puter is so slow tonight, it is irritating as fuck.

    not sure if i will be back. gonna cruise the town for someone to cry to.

  153. Well, have a good time Giraffe. And your comment to that one guy doing the peace sign was classic.

  154. rq made the forums blow up.

    Merlin friended me for some reason. I left a comment for him with you in it spurs.

  155. Some of the people on there are so retarded... I wish I was feeling meaner tonight.

  156. Funny Elfie. I saw your comment to that chick.

  157. It's not just her... everyone with their stupid pointless, mindless comments.

  158. spurs shouldn't you be busy gathering props for your video tonight? Like lube and anal beads?

    Make sure you include that pic of you when you were like 10 to hang up in the background.

  159. I've got my props. Great weed. Seriously. I'm even going to take a pic of it.

  160. I can't stand the Yankees. Come the F8ck on Texas!

  161. Sorry Drew. We are busy playing in the exclusive dirty army right now.

  162. Weed? Why would you do that? knowing your situation and all.

  163. What situation? You talking about the probation I was on? That ended in June buddy.

  164. Geeze, the Mets are out, so what, welcome to the concrete jungle. New Yorkkkkkkkkkkkk! Where dreams are made of....

  165. It doesn't matter. i'm sure the cops view your site daily and will arrest you.

  166. DG, have I told you lately that I think your ass smells like a dead wilder beast?

  167. hey drew, how many shots of sperm did you drink before making this vid?

  168. Drew, how would you know what a dead wilder beast smells like? Or were you referring to your exwife?

  169. Perspective employers will love looking you up when you get that CPA spurs. "Oh look what a fun guy he is, who gives a shit if he's high all the time, he can do the books high"
