Thursday, October 21, 2010

You can get married at McDonald's now

The US fastfood giant said it’s taking reservations for wedding parties of 50 to 100 people at three of its Hong Kong restaurants on January 1, 2011.

Wedding packages are expected to run to hundreds of US dollars per party, rather than thousands of dollars for a normal wedding, and will include features like a McDonald’s apple pie wedding cake.

Queen Bee sent this to me, she should have e-mailed it to Goatee and dropped a hint on him. Maybe his mom could dress up like Ronald, from what I hear she's quite the clown, may as well look the part too.

And I'm (AZ Anonymous, I'm useless) still in the process of switching everything over to Wordpress. The goal is to have everything uploaded over there by tomorrow or Saturday. I'm sure you all are like little kids on Christmas Eve, brimming with excitement.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm a Space Cadet

So this guy who owns this convenience store across the street from my job is always telling me about this stuff called Space. How it's like strong grade weed and can really get you super duper high. For the longest time I was thinking, "Please, I've done enough drugs to kill a thoroughbred
horse", like some legal garbage is going to get me high.

Well, I finally tried it out. The lights are on, but nobody is home. I can't put into words had good this stuff is. But on the back of the packet it reads that it's not supposed to be smoked, so don't go and do that.

Important Notice (like anyone is still reading this post at this point): I just have a sneaky suspicion that this site might get deleted off Blogger soon, so I've been setting up the site on Wordpress (Thanks a lot AZ Anonymous).  This site's posts and comments are currently loading at  I'll try to get the site name over there to remain the same as it is here as soon as possible. But I bought the name through Google and Godaddy, so it's a pain process. The comments are really loading slow over there, so you won't see them all yet. Can't believe this site has had 138,643 comments so far. That's awesome. Thank you.

I believe with Wordpress, I'll be like a caged bird set free. By bird I mean that big colorful bird homeboy in Avatar saved the day with. Like that type of bird.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Hey you guuuuyyysss"

Just so nobody will call the internet police on me for being a scummy thief, DG came up with the comparison to the Goonies character, and Anonymous came up with the picture. And I snaked the title from him too.

 In other words, I'm useless.

Update: Rocket Queen was making the second pic to show how Drew is going to look older before she knew the Goonies pic was up because she didn't wake up until 12:00 (having no job and eating pills all day must take a lot out of a person. Indeed 2dirty4u, learn something new everyday). Rather than bust up Drew on two different occasions, I'll just add this (though the number of shots he's taken at me over at his recycling bin of a website vs. the number of times I've taken shots at him is  still way off, but it's really not even fair).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Need some costume ideas for Halloween? Antoine Dodson can help

May as well keep the string of video posts going. Whatever happened to that guy raping everyone (even husbands)? No worries, it's black on black crime. Al Sharpton is TOTALLY going to do something about it as soon as he gets done in the salon.

Happy Monday My Friends!

I don't want any of you chronic masturbators pleasuring yourself to this video. Especially you WOP.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I don't even know how to title this

Damn, my eyebrows really don't appear on this video. I think maybe I should bleach them darker. Nah, I don't really care. I rely on my "humor" (middle finger to DIRTYGIRL, Elfie and kinkyb!tch) mostly, not my "haggard face and putrid body" (I should have mentioned that again) to get along. I also should have once again thanked Queen Bee again for the site name. As far as Giraffe is concerned? I pray to the internet that she doesn't post any nature videos (unless it's like safari footage, that stuff is cool). I know Oz is going to have a problem with it, but I remember seeing his stupid posts, especially that one he did about that piece of paper or whatever it was (Bitchhog remembers that).

Thanks to Pam for doing my page over there, Big thanks again to 2dirty4u for the PS3 (Blu Ray is the shit), you've become funny Dirtyhater, where's EV?, you doing any betting Quovadis?, what's going on Miami?, why won't Astrid comment even though she visits?, did Pelican fly away?, *Miss TeXas* I'll see you soon, CHEF I watched that South Park episode, it was bad ass, Francis I should have given you a shout out so you can finally put this on your facebook, welcome BMP:Expletive, Giggity Giggity I said "You know" a lot again, thanks 20K Millionaire, what's up Jack Parkman and I'm done.

Note: No, the electricity didn't go out. I made it in the dark, like the first one. I tried to recreate magic. And yes smartass DG, I weigh more than 26 pounds.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Big Drew, drunken master

On the comments last night Drew wrote that he was going to post this video over at his internet sewer and leave it up for about five minutes. Okay. Sadly for Drew AZ Anonymous was around and yanked the video.

I don't even know where to begin on this. Once again the comments will be better than anything I can write, but I will write that you know a video is good when you laugh 18-21 seconds into it. I'd recommend watching this twice. Once with the audio, and once on mute (pause it at the 22 second mark). Bitchhhog, he gave you a nice "shout out" at the end.

Speaking of videos, I plan on doing another one tonight. I'm sure you are shivering with excitement.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Looking for a Cougar?

I saw a commercial for this site, couldn't believe it, checked it out and figured it was worthy of a post. Which pretty much shows how sad of a day it's been for me and this joint. First it was proven I'm a lowly thief, and now it's apparent I have no business skills whatsoever. I was actually offered money awhile back to do a post on one dating site, but the guy didn't like the way I wrote it up. So I wrote it up another way, felt cheesy, and if you've followed the site for awhile, you know I'm anything but cheesy (sarcasm). So I pretty much said, "Pass."

Anyway, here's the other dating site and the post I did
. So that's two advertisements for free. Yeah, I'll be rich off this place real soon.

Gavin Rossdale (Mr. Gwen Stefani) used to be a cocksucker.

gavin rossdale tells details magazine that he used to suck some crossdressers dick when he (gavin) was 17.

"Details: Last year, the cross-dressing pop singer Marilyn revealed that he was romantically involved with you in your teens—an assertion Boy George first made in 1995. Why haven’t you talked about those claims?
Gavin Rossdale: I think at the outset there was a sort of fear—that was right at the beginning of Bush, and I didn’t want it to be part of it. It felt like a cheap shot, so I was like, “I’m not getting involved.” I’ve never wanted to appear closed about it. It’s not something I’ve talked about really because it’s always been in the glare of a tabloid world. It’s just one of those things: Move on. When you’re 17, Jesus Christ. I don’t think there’s anything strange about any form of—you’re learning about life. It’s a part of growing up. That’s it. No more, no less.
Details: So it was just a one-time experimentation?

Gavin Rossdale: Yeah. That was it. You have to know what you like, and I know what I like."

to get that mental image out of your mind i have included a video of his daughter, daisy lowe dancing around in underwear.

A website is super pissed at me

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